        public DeleteReleasesCommand(IOctopusRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, ILogger log, IOctopusFileSystem fileSystem)
            : base(repositoryFactory, log, fileSystem)
            var options = Options.For("Deletion");

            options.Add("project=", "Name of the project", v => ProjectName = v);
            options.Add("minversion=", "Minimum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MinVersion = v);
            options.Add("maxversion=", "Maximum (inclusive) version number for the range of versions to delete", v => MaxVersion = v);
            options.Add("channel=", "[Optional] if specified, only releases associated with the channel will be deleted; specify this argument multiple times to target multiple channels.", v => ChannelNames.Add(v));
            options.Add("whatif", "[Optional, Flag] if specified, releases won't actually be deleted, but will be listed as if simulating the command", v => WhatIf = true);