private void ScanForSongsRecursively(object folder) { List <SongInfo> list = new List <SongInfo>(); string[] chartFiles = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.chart", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string[] midFiles = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.mid", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string[] combinedFiles = chartFiles.Concat(midFiles).ToArray(); foreach (string s in combinedFiles) { switch (s.Substring(s.Length - 1, 1)) { case "t": try { ChartReader testReader = new ChartReader(); Song _testCurrentChart = new Song(); _testCurrentChart = testReader.ReadChartFile(s); list.Add(CreateSongInfo(s, Song.ChartType.chart)); } catch (Exception e) { } break; case "d": try { SongMID midFile = MidReader.ReadMidi(s, false); ChartWriter.WriteChart(midFile, dir + "/notes.chart", false); ChartReader testReader = new ChartReader(); Song _testCurrentChart = new Song(); _testCurrentChart = testReader.ReadChartFile(@dir + "/notes.chart"); File.Delete(@dir + "/notes.chart"); list.Add(CreateSongInfo(s, Song.ChartType.mid)); } catch (Exception e) { } break; } } lock (lockObject) { songs = list; } }
private IEnumerator SendRequest(string url) { using (UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) { yield return(request.SendWebRequest()); // entire file is returned via downloadHandler ChartReader chartReader = new ChartReader(); Chart = chartReader.ReadChartFile(request.downloadHandler.text); print(request.downloadHandler.text); // or //byte[] fileContents =; // do whatever you need to do with the file contents } }
private SongInfo CreateSongInfo(string s, Song.ChartType type) { SongInfo temp = new SongInfo(); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(s); string[] songINIFile = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.ini", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (songINIFile.Length > 0 && File.Exists(path + "//song.ini")) { foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(path + "//song.ini")) { if (line.Contains("artist ") || line.Contains("artist=")) { string spaceRemove = line.Replace("= ", "=").Replace(" =", "="); temp.Artist = spaceRemove.Substring(7); } if (line.Contains("name ") || line.Contains("name=")) { string spaceRemove = line.Replace("= ", "=").Replace(" =", "="); temp.SongName = spaceRemove.Substring(5); } if (line.Contains("charter ") || line.Contains("charter=")) { string spaceRemove = line.Replace("= ", "=").Replace(" =", "="); temp.Charter = spaceRemove.Substring(8); } if (line.Contains("album ") || line.Contains("album=")) { string spaceRemove = line.Replace("= ", "=").Replace(" =", "="); temp.Album = spaceRemove.Substring(6); } if (line.Contains("delay ") || line.Contains("delay=")) { string spaceRemove = line.Replace("= ", "=").Replace(" =", "="); temp.offset = Math.Abs((long)Convert.ToUInt64(spaceRemove.Substring(6))); } if (line.Contains("preview_start_time ") || line.Contains("preview_start_time=")) { string spaceRemove = line.Replace("= ", "=").Replace(" =", "="); string value = spaceRemove.Substring(19); uint _time = 0; uint.TryParse(value, out _time); long time = Math.Abs(_time); temp.PreviewStartTime = time; } } temp.type = type; temp.fileLoction = s; return(temp); } else { ChartReader chartReader = new ChartReader(); Song _currentChart = new Song(); _currentChart = chartReader.ReadChartFile(s); temp.Artist =; temp.SongName =; temp.Charter =; temp.PreviewStartTime = (long); temp.type = type; temp.offset = (long); temp.Album = "Album Unknown"; temp.fileLoction = s; } return(temp); }