public void TimedSpawn() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Players in Realm: " + world.Players.Count); //checks players in realm } if (world.Players.Count > 0) //Makes sure player is in the realm { var evt = events[rand.Next(0, events.Count)]; SpawnEvent(evt.Item1, evt.Item2); TauntData?dat = null; dat = null; foreach (var i in criticalEnemies) { if (evt.Item1 == i.Item1) { dat = i.Item2; break; } } if (dat == null) { return; } if (dat.Value.spawn != null) { var arr = dat.Value.spawn; var msg = arr[rand.Next(0, arr.Length)]; BroadcastMsg(msg); //Taunt that bish } } world.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(300000, (ww, tt) => { TimedSpawn(); })); //New Event every 5 minutes }
public void TickLoop() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Procces: Starting network loop."); } Work work; while (true) { if (Manager.Terminating) { break; } loopLock.Reset(); while (pendings.TryDequeue(out work)) { if (Manager.Terminating) { return; } try { if (work.Item1.Stage == ProtocalStage.Disconnected) { Client client; var accId = work.Item1?.Account?.AccountId; if (accId != null) { Manager.Clients.TryRemove(accId, out client); } continue; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } try { Packet packet = Packet.Packets[work.Item2].CreateInstance(); packet.Read(work.Item1, work.Item3, 0, work.Item3.Length); work.Item1.ProcessPacket(packet); } catch { } } while (pendings.Count == 0 && !Manager.Terminating) { loopLock.SpinOnce(); } } if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Procces: Stopping network loop."); } }
public void Start() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Starting server..."); } Socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Program.Settings.GetValue <int>("port"))); Socket.Listen(0xff); Socket.BeginAccept(Listen, null); }
public void Init() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Oryx is controlling world {0}({1})...", world.Id, world.Name); } var w = world.Map.Width; var h = world.Map.Height; var stats = new int[12]; for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { var tile = world.Map[x, y]; if (tile.Terrain != WmapTerrain.None) { stats[(int)tile.Terrain - 1]++; } } } if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Spawning minions..."); } foreach (var i in spawn) { var terrain = i.Key; var idx = (int)terrain - 1; var enemyCount = stats[idx] / i.Value.Item1; enemyMaxCounts[idx] = enemyCount; enemyCounts[idx] = 0; for (var j = 0; j < enemyCount; j++) { var objType = GetRandomObjType(i.Value.Item2); if (objType == 0) { continue; } enemyCounts[idx] += Spawn(world.Manager.GameData.ObjectDescs[objType], terrain, w, h); if (enemyCounts[idx] >= enemyCount) { break; } } } if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Oryx is done."); } }
public void Stop() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Stoping server..."); } foreach (Client i in Manager.Clients.Values.ToArray()) { i.Save(); i.Disconnect(Client.DisconnectReason.STOPPING_SERVER); } Socket.Close(); }
public void Oryx(World world, string text) { world.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket { BubbleTime = 0, Stars = -1, Name = "#Oryx the Mad God", Text = text.ToSafeText() }, null); if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}({1})] <Oryx the Mad God> {2}", world.Name, world.Id, text); } }
public async void Stop() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Stoping server..."); } foreach (Client i in Manager.Clients.Values.ToArray()) { await i.Save(); i.Disconnect(); } Socket.Close(); }
public void News(string text) { foreach (var i in manager.Clients.Values) { i.SendPacket(new TextPacket { BubbleTime = 0, Stars = -1, Name = "#Zylixel News", Text = text.ToSafeText() }); } if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("<Zylixel News> {0}", text); } }
protected override void Init() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Initializing Game World {0}({1}) from map {2}...", Id, Name, _mapId); } LoadMap("" + _mapId + ".wmap", MapType.Wmap); SetPieces.ApplySetPieces(this); if (_oryxPresent) { Overseer = new Oryx(this); } else { Overseer = null; } if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Game World initalized."); } }
public void TickLoop() { if (CheckConfig.IsDebugOn()) { Console.WriteLine("Logic loop started."); } Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); long dt = 0; long count = 0; long good = 0; watch.Start(); RealmTime t = new RealmTime(); do { if (Manager.Terminating) { break; } long times = dt / MsPT; dt -= times * MsPT; times++; long b = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; count += times; if (times > 3) { Program.writeNotable("LAGGED!| time:" + times + " dt:" + dt + " count:" + count + " time:" + b + " tps:" + count / (b / 1000.0)); if (dt > 2000) { foreach (Client i in Manager.Clients.Values) { i.Player.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Invulnerable, DurationMS = 5 * 1000 }); i.Player.SendInfo("Lag Detected, giving Invulnerability to prevent death"); } } foreach (Client i in Manager.Clients.Values) { if (i.Player != null) { i.Player.dexShotViolation = 0; } } Program.isLagging = true; good = 0; } if (good > 100) { Program.isLagging = false; } good++; t.tickTimes = b; t.tickCount = count; t.thisTickCounts = (int)times; t.thisTickTimes = (int)(times * MsPT); foreach (ConcurrentQueue <Action <RealmTime> > i in pendings) { Action <RealmTime> callback; while (i.TryDequeue(out callback)) { try { callback(t); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } TickWorlds1(t); Player[] tradingPlayers = TradeManager.TradingPlayers.Where(_ => _.Owner == null).ToArray(); foreach (var player in tradingPlayers) { TradeManager.TradingPlayers.Remove(player); } KeyValuePair <Player, Player>[] requestPlayers = TradeManager.CurrentRequests.Where(_ => _.Key.Owner == null || _.Value.Owner == null).ToArray(); foreach (var players in requestPlayers) { TradeManager.CurrentRequests.Remove(players); } try { GuildManager.Tick(CurrentTime); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } Thread.Sleep(MsPT); dt += Math.Max(0, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - b - MsPT); } while (true); Console.WriteLine("Logic loop stopped."); }