protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckAccess accessCheckObj; bool hasAccess = false; accessCheckObj = new CheckAccess(); //Get user Token HandleRef token = new HandleRef(this, ((HttpWorkerRequest)((IServiceProvider)Context).GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest))).GetUserToken()); // This code will check the access permission for the logged in user for Modifying Employee Information try { hasAccess = accessCheckObj.CheckAccessPermissions(token , Resources.Operations.ModifyEmployeeInformation.ToString() , AccessCheck.ScopeName.GENERAL , Convert.ToInt32(Resources.Operations.ModifyEmployeeInformationID.ToString())); // if has Access is true then the user has the permission to proceed and perform the operation // else he/she should be redirected to the access denied page } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle Exception } }