public static void showAdOnRightCondition() { Debug.Log("ad timed played: " + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("adTimePlayed")); if (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("adTimePlayed") > 90f) { ChartboostExample.runAd(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("adTimePlayed", 0f); } }
public static void loadAd() { if ((PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GameTime") >= 100 || PlayerPrefs.GetInt("adIteration") >= 5)) //&& PlayerPrefs.GetString("ads") != "false") { { float randomNum = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 100f); ChartboostExample.runAd(); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("adIteration", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GameTime", 0); Application.LoadLevel("Scene1"); } }
void Awake() { if (mngr == null) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); mngr = this; } else if (mngr != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void playAdForCoins() { /*if (Advertisement.IsReady ()) { * Advertisement.Show (null, new ShowOptions { * resultCallback = ShowResult => { * if(ShowResult == ShowResult.Finished) { * PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("GameTime", 0); * PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("adIteration", 0); * PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("coins", PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("coins") + 100); * Application.LoadLevel ("ShopMenu"); * } * } * }); * }*/ ChartboostExample.runAddCoinsAd(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { UpdateScrolling(); frameCount++; if (frameCount > 30) { // update these periodically and not every frame hasInterstitial = Chartboost.hasInterstitial(CBLocation.Default); hasMoreApps = Chartboost.hasMoreApps(CBLocation.Default); hasRewardedVideo = Chartboost.hasRewardedVideo(CBLocation.Default); hasInPlay = Chartboost.hasInPlay(CBLocation.Default); frameCount = 0; } //every 2 games shows an interstitial ad and resets the games played counter if (Game_Over_Controller.gameOverCount == 12 && Application.loadedLevel == 3) { ChartboostExample.ShowAd(); Debug.Log("hey look at that ad"); Game_Over_Controller.gameOverCount = 0; } //I don't remember why I made the counter start at 10, but I did if (Game_Over_Controller.gameOverCount == 0 && Application.loadedLevel == 2) { Debug.Log("Requesting new ad"); ChartboostExample.CacheAd(); //reset counter to 10 Game_Over_Controller.gameOverCount = 10; } if (Application.loadedLevel == 3 && bannerShown == false) { Debug.Log("Banner should show"); bannerShown = true; bannerHidden = false; } if (Application.loadedLevel == 2 && bannerHidden == false) { Debug.Log("Banner should hide"); bannerShown = false; bannerHidden = true; } }
public void runVideoAd() { ChartboostExample.runAddCoinsAd(); }