public void OnChangePowerClick() { m.Play_Click(); if (m.powerChrage >= 50) { m.UpdatePowerCharge(powerPlate, -50); } else { return; } currentPower = Powers.Change; powerPanel.GetComponent <Animator> ().SetBool("show", false); ChangePowerHelper.SetActive(true); }
public void CancleChangePower() { m.Play_Click(); currentPower = Powers.None; ChangePowerHelper.SetActive(false); if (switchObjects.Count > 0) { ChangePowerPanel.GetComponent <Animator> ().SetBool("show", false); } temp_switch_int = 0; switchObjects.Clear(); m.UpdatePowerCharge(powerPlate, 50); OnPowerPanelClose(); }
// this function is called everytime user points down on any of the boxes public void OnAnyDotDown(GameObject hit) { if (currentPower == Powers.Destroy) { DestroyKey(hit); currentPower = Powers.None; OnPowerPanelClose(); DestroPowerHelper.SetActive(false); Invoke("UpdateNames", 0.5f); return; } else if (currentPower == Powers.Change && temp_switch_int == 0) { temp_switch_int = 1; switchObjects.Add(hit); ChangePowerPanel.GetComponent <Animator> ().SetBool("show", true); ChangePowerHelper.SetActive(false); return; } else if (currentPower == Powers.Switch && temp_switch_int < 2) { hit.GetComponent <Animator> ().SetBool("inc", true); temp_switch_int++; switchObjects.Add(hit); if (temp_switch_int == 2) { SetKinematic(true); Vector3 v1 = switchObjects [0].transform.position; Vector3 v2 = switchObjects [1].transform.position; string s1 = switchObjects [0].name; string s2 = switchObjects [1].name; switchObjects [0].name = s2; switchObjects [1].name = s1; // switchObjects [0].GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().isKinematic = true; // switchObjects [1].GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().isKinematic = true; switchObjects [0].GetComponent <DotScript> ().MoveTo(v2); switchObjects [1].GetComponent <DotScript> ().MoveTo(v1); SwitchPowerHelper.SetActive(false); } return; } if (isPaused) { return; } if (!touchStarted) { m.Play_DotSelect(); touchStarted = true; currentChain.Add(hit); hit.GetComponent <DotScript> ().selected = true; hit.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); MainLine.transform.position = hit.transform.position; MainLine.positionCount = currentChain.Count; MainLine.SetPosition(currentChain.Count - 1, hit.transform.position); } else { if (currentChain.Count > 2 && hit == currentChain [currentChain.Count - 2]) { GameObject wo = currentChain [currentChain.Count - 1]; currentChain.Remove(wo); wo.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); wo.GetComponent <DotScript> ().selected = false; MainLine.positionCount -= 1; wo.GetComponent <DotScript> ().ChildImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (Neighbour( && hit.GetComponent <DotScript>().currentvalue == currentChain[0].GetComponent <DotScript>().currentvalue&& !hit.GetComponent <DotScript>().selected) { m.Play_DotSelect(); currentChain.Add(hit); hit.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); hit.GetComponent <DotScript> ().selected = true; MainLine.positionCount = currentChain.Count; MainLine.SetPosition(currentChain.Count - 1, hit.transform.position); } } }