private void OnClickEmoticon(IUIObject obj) { if (this.m_eChatType == CHAT_TYPE.BABELPARTY || this.m_eChatType == CHAT_TYPE.MYTHRAID) { BabelTower_ChatDlg babelTower_ChatDlg = NrTSingleton <FormsManager> .Instance.GetForm(G_ID.BABELTOWER_CHAT) as BabelTower_ChatDlg; if (babelTower_ChatDlg != null) { babelTower_ChatDlg.AddChatText((string)obj.Data); } } else if (this.m_eChatType == CHAT_TYPE.NUM) { New_Whisper_Dlg new_Whisper_Dlg = NrTSingleton <FormsManager> .Instance.GetForm(G_ID.WHISPER_DLG) as New_Whisper_Dlg; if (new_Whisper_Dlg != null) { new_Whisper_Dlg.AddChatText((string)obj.Data); } } else if (this.m_eChatType == CHAT_TYPE.STORYCHAT) { StoryChatDetailDlg storyChatDetailDlg = NrTSingleton <FormsManager> .Instance.GetForm(G_ID.STORYCHATDETAIL_DLG) as StoryChatDetailDlg; if (storyChatDetailDlg != null) { storyChatDetailDlg.AddComment((string)obj.Data); } } else { ChatManager.AddChatText((string)obj.Data); } }
public override void Click(UIMouseEvent evt) { if (Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Main.FavoriteKey)) { if (Main.drawingPlayerChat) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in Main.recipe[index].requiredItem) { if (!item.IsAir) { sb.Append(ItemTagHandler.GenerateTag(item)); } } sb.Append("-->"); sb.Append(ItemTagHandler.GenerateTag(Main.recipe[index].createItem)); if (ChatManager.AddChatText(Main.fontMouseText, sb.ToString(), Vector2.One)) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); } } else { RecipeBrowserUI.instance.FavoriteChange(this.index, !favorited); } } else { RecipeCatalogueUI.instance.SetRecipe(index); RecipeCatalogueUI.instance.queryLootItem = Main.recipe[index].createItem; RecipeCatalogueUI.instance.updateNeeded = true; } for (int n = 0; n < Main.numAvailableRecipes; n++) { if (index == Main.availableRecipe[n]) { Main.playerInventory = true; Main.focusRecipe = n; Main.recFastScroll = true; break; } } // Idea: Glint the CraftUI tab if extended craft available? }
private void Autocomplete() { if (!Config.Instance.EnableChatAutofill) { return; } if (Main.drawingPlayerChat && (OpenedChatWithMouseItem || MouseItemChangedToPetItem)) { if (!Main.chatText.StartsWith(PRCommand.CommandStart) && Main.chatText.Length == 0) { ChatManager.AddChatText(Main.fontMouseText, PRCommand.CommandStart, Vector2.One); } } prevItemType = Main.mouseItem?.type ?? 0; }
public override void OnClick() { ChatManager.AddChatText(Main.fontMouseText, "[e:" + sn + "]", Vector2.One); }
private bool ItemSlot_OverrideLeftClick(On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot.orig_OverrideLeftClick orig, Item[] inv, int context, int slot) { Item item = inv[slot]; //Check if the slot has no item in it and the favorite key is down and if the item in the slot can actually be favorited if (item.IsAir && Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Main.FavoriteKey) && CanFavoriteAt[context]) { //If true, add lock to inventory slot item.SetDefaults(ModContent.ItemType <ItemLock>()); //Favorite lock item item.favorited = true; //Play sound Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Unlock); return(true); } if (Main.cursorOverride == 2) { if (ChatManager.AddChatText(Main.fontMouseText, ItemTagHandler.GenerateTag(item), Vector2.One)) { Main.PlaySound(12, -1, -1, 1, 1f, 0f); } return(true); } if (Main.cursorOverride == 3) { if (!CanFavoriteAt[context]) { return(false); } item.favorited = !item.favorited; Main.PlaySound(12, -1, -1, 1, 1f, 0f); return(true); } else { if (Main.cursorOverride == 7) { inv[slot] = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetItem(Main.myPlayer, inv[slot], false, true); Main.PlaySound(12, -1, -1, 1, 1f, 0f); return(true); } if (Main.cursorOverride == 8) { inv[slot] = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetItem(Main.myPlayer, inv[slot], false, true); if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].chest > -1) { NetMessage.SendData(32, -1, -1, null, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].chest, slot, 0f, 0f, 0, 0, 0); } return(true); } if (Main.cursorOverride == 9) { ChestUI.TryPlacingInChest(inv[slot], false); return(true); } return(false); } }