protected internal override void HandleInternal(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RpcInfo info) { // This is just like what's done in RpcProgramMountd#handleInternal and // RpcProgramNfs3#handleInternal. RpcCall rpcCall = (RpcCall)info.Header(); int procedure = rpcCall.GetProcedure(); if (procedure != 0) { bool portMonitorSuccess = DoPortMonitoring(info.RemoteAddress()); if (!portMonitorSuccess) { SendRejectedReply(rpcCall, info.RemoteAddress(), ctx); return; } } resultSize = info.Data().ReadableBytes(); RpcAcceptedReply reply = RpcAcceptedReply.GetAcceptInstance(1234, new VerifierNone ()); XDR @out = new XDR(); reply.Write(@out); ChannelBuffer b = ChannelBuffers.WrappedBuffer(@out.AsReadOnlyWrap().Buffer()); RpcResponse rsp = new RpcResponse(b, info.RemoteAddress()); RpcUtil.SendRpcResponse(ctx, rsp); }
public override void MessageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) { ChannelBuffer buf = (ChannelBuffer)e.GetMessage(); // Read reply if (!ValidMessageLength(buf.ReadableBytes())) { e.GetChannel().Close(); return; } // handling fragment header for TCP, 4 bytes. byte[] fragmentHeader = Arrays.CopyOfRange(buf.Array(), 0, 4); int fragmentSize = XDR.FragmentSize(fragmentHeader); bool isLast = XDR.IsLastFragment(fragmentHeader); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((fragmentSize == 28 && isLast == true)); XDR xdr = new XDR(); xdr.WriteFixedOpaque(Arrays.CopyOfRange(buf.Array(), 4, buf.ReadableBytes())); RpcReply reply = RpcReply.Read(xdr); if (reply.GetState() == RpcReply.ReplyState.MsgAccepted) { RpcAcceptedReply acceptedReply = (RpcAcceptedReply)reply; Handle(acceptedReply, xdr); } else { RpcDeniedReply deniedReply = (RpcDeniedReply)reply; Handle(deniedReply); } e.GetChannel().Close(); }
private void ReadNextChunk() { ChannelBuffer readBuffer = ReadNext(); /* Header layout: * [ , ][ , x] 0: last chunk in message, 1: there a more chunks after this one * [ , ][ , x ] 0: success, 1: failure * [ , ][xxxx,xx ] internal protocol version * [xxxx,xxxx][ , ] application protocol version */ sbyte[] header = new sbyte[2]; readBuffer.readBytes(header); _more = (header[0] & 0x1) != 0; _failure = (header[0] & 0x2) != 0; AssertSameProtocolVersion(header, _internalProtocolVersion, _applicationProtocolVersion); if (!_more && _buffer == null) { // Optimization: this is the first chunk and it'll be the only chunk // in this message. _buffer = readBuffer; } else { _buffer = _buffer == null?ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer() : _buffer; DiscardReadBytes(); _buffer.writeBytes(readBuffer); } if (_failure) { ReadAndThrowFailureResponse(); } }
protected internal void DecodeHeader(ChannelBuffer buf, IMessageTree tree) { BufferHelper helper = _mBufferHelper; String id = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String domain = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String hostName = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String ipAddress = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String threadGroupName = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String threadId = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String threadName = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String messageId = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String parentMessageId = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String rootMessageId = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String sessionToken = helper.Read(buf, LF); if (ID.Equals(id)) { tree.Domain = domain; tree.HostName = hostName; tree.IpAddress = ipAddress; tree.ThreadGroupName = threadGroupName; tree.ThreadId = threadId; tree.ThreadName = threadName; tree.MessageId = messageId; tree.ParentMessageId = parentMessageId; tree.RootMessageId = rootMessageId; tree.SessionToken = sessionToken; } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized id(" + id + ") for plain text message codec!"); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.TransactionRepresentation read(org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer buffer, ByteBuffer temporaryBuffer) throws public override TransactionRepresentation Read(ChannelBuffer buffer, ByteBuffer temporaryBuffer) { NetworkReadableClosableChannel channel = new NetworkReadableClosableChannel(buffer); int authorId = channel.Int; int masterId = channel.Int; long latestCommittedTxWhenStarted = channel.Long; long timeStarted = channel.Long; long timeCommitted = channel.Long; int headerLength = channel.Int; sbyte[] header = new sbyte[headerLength]; channel.Get(header, headerLength); LogEntryCommand entryRead; IList <StorageCommand> commands = new LinkedList <StorageCommand>(); while ((entryRead = ( LogEntryCommand )Reader.readLogEntry(channel)) != null) { commands.Add(entryRead.Command); } PhysicalTransactionRepresentation toReturn = new PhysicalTransactionRepresentation(commands); toReturn.SetHeader(header, masterId, authorId, timeStarted, latestCommittedTxWhenStarted, timeCommitted, -1); return(toReturn); }
public virtual IMessageTree Decode(ChannelBuffer buf) { DefaultMessageTree tree = new DefaultMessageTree(); Decode(buf, tree); return tree; }
public override void MessageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) { // Get handle from create response ChannelBuffer buf = (ChannelBuffer)e.GetMessage(); XDR rsp = new XDR(buf.Array()); if (rsp.GetBytes().Length == 0) { Log.Info("rsp length is zero, why?"); return; } Log.Info("rsp length=" + rsp.GetBytes().Length); RpcReply reply = RpcReply.Read(rsp); int xid = reply.GetXid(); // Only process the create response if (xid != unchecked ((int)(0x8000004c))) { return; } int status = rsp.ReadInt(); if (status != Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok) { Log.Error("Create failed, status =" + status); return; } Log.Info("Create succeeded"); rsp.ReadBoolean(); // value follow handle = new FileHandle(); handle.Deserialize(rsp); channel = e.GetChannel(); }
internal PartialRequest(Server <T, R> outerInstance, RequestType type, RequestContext context, ChannelBuffer buffer) { this._outerInstance = outerInstance; this.Type = type; this.Context = context; this.Buffer = buffer; }
public virtual void TestSingleFrame() { RpcUtil.RpcFrameDecoder decoder = new RpcUtil.RpcFrameDecoder(); // Test "Length field is not received yet" ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.Allocate(1); ChannelBuffer buf = new ByteBufferBackedChannelBuffer(buffer); ChannelBuffer channelBuffer = (ChannelBuffer)decoder.Decode(Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <ChannelHandlerContext>(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel >(), buf); Assert.True(channelBuffer == null); // Test all bytes are not received yet byte[] fragment = new byte[4 + 9]; fragment[0] = unchecked ((byte)(1 << 7)); // final fragment fragment[1] = 0; fragment[2] = 0; fragment[3] = unchecked ((byte)10); // fragment size = 10 bytes Assert.True(XDR.IsLastFragment(fragment)); Assert.True(XDR.FragmentSize(fragment) == 10); buffer = ByteBuffer.Allocate(4 + 9); buffer.Put(fragment); buffer.Flip(); buf = new ByteBufferBackedChannelBuffer(buffer); channelBuffer = (ChannelBuffer)decoder.Decode(Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <ChannelHandlerContext >(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel>(), buf); Assert.True(channelBuffer == null); }
public static void WriteChars(ChannelBuffer buffer, char[] chars) { // TODO optimize? foreach (char ch in chars) { buffer.writeChar(ch); } }
public RpcInfo(RpcMessage header, ChannelBuffer data, ChannelHandlerContext channelContext , Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel channel, EndPoint remoteAddress) { this.header = header; = data; = channel; this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress; }
private static void WriteStoreId(StoreId storeId, ChannelBuffer targetBuffer) { targetBuffer.writeLong(storeId.CreationTime); targetBuffer.writeLong(storeId.RandomId); targetBuffer.writeLong(storeId.StoreVersion); targetBuffer.writeLong(storeId.UpgradeTime); targetBuffer.writeLong(storeId.UpgradeId); }
internal TargetCaller(Server <T, R> outerInstance, RequestType type, Channel channel, RequestContext context, ChunkingChannelBuffer targetBuffer, ChannelBuffer bufferToReadFrom) { this._outerInstance = outerInstance; this.Type = type; this.Channel = channel; this.Context = context; this.TargetBuffer = targetBuffer; this.BufferToReadFrom = bufferToReadFrom; }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: protected newChannelFutureListener(final org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer buffer) protected internal override ChannelFutureListener NewChannelFutureListener(ChannelBuffer buffer) { return(future => { buffer.clear(); _freeBuffers.AddLast(buffer); BufferReusingChunkingChannelBuffer.this.OperationComplete(future); }); }
public override ChannelFuture Write(object message) { if (message is ChannelBuffer) { ChannelBuffer buffer = ( ChannelBuffer )message; _receivedMessages.AddLast(buffer.duplicate()); } return(immediateFuture); }
public ProducerChannel(string uri, bool isReliable, bool isInOrder) { Uri = uri; IsReliable = isReliable; IsInOrder = isInOrder; Buffer = new ChannelBuffer(); _isOpen = new ThreadSafe.Boolean(false); }
public ChunkingChannelBuffer(ChannelBuffer buffer, Channel channel, int capacity, sbyte internalProtocolVersion, sbyte applicationProtocolVersion) { this._buffer = buffer; this._channel = channel; this._capacity = capacity; this._internalProtocolVersion = internalProtocolVersion; this._applicationProtocolVersion = applicationProtocolVersion; AddRoomForContinuationHeader(); }
public static string ReadString(ChannelBuffer buffer, int length) { char[] chars = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { chars[i] = buffer.readChar(); } return(new string( chars )); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public override void MessageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) { RpcResponse r = (RpcResponse)e.GetMessage(); byte[] fragmentHeader = XDR.RecordMark(r.Data().ReadableBytes(), true); ChannelBuffer header = ChannelBuffers.WrappedBuffer(fragmentHeader); ChannelBuffer d = ChannelBuffers.WrappedBuffer(header, r.Data()); e.GetChannel().Write(d); }
public BlockLogReader(ChannelBuffer source) { if (!InstanceFieldsInitialized) { InitializeInstanceFields(); InstanceFieldsInitialized = true; } this._source = source; ReadNextBlock(); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void serializeRequest( channel, org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer buffer, RequestType type, RequestContext ctx, Serializer payload) throws public virtual void SerializeRequest(Channel channel, ChannelBuffer buffer, RequestType type, RequestContext ctx, Serializer payload) { buffer.clear(); ChunkingChannelBuffer chunkingBuffer = new ChunkingChannelBuffer(buffer, channel, _chunkSize, _internalProtocolVersion, _applicationProtocolVersion); chunkingBuffer.WriteByte(type.Id()); WriteContext(ctx, chunkingBuffer); payload.Write(chunkingBuffer); chunkingBuffer.Done(); }
private void WriteContext(RequestContext context, ChannelBuffer targetBuffer) { targetBuffer.writeLong(context.Epoch); targetBuffer.writeInt(context.MachineId()); targetBuffer.writeInt(context.EventIdentifier); long tx = context.LastAppliedTransaction(); targetBuffer.writeLong(tx); targetBuffer.writeLong(context.Checksum); }
public static void WriteLog(string Text, ChannelBuffer buffer = null) { if (buffer == null) { buffer = CurrentChannelBuffer; } buffer.ChatBuf.PushMessage(null, Text, MessageType.Preview); buffer.SystemActivity = true; }
public override String ToString() { PlainTextMessageCodec codec = new PlainTextMessageCodec(); ChannelBuffer buf = new ChannelBuffer(8192); codec.EncodeMessage(this, buf); buf.Reset(); return(buf.ToString()); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: protected void handleRequest(org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer buffer, final channel) protected internal virtual void HandleRequest(ChannelBuffer buffer, Channel channel) { sbyte?continuation = ReadContinuationHeader(buffer, channel); if (continuation == null) { return; } if (continuation.Value == ChunkingChannelBuffer.CONTINUATION_MORE) { PartialRequest partialRequest = _partialRequests[channel]; if (partialRequest == null) { // This is the first chunk in a multi-chunk request RequestType type = GetRequestContext(buffer.readByte()); RequestContext context = ReadContext(buffer); ChannelBuffer targetBuffer = MapSlave(channel, context); partialRequest = new PartialRequest(this, type, context, targetBuffer); _partialRequests[channel] = partialRequest; } partialRequest.Add(buffer); } else { PartialRequest partialRequest = _partialRequests.Remove(channel); RequestType type; RequestContext context; ChannelBuffer targetBuffer; ChannelBuffer bufferToReadFrom; ChannelBuffer bufferToWriteTo; if (partialRequest == null) { // This is the one and single chunk in the request type = GetRequestContext(buffer.readByte()); context = ReadContext(buffer); targetBuffer = MapSlave(channel, context); bufferToReadFrom = buffer; bufferToWriteTo = targetBuffer; } else { // This is the last chunk in a multi-chunk request type = partialRequest.Type; context = partialRequest.Context; targetBuffer = partialRequest.Buffer; partialRequest.Add(buffer); bufferToReadFrom = targetBuffer; bufferToWriteTo = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer(); } bufferToWriteTo.clear(); ChunkingChannelBuffer chunkingBuffer = NewChunkingBuffer(bufferToWriteTo, channel, _chunkSize, InternalProtocolVersion, _applicationProtocolVersion); SubmitSilent(_targetCallExecutor, new TargetCaller(this, type, channel, context, chunkingBuffer, bufferToReadFrom)); } }
public BlockLogBuffer(ChannelBuffer target, ByteCounterMonitor monitor) { if (!InstanceFieldsInitialized) { InitializeInstanceFields(); InstanceFieldsInitialized = true; } this._target = target; this._monitor = monitor; ClearInternalBuffer(); }
public static void WriteChannelCommit(Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel channel, XDR @out, int xid) { if (RpcProgramNfs3.Log.IsDebugEnabled()) { RpcProgramNfs3.Log.Debug("Commit done:" + xid); } ChannelBuffer outBuf = XDR.WriteMessageTcp(@out, true); channel.Write(outBuf); }
public virtual void Decode(ChannelBuffer buf, IMessageTree tree) { // buf.ReadInt();// read body length DecodeHeader(buf, tree); if (buf.ReadableBytes() > 0) { DecodeMessage(buf, tree); } }
private void SendChunkIfNeeded(int bytesPlus) { // Note: This is wasteful, it should pack as much data as possible into the current chunk before sending it off. // Refactor when there is time. if (WriterIndex() + bytesPlus >= _capacity) { Continuation = CONTINUATION_MORE; WriteCurrentChunk(); _buffer = NewChannelBuffer(); AddRoomForContinuationHeader(); } }
public override string ToString() { PlainTextMessageCodec codec = new PlainTextMessageCodec(); ChannelBuffer buf = new ChannelBuffer(8192); codec.Encode(this, buf); buf.Reset(); buf.Skip(4); // get rid of length return(buf.ToString()); }
public override void ChannelConnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) { // Send the request if (Log.IsDebugEnabled()) { Log.Debug("sending PRC request"); } ChannelBuffer outBuf = XDR.WriteMessageTcp(request, true); e.GetChannel().Write(outBuf); }
protected internal static void SendRejectedReply(RpcCall call, EndPoint remoteAddress , ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { XDR @out = new XDR(); RpcDeniedReply reply = new RpcDeniedReply(call.GetXid(), RpcReply.ReplyState.MsgDenied , RpcDeniedReply.RejectState.AuthError, new VerifierNone()); reply.Write(@out); ChannelBuffer buf = ChannelBuffers.WrappedBuffer(@out.AsReadOnlyWrap().Buffer()); RpcResponse rsp = new RpcResponse(buf, remoteAddress); RpcUtil.SendRpcResponse(ctx, rsp); }
// NOTICE: this assumes a "smart" ChannelBuffer that continues to next chunk //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public Void read(org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer buffer, ByteBuffer temporaryBuffer) throws public override Void Read(ChannelBuffer buffer, ByteBuffer temporaryBuffer) { int pathLength; while (0 != (pathLength = buffer.readUnsignedShort())) { string path = ReadString(buffer, pathLength); bool hasData = buffer.readByte() == 1; Writer.write(path, hasData ? new BlockLogReader(buffer) : null, temporaryBuffer, hasData, 1); } Writer.Dispose(); return(null); }
public override void ReadBytes(ChannelBuffer dst, int length) { try { sbyte[] array = new sbyte[length]; @delegate.Get(array, length); dst.writeBytes(array); } catch (ReadPastEndException e) { throw OutOfBounds(e); } }
public virtual void Encode(IMessageTree tree, ChannelBuffer buf) { int count = 0; buf.WriteInt(0); // place-holder count += EncodeHeader(tree, buf); if (tree.Message != null) { count += EncodeMessage(tree.Message, buf); } buf.SetInt(0, count); }
/// <summary> DoReadChars -> doReadChars /// /// Reads from the channel until the requested number of characters /// have been seen, EOF is seen, or the channel would block. EOL /// and EOF translation is done. If reading binary data, the raw /// bytes are wrapped in a Tcl byte array object. Otherwise, the raw /// bytes are converted to characters using the channel's current /// encoding and stored in a Tcl string object. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">Input data is stored in this object. /// </param> /// <param name="toRead">Maximum number of characters to store, /// or -1 to read all available data (up to EOF /// or when channel blocks). /// </param> internal int doReadChars(TclObject obj, int toRead) { ChannelBuffer buf; int copied, copiedNow, result; IntPtr offset = new IntPtr(this); if ((System.Object)encoding == null) { TclByteArray.SetLength(null, obj, 0); } else { TclString.empty(obj); } offset.i = 0; // if toRead is negative, read until EOF if (toRead < 0) { toRead = System.Int32.MaxValue; } { for (copied = 0; toRead > 0; ) { copiedNow = -1; if (inQueueHead != null) { if ((System.Object)encoding == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("calling readBytes " + toRead); copiedNow = readBytes(obj, toRead, offset); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("calling readChars " + toRead); copiedNow = readChars(obj, toRead); } // If the current buffer is empty recycle it. buf = inQueueHead; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("after read* buf.nextRemoved is " + buf.nextRemoved); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("after read* buf.nextAdded is " + buf.nextAdded); if (buf.nextRemoved == buf.nextAdded) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("recycling empty buffer"); ChannelBuffer next; next =; recycleBuffer(buf, false); inQueueHead = next; if (next == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("inQueueTail set to null"); inQueueTail = null; } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("inQueueTail is not null"); } } } if (copiedNow < 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("copiedNow < 0"); if (eofCond) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("eofCond"); break; } if (blocked) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("blocked"); if (!blocking) { break; } blocked = false; } result = Input; if (result != 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("non-zero result"); if (result == TclPosixException.EAGAIN) { break; } copied = -1; goto done_brk; //goto done } } else { copied += copiedNow; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("copied incremented to " + copied); toRead -= copiedNow; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("toRead decremented to " + toRead); } } blocked = false; if ((System.Object)encoding == null) { TclByteArray.SetLength(null, obj, offset.i); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("set byte array length to " + offset.i); } } done_brk: ; // end done: block //done: updateInterest(); #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("returning copied = " + copied); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("returning string \"" + obj + "\""); obj.invalidateStringRep(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("returning string \"" + obj + "\""); #endif return copied; }
/// <summary> RecycleBuffer -> recycleBuffer /// /// Helper function to recycle input buffers. Ensures that /// two input buffers are saved (one in the input queue and /// another in the saveInBuf field). Only if these conditions /// are met is the buffer released so that it can be /// garbage collected. /// </summary> private void recycleBuffer(ChannelBuffer buf, bool mustDiscard) { if (mustDiscard) return; // Only save buffers which are at least as big as the requested // buffersize for the channel. This is to honor dynamic changes // of the buffersize made by the user. if ((buf.bufLength - Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING) < bufSize) { return; } if (inQueueHead == null) { inQueueHead = buf; inQueueTail = buf; buf.nextRemoved = Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING; buf.nextAdded = Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING; = null; return; } if (saveInBuf == null) { saveInBuf = buf; buf.nextRemoved = Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING; buf.nextAdded = Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING; = null; return; } }
/// <summary> FilterInputBytes -> filterBytes /// /// Helper function for getsObj. Appends Unicode characters /// onto the TclObject associated with the GetsState after /// converting them from raw bytes encoded in the Channel. /// /// Consumes available bytes from channel buffers. When channel /// buffers are exhausted, reads more bytes from channel device into /// a new channel buffer. It is the caller's responsibility to /// free the channel buffers that have been exhausted. /// /// The return value is -1 if there was an error reading from the /// channel, 0 otherwise. /// /// FIXME: Doc modification of object's StringBuffer /// /// Status object keeps track of how much data from channel buffers /// has been consumed and where characters should be stored. /// </summary> internal int filterBytes(GetsState gs) { ChannelBuffer buf; byte[] raw; int rawStart, rawEnd; char[] dst; int offset, toRead, spaceLeft, result, rawLen, length; TclObject obj; int ENCODING_LINESIZE = 20; // Lower bound on how many bytes // to convert at a time. Since we // don't know a priori how many // bytes of storage this many // source bytes will use, we // actually need at least // ENCODING_LINESIZE bytes of room. bool goto_read = false; // Set to true when jumping to the read // label, used to simulate a goto. obj = gs.obj; // Subtract the number of bytes that were removed from channel buffer // during last call. buf = gs.buf; if (buf != null) { buf.nextRemoved += gs.rawRead.i; if (buf.nextRemoved >= buf.nextAdded) { buf =; } } gs.totalChars += gs.charsWrote.i; while (true) { if (goto_read || (buf == null) || (buf.nextAdded == Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING)) { // All channel buffers were exhausted and the caller still hasn't // seen EOL. Need to read more bytes from the channel device. // Side effect is to allocate another channel buffer. //read: if (blocked) { if (!blocking) { gs.charsWrote.i = 0; gs.rawRead.i = 0; return -1; } blocked = false; } if (Input != 0) { gs.charsWrote.i = 0; gs.rawRead.i = 0; return -1; } buf = inQueueTail; gs.buf = buf; } // Convert some of the bytes from the channel buffer to characters. // Space in obj's string rep is used to hold the characters. rawStart = buf.nextRemoved; raw = buf.buf; rawEnd = buf.nextAdded; rawLen = rawEnd - rawStart; //dst = *gsPtr->dstPtr; //offset = dst - objPtr->bytes; toRead = ENCODING_LINESIZE; if (toRead > rawLen) { toRead = rawLen; } //dstNeeded = toRead * TCL_UTF_MAX + 1; //spaceLeft = objPtr->length - offset - TCL_UTF_MAX - 1; //if (dstNeeded > spaceLeft) { // length = offset * 2; // if (offset < dstNeeded) { // length = offset + dstNeeded; // } // length += TCL_UTF_MAX + 1; // Tcl_SetObjLength(objPtr, length); // spaceLeft = length - offset; // dst = objPtr->bytes + offset; // *gsPtr->dstPtr = dst; //} dst = new char[toRead]; gs.state = encodingState; result = externalToUnicode(raw, rawStart, rawLen, dst, 0, toRead, gs.rawRead, null, gs.charsWrote); TclString.append(gs.obj, dst, 0, gs.charsWrote.i); // Make sure that if we go through 'gets', that we reset the // TCL_ENCODING_START flag still. encodingStart = false; if (result == TCL_CONVERT_MULTIBYTE) { // The last few bytes in this channel buffer were the start of a // multibyte sequence. If this buffer was full, then move them to // the next buffer so the bytes will be contiguous. ChannelBuffer next; int extra; next =; if (buf.nextAdded < buf.bufLength) { if (gs.rawRead.i > 0) { // Some raw bytes were converted to UTF-8. Fall through, // returning those UTF-8 characters because a EOL might be // present in them. } else if (eofCond) { // There was a partial character followed by EOF on the // device. Fall through, returning that nothing was found. buf.nextRemoved = buf.nextAdded; } else { // There are no more cached raw bytes left. See if we can // get some more. goto_read = true; goto read; //goto read; } } else { if (next == null) { next = new ChannelBuffer(bufSize); = next; inQueueTail = next; } extra = rawLen - gs.rawRead.i; Array.Copy(raw, gs.rawRead.i, next.buf, Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING - extra, extra); next.nextRemoved -= extra; buf.nextAdded -= extra; } } goto read_brk; // End loop in the normal case read: ; } read_brk: ; gs.buf = buf; return 0; }
public override String ToString() { try { PlainTextMessageCodec codec = new PlainTextMessageCodec(); ChannelBuffer buf = new ChannelBuffer(8192); codec.Encode(this, buf); buf.Reset(); buf.Skip(4); // get rid of length return buf.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Cat.lastException = ex; return ""; } }
protected internal IMessage DecodeLine(ChannelBuffer buf, ITransaction parent, Stack<ITransaction> stack, IMessageTree tree) { BufferHelper helper = _mBufferHelper; byte identifier = buf.ReadByte(); String timestamp = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String type = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String name = helper.Read(buf, TAB); if (identifier == 'E') { IMessage evt = new DefaultEvent(type, name); String status = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String data = helper.ReadRaw(buf, TAB); helper.Read(buf, LF); // get rid of line feed evt.Timestamp = _mDateHelper.Parse(timestamp); evt.Status = status; evt.AddData(data); if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(evt); tree.EstimatedByteSize += evt.EstimateByteSize(); return parent; } return evt; } if (identifier == 'M') { DefaultMetric metric = new DefaultMetric(type, name); String status = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String data = helper.ReadRaw(buf, TAB); helper.Read(buf, LF); // get rid of line feed metric.Timestamp = _mDateHelper.Parse(timestamp); metric.Status = status; metric.AddData(data); if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(metric); tree.EstimatedByteSize += metric.EstimateByteSize(); return parent; } return metric; } if (identifier == 'H') { IMessage heartbeat = new DefaultHeartbeat(type, name); String status0 = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String data1 = helper.ReadRaw(buf, TAB); helper.Read(buf, LF); // get rid of line feed heartbeat.Timestamp = _mDateHelper.Parse(timestamp); heartbeat.Status = status0; heartbeat.AddData(data1); if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(heartbeat); tree.EstimatedByteSize += heartbeat.EstimateByteSize(); return parent; } return heartbeat; } if (identifier == 't') { IMessage transaction = new DefaultTransaction(type, name, null); helper.Read(buf, LF); // get rid of line feed transaction.Timestamp = _mDateHelper.Parse(timestamp); if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(transaction); } stack.Push(parent); return transaction; } if (identifier == 'A') { ITransaction transaction2 = new DefaultTransaction(type, name, null); String status3 = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String duration = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String data4 = helper.ReadRaw(buf, TAB); helper.Read(buf, LF); // get rid of line feed transaction2.Timestamp = _mDateHelper.Parse(timestamp); transaction2.Status = status3; transaction2.AddData(data4); long d = Int64.Parse(duration.Substring(0, duration.Length - 2), NumberStyles.Integer); transaction2.DurationInMicros = d; if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(transaction2); tree.EstimatedByteSize += transaction2.EstimateByteSize(); return parent; } return transaction2; } if (identifier == 'T') { String status5 = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String duration6 = helper.Read(buf, TAB); String data7 = helper.ReadRaw(buf, TAB); helper.Read(buf, LF); // get rid of line feed parent.Status = status5; parent.AddData(data7); long d8 = Int64.Parse( duration6.Substring(0, duration6.Length - 2), NumberStyles.Integer); parent.DurationInMicros = d8; tree.EstimatedByteSize += parent.EstimateByteSize(); return stack.Pop(); } Logger.Error("Unknown identifier(" + identifier + ") of message: " + buf); // unknown message, ignore it return parent; }
protected internal void DecodeMessage(ChannelBuffer buf, IMessageTree tree) { Stack<ITransaction> stack = new Stack<ITransaction>(); IMessage parent = DecodeLine(buf, null, stack, tree); tree.Message = parent; tree.EstimatedByteSize = parent.EstimateByteSize(); while (buf.ReadableBytes() > 0) { IMessage message = DecodeLine(buf, (ITransaction) parent, stack, tree); if (message is ITransaction) { parent = message; } else { break; } } }
public String Read(ChannelBuffer buf, byte separator) { int count = buf.BytesBefore(separator); if (count < 0) { return null; } byte[] data = new byte[count]; buf.ReadBytes(data); buf.ReadByte(); // get rid of separator return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); }
protected internal int EncodeHeader(IMessageTree tree, ChannelBuffer buf) { BufferHelper helper = _mBufferHelper; int count = 0; count += helper.Write(buf, ID); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.Domain); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.HostName); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.IpAddress); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.ThreadGroupName); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.ThreadId); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.ThreadName); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.MessageId); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.ParentMessageId); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.RootMessageId); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, tree.SessionToken); count += helper.Write(buf, LF); return count; }
public int WriteRaw(ChannelBuffer buf, String str) { if (str == null) { str = "null"; } byte[] data = _mEncoding.GetBytes(str); int len = data.Length; int count = len; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { byte b = data[i]; if (b == '\t' || b == '\r' || b == '\n' || b == '\\') { buf.WriteBytes(data, offset, i - offset); buf.WriteByte('\\'); if (b == '\t') { buf.WriteByte('t'); } else if (b == '\r') { buf.WriteByte('r'); } else if (b == '\n') { buf.WriteByte('n'); } else { buf.WriteByte(b); } count++; offset = i + 1; } } if (len > offset) { buf.WriteBytes(data, offset, len - offset); } return count; }
public int Write(ChannelBuffer buf, String str) { if (str == null) { str = "null"; } byte[] data = _mEncoding.GetBytes(str); buf.WriteBytes(data); return data.Length; }
public int Write(ChannelBuffer buf, byte b) { buf.WriteByte(b); return 1; }
protected internal int EncodeLine(IMessage message, ChannelBuffer buf, char type, Policy policy) { BufferHelper helper = _mBufferHelper; int count = 0; count += helper.Write(buf, (byte) type); if (type == 'T' && message is ITransaction) { long duration = ((ITransaction) message).DurationInMillis; count += helper.Write(buf, _mDateHelper.Format2(message.Timestamp + duration)); } else { count += helper.Write(buf, _mDateHelper.Format2(message.Timestamp)); } count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, message.Type); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); count += helper.Write(buf, message.Name); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); if (policy != Policy.WITHOUT_STATUS) { count += helper.Write(buf, message.Status); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); Object data = message.Data; if (policy == Policy.WITH_DURATION && message is ITransaction) { long duration0 = ((ITransaction) message).DurationInMicros; count += helper.Write(buf, duration0.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); //以微秒为单位 count += helper.Write(buf, "us"); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); } count += helper.WriteRaw(buf, data.ToString()); count += helper.Write(buf, TAB); } count += helper.Write(buf, LF); return count; }
public String ReadRaw(ChannelBuffer buf, byte separator) { int count = buf.BytesBefore(separator); if (count < 0) { return null; } byte[] data = new byte[count]; buf.ReadBytes(data); buf.ReadByte(); // get rid of separator int length = data.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (data[i] == '\\') { if (i + 1 < length) { byte b = data[i + 1]; if (b == 't') { data[i] = (byte) '\t'; } else if (b == 'r') { data[i] = (byte) '\r'; } else if (b == 'n') { data[i] = (byte) '\n'; } else { data[i] = b; } Array.Copy(data, i + 2, data, i + 1, length - i - 2); length--; } } } return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, length); }
/// <summary> CommonGetsCleanup -> commonGetsCleanup /// /// Helper function used by getsObj to restore the channel after /// a "gets" operation. /// /// </summary> internal void commonGetsCleanup() { ChannelBuffer buf, next; buf = inQueueHead; for (; buf != null; buf = next) { next =; if (buf.nextRemoved < buf.nextAdded) { break; } recycleBuffer(buf, false); } inQueueHead = buf; if (buf == null) { inQueueTail = null; } else { // If any multi-byte characters were split across channel buffer // boundaries, the split-up bytes were moved to the next channel // buffer by filterBytes(). Move the bytes back to their // original buffer because the caller could change the channel's // encoding which could change the interpretation of whether those // bytes really made up multi-byte characters after all. next =; for (; next != null; next = { int extra; extra = buf.bufLength - buf.nextAdded; if (extra > 0) { Array.Copy(next.buf, Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING - extra, buf.buf, buf.nextAdded, extra); buf.nextAdded += extra; next.nextRemoved = Tcl.Lang.ChannelBuffer.BUFFER_PADDING; } buf = next; } } if ((System.Object)encoding != null) { //Tcl_FreeEncoding(encoding); } }
/// <summary> DiscardInputQueued -> discardQueued /// /// Discards any input read from the channel but not yet consumed /// by Tcl reading commands. /// </summary> private void discardQueued(bool discardSavedBuffers) { ChannelBuffer buf, nxt; buf = inQueueHead; inQueueHead = null; inQueueTail = null; for (; buf != null; buf = nxt) { nxt =; recycleBuffer(buf, discardSavedBuffers); } // If discardSavedBuffers is true, must also discard any previously // saved buffer in the saveInBuf field. if (discardSavedBuffers) { if (saveInBuf != null) { saveInBuf = null; } } }
public int EncodeMessage(IMessage message, ChannelBuffer buf) { if (message is IEvent) { return EncodeLine(message, buf, 'E', Policy.DEFAULT); } var transaction = message as ITransaction; if (transaction != null) { IList<IMessage> children = transaction.Children; if ((children.Count == 0)) { return EncodeLine(transaction, buf, 'A', Policy.WITH_DURATION); } int count = 0; int len = children.Count; count += EncodeLine(transaction, buf, 't', Policy.WITHOUT_STATUS); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { IMessage child = children[i]; count += EncodeMessage(child, buf); } count += EncodeLine(transaction, buf, 'T', Policy.WITH_DURATION); return count; } if (message is IHeartbeat) { return EncodeLine(message, buf, 'H', Policy.DEFAULT); } if (message is IMetric) { return EncodeLine(message, buf, 'M', Policy.DEFAULT); } throw new Exception("Unsupported message type: " + message.Type + "."); }