        public void Constructor_GivenValidChargeableDevice_SetsPropertiesAsExpected(IChargeableDevice device, int expectedLowInput, int expectedHighInput, IDictionary <int, bool> testSocketData)
            var sut = new ChargeableDevice(device);

            Assert.Equal(expectedLowInput, sut.LowInput);
            Assert.Equal(expectedHighInput, sut.HighInput);
            foreach (var kvp in testSocketData)
                var testSocket = MockSocket(kvp.Key);

                Assert.Equal(kvp.Value, sut.CanAttach(testSocket));
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public long Permute(IEnumerable <ISocket> toPermute, ChargeableDevice toCharge)
            // combine our lists.  Did this to ensure only one chargeable device at the end of all of this.
            var devices       = toPermute.Select(adapter => adapter as IDevice).Append(toCharge);
            var chargingPorts = devices.Where(device => device is Socket).Count();

            if (chargingPorts > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("toPermute may have at most one Socket", nameof(toPermute));

            if (chargingPorts == 0)
                // Need to create our own, I guess.
                var chargingPort = new Socket();
                devices = devices.Append(chargingPort);

            var socketsWithPlugs = devices
                                   .Where(device => device is ISocket)
                                   .Select(device => (ISocket)device)
                                   .OrderBy(device => device.Output)
                socket => new
                socketVoltage = socket.Output,
                plugs         = devices
                                .Where(device => device is IChargeableDevice)
                                .Select(device => ((IChargeableDevice)device))
                                .Where(device => device.CanAttach(socket))
                                .OrderByDescending(device => device.LowInput)

            var waysToGetThere = new Dictionary <int, long>();

            // creating a running list of how many ways it takes to get to the goal LowInput from each previous spot
            waysToGetThere.Add(toCharge.HighInput + 1, 1);

            foreach (var socketPlug in socketsWithPlugs.OrderByDescending(sp => sp.socketVoltage))
                long waysThereFromHere = 0;
                foreach (var plug in socketPlug.plugs)
                    waysThereFromHere += waysToGetThere[plug.HighInput + 1]; // fake out the output
                waysToGetThere.Add(socketPlug.socketVoltage, waysThereFromHere);

        public int CreateStack(IEnumerable <IDevice> toStack)
            var chargeables = toStack.Where(device => device is ChargeableDevice).Count();

            if (chargeables > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("toStack may only have at most one ChargeableDevice", nameof(toStack));

            var chargingPorts = toStack.Where(device => device is Socket).Count();

            if (chargingPorts > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("toStack may have at most one Socket", nameof(toStack));

            if (chargeables == 0)
                // Need to create our own, I guess.
                var toCharge = new ChargeableDevice(toStack.Where(device => device is ISocket).Select(socket => (ISocket)socket));
                toStack = toStack.Append(toCharge);

            if (chargingPorts == 0)
                // Need ot create our own, I guess.
                var chargingPort = new Socket();
                toStack = toStack.Append(chargingPort);

            // Sort the source devices by their output
            var sources = toStack.Where(device => device is ISocket).Select(device => device as ISocket).OrderBy(device => device.Output);

            // Sort the sink devices by their lower input
            var sinks = toStack.Where(device => device is IChargeableDevice).Select(device => device as IChargeableDevice).OrderBy(device => device.LowInput);

            // If all is correct, the elements in sources and sinks OUGHT to be matched such that we can pair them up trivially and all will satisfy IChargeableDevice.CanAttach
            var stack = sources.Zip(sinks, (source, sink) => new { Socket = source, Plug = sink });

            // Sanity check
            if (stack.Where(pair => pair.Plug.CanAttach(pair.Socket) == false).Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not pair up sockets and plugs");

            var threes = stack.Where(pair => pair.Plug.LowInput == pair.Socket.Output).Count();
            var ones   = stack.Where(pair => pair.Plug.HighInput == pair.Socket.Output).Count();

            return(threes * ones);
        public void Constructor_GivenSourcesAndOutputSelector_SetsPropertiesAsExpected(
            IEnumerable <ISocket> sources,
            Func <IEnumerable <ISocket>, int> outputSelector,
            int expectedLowInput,
            int expectedHighInput,
            IDictionary <int, bool> testSocketData
            var sut = new ChargeableDevice(sources, outputSelector);

            Assert.Equal(expectedLowInput, sut.LowInput);
            Assert.Equal(expectedHighInput, sut.HighInput);
            foreach (var kvp in testSocketData)
                var testSocket = MockSocket(kvp.Key);

                Assert.Equal(kvp.Value, sut.CanAttach(testSocket));
        /// <summary>
        /// AdaptrStackr.Cmd entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments (not used)</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var filePath = "./input";
            var reader   = new FileReader();
            var inputs   = reader.ReadFileByLines(filePath);

            if (inputs.Where(input => int.TryParse(input, out var _) == false).Any())
                throw new FormatException("Could not parse the input data.");

            var adapters = inputs.Select(input => new Adapter(int.Parse(input)));
            var stacker  = new DeviceStacker();
            var result   = stacker.CreateStack(adapters);


            var toCharge = new ChargeableDevice(adapters);

            var permutations = stacker.Permute(adapters, toCharge);

        public void CountPermutations_GivenGoodData_ReturnsExpectedResult(IEnumerable <ISocket> toPermute, ChargeableDevice toCharge, int expectedPermutationCount)
            var sut    = new DeviceStacker();
            var result = sut.Permute(toPermute, toCharge);

            Assert.Equal(expectedPermutationCount, result);