// This function is responsible for moving the tokens and resetting the variables if there was a match, and putting them back into their previous positions
    // if there was not a match.
    public virtual void ExchangeTokens()
        // Remember the starting and ending position for each token.
        Vector3 startPos = gameManager.GetWorldPositionFromGridPosition((int)exchangeGridPos1.x, (int)exchangeGridPos1.y);
        Vector3 endPos   = gameManager.GetWorldPositionFromGridPosition((int)exchangeGridPos2.x, (int)exchangeGridPos2.y);

        // Get the new position for each token by lerping between startPos and endPos.
        Vector3 movePos1 = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, lerpPercent);
        Vector3 movePos2 = Vector3.Lerp(endPos, startPos, lerpPercent);

        // Update the position of each token object.
        exchangeToken1.transform.position = movePos1;
        exchangeToken2.transform.position = movePos2;

        // If both tokens have reached their final position:
        if (lerpPercent == 1)
            // Tell the grid array the new positions of each token.
            gameManager.gridArray[(int)exchangeGridPos2.x, (int)exchangeGridPos2.y] = exchangeToken1;
            gameManager.gridArray[(int)exchangeGridPos1.x, (int)exchangeGridPos1.y] = exchangeToken2;

            StepText.gameObject.GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = "Step: " + Step;

            // If this exchange has not created a match, move the tokens back.

            if (!matchManager.GridHasMatch() && userSwap)
                SetupTokenExchange(exchangeToken1, exchangeGridPos2, exchangeToken2, exchangeGridPos1, false);

                // If this exchange has created a match, reset all variables and set movement to false.
                exchangeToken1 = null;
                exchangeToken2 = null;
                move           = false;