        public void InitDefault()
            this.LeftMargin   = 50;
            this.RightMargin  = 20;
            this.TopMargin    = 20;
            this.BottomMargin = 20;
            this.DeltaDepth   = 10;

            this.GridPen         = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            this.GridPenFor0     = new Pen(Color.Violet, 2);
            this.ColumnPen       = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            this.HiddenColumnPen = new Pen(Color.Gray, 1);

            this.LegendFont  = new Font("Arial", 11F, FontStyle.Bold);
            this.LegendBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);

            this.ColumnFont      = new Font("Arial", 8F, FontStyle.Italic);
            this.ColumnTitleFont = new Font("Arial", 10F, FontStyle.Underline);

            this.MainTitle     = "Main title";
            this.MainTitleFont = new Font("Arial", 16F, FontStyle.Underline | FontStyle.Bold);

            this.DisplayTextOnColumns = true;
            this.DisplayHiddenSides   = true;

            this.VerticalAxisMinValue = 0;
            this.VerticalAxisMaxValue = 5000;
            this.VerticalAxisStep     = 1000;
            this.MarginBetweenColumn  = 20;

            this.m_Columns = new ArrayList();

            this.RenderingMode    = ChartRenderingMode.Linear3d;
            this.m_CumulativeMode = ChartCumulativeMode.StartFrom0;                             // Do not call Property to avoid computing of vertical axis
		public void InitDefault ()
			this.LeftMargin				= 50;
			this.RightMargin			= 20;
			this.TopMargin				= 20;
			this.BottomMargin			= 20;
			this.DeltaDepth				= 10;

			this.GridPen				= new Pen (Color.Black, 1);
			this.GridPenFor0			= new Pen (Color.Violet, 2);
			this.ColumnPen				= new Pen (Color.Black, 1);
			this.HiddenColumnPen		= new Pen (Color.Gray, 1);

			this.LegendFont				= new Font("Arial", 11F, FontStyle.Bold);
			this.LegendBrush			= new SolidBrush(Color.Black);

			this.ColumnFont				= new Font("Arial", 8F, FontStyle.Italic);
			this.ColumnTitleFont		= new Font("Arial", 10F, FontStyle.Underline);

			this.MainTitle				= "Main title";
			this.MainTitleFont			= new Font("Arial", 16F, FontStyle.Underline | FontStyle.Bold);

			this.DisplayTextOnColumns	= true;
			this.DisplayHiddenSides		= true;

			this.VerticalAxisMinValue	= 0;
			this.VerticalAxisMaxValue	= 5000;
			this.VerticalAxisStep		= 1000;
			this.MarginBetweenColumn	= 20;

			this.m_Columns				= new ArrayList ();

			this.RenderingMode			= ChartRenderingMode.Linear3d;
			this.m_CumulativeMode		= ChartCumulativeMode.StartFrom0;	// Do not call Property to avoid computing of vertical axis