        static void Main(string[] args)
            IUser user = new ConsoleUser(false);

            repoPath          = args[0];
            repoUrlPrefix     = args[1];
            githubAccessToken = args[2];

            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(repoPath, "cache"));
            NetFileCache netFileCache = new NetFileCache(Path.Combine(repoPath, "cache"));
            CombinedModFileNormalizer modFileNormalizer = new CombinedModFileNormalizer(new IModFileNormalizer[]
                new RarToZipNormalizer(),
                new SevenZipToZipNormalizer(),
                new ModZipRootNormalizer()
            ModDirectoryManager    manualModDirectoryManager  = new ModDirectoryManager(repoUrlPrefix, repoPath, "mods", modFileNormalizer, netFileCache);
            ModDirectoryManager    githubModsDirectoryManager = new ModDirectoryManager(repoUrlPrefix, repoPath, "mods-github", modFileNormalizer, netFileCache);
            CombinedCfanAggregator combinedAggregator         = new CombinedCfanAggregator(new ICfanAggregator[]
                new LocalRepositoryAggregator(manualModDirectoryManager),
                new GithubAggregator(githubModsDirectoryManager, new GithubRepositoriesDataProvider(), githubAccessToken),
                new FactorioComAggregator(),
            var cfanJsons = combinedAggregator.getAllCfanJsons(user).ToList();

            cfanJsons.Where(p => !CfanJson.requiresFactorioComAuthorization(p)).ToList().ForEach(p => saveCfanJson(user, p));
            cfanJsons.ForEach(p => saveCfanJson(user, p, v2: true));
            createFinalRepositoryTarGz(user, v2: true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the most recent release of a module with a optional ksp version to target and a RelationshipDescriptor to satisfy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ksp_version">If not null only consider mods which match this ksp version.</param>
        /// <param name="relationship">If not null only consider mods which satisfy the RelationshipDescriptor.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CfanModule Latest(FactorioVersion ksp_version = null, ModDependency relationship = null, bool hasFactorioAuth = false)
            IDictionary <ModVersion, CfanJson> module_version = this.module_version;

            if (!hasFactorioAuth)
                module_version = module_version.Where(p => !CfanJson.requiresFactorioComAuthorization(p.Value)).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            var      available_versions = new List <ModVersion>(module_version.Keys);
            CfanJson module;

            log.DebugFormat("Our dictionary has {0} keys", module_version.Keys.Count);
            log.DebugFormat("Choosing between {0} available versions", available_versions.Count);

            // Uh oh, nothing available. Maybe this existed once, but not any longer.
            if (available_versions.Count == 0)

            // No restrictions? Great, we can just pick the first one!
            if (ksp_version == null && relationship == null)
                module = module_version[available_versions.First()];

                log.DebugFormat("No KSP version restriction, {0} is most recent", module.modInfo.version);
                return(new CfanModule(module));

            // If there's no relationship to satisfy, we can just pick the first that is
            // compatible with our version of KSP.
            if (relationship == null)
                // Time to check if there's anything that we can satisfy.
                var version =
                    available_versions.FirstOrDefault(v => new CfanModule(module_version[v]).IsCompatibleKSP(ksp_version));
                if (version != null)
                    return(new CfanModule(module_version[version]));

                log.DebugFormat("No version of {0} is compatible with KSP {1}",
                                module_version[available_versions[0]].modInfo.name, ksp_version);


            // If we're here, then we have a relationship to satisfy, so things get more complex.
            if (ksp_version == null)
                var version = available_versions.FirstOrDefault(p => relationship.isSatisfiedBy(identifier, p));
                return(version == null ? null : new CfanModule(module_version[version]));
                var version = available_versions.FirstOrDefault(v =>
                                                                relationship.isSatisfiedBy(identifier, v) &&
                                                                new CfanModule(module_version[v]).IsCompatibleKSP(ksp_version));
                return(version == null ? null : new CfanModule(module_version[version]));