        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the specified image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public override void DeleteImage(string filePath, string key)
            DeleteObjectRequest request = new DeleteObjectRequest();

            request.WithBucketName("images.climbfind.com" + filePath)

            using (var client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(Stgs.AWSAccessKey, Stgs.AWSSecretKey, S3Config))
                // simple object put
                using (DeleteObjectResponse response = client.DeleteObject(request))
                    //-- Do a little bit of tracing
                    string headersString        = string.Empty;
                    WebHeaderCollection headers = response.Headers;
                    foreach (string h in headers.Keys)
                        headersString += string.Format("Response Header: {0}, Value: {1}", h, headers.Get(h));
                    CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.DeletingImage, headersString);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from authenticated facebook client 'accounts.climbfind.com' and the mobile app
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="fullName"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="nationality"></param>
        /// <param name="isMale"></param>
        /// <param name="facebookID"></param>
        /// <param name="facebookToken"></param>
        /// <param name="signUpOrigin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Profile CreateUser(string email, string fullName, string password, byte nationality, bool isMale, long?facebookID,
                                  string facebookToken, string signUpOrigin)
                bool detailsValid = true; //-- todo, perform some sort of validation on incoming details
                if (detailsValid)
                    MembershipCreateStatus createStatus;
                    var mUser = Membership.CreateUser(email, password, email, null, null, true, null, out createStatus);

                    if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                        throw new MembershipCreateUserException(createStatus);
                        var userID = new Guid(mUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString());

                        var user = CreateProfile(new Profile()
                            ID            = userID,
                            CountryID     = nationality,
                            Email         = email,
                            FullName      = fullName,
                            IsMale        = isMale,
                            FacebookID    = facebookID,
                            FacebookToken = facebookToken,
                            PrivacyAllowNewConversations = true,
                            PrivacyShowFeed             = true,
                            PrivacyShowHistory          = true,
                            PrivacyPostsDefaultIsPublic = true,
                            PrivacyShowInSearch         = true,
                            PrivacyShowOnPartnerSites   = true

                        var traceMsg = string.Format("{0} created an account via {1}", fullName, signUpOrigin);
                        if (facebookID.HasValue)
                            traceMsg += " w fbid: " + facebookID.Value.ToString();
                        CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg);
                        MailMan.SendAppEvent(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg, email, userID, "*****@*****.**", true);

                            if (facebookID.HasValue)
                                var originalImgUrl = string.Format("http://graph.facebook.com/{0}/picture?type=large", facebookID.Value);
                                using (Stream imgStream = new ImageDownloader().DownloadImageAsStream(originalImgUrl))
                                    //-- Note this function automatically updates the user object in the database
                                    SaveProfileAvatarPicFrom3rdPartSource(imgStream, user);
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    throw new Exception("Sign up detail invalid from origin: " + signUpOrigin);
            catch (Exception ex) //-- extra logging / safety as we really don't want this code to screw up and if it does be better know about it!
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("form required for an e-mail address") && !ex.Message.Contains("username is already in use"))
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Used:
        /// 1) In the case when the facebook ID does not match a profile, but the user is signed in to facebook (we check if we can connect the accounts)
        /// 2) When the user logs in with their CF3 email/password to a client (Accounts Server, PG Site, CF4, Mobile App) for the first time
        /// </summary>
        public Profile GetUserByEmailAndCreateCf4ProfileIfNotExists(string email)
            var profile = profileRepo.GetProfileByEmail(email);

            if (profile == null)
                var cf3Profile = new cf.DataAccess.cf3.ClimberProfileDA().GetClimberProfile(email);
                if (cf3Profile != default(Cf3Profile))
                    var    idStr    = cf3Profile.ID.ToString();
                    string userName = idStr.Substring(idStr.Length - 9, 8);

                    profile = new Profile()
                        ID                           = cf3Profile.ID,
                        CountryID                    = byte.Parse(cf3Profile.Nationality.ToString()),
                        DisplayNameTypeID            = 0,
                        Email                        = email,
                        FullName                     = cf3Profile.FullName,
                        IsMale                       = cf3Profile.IsMale.Value,
                        NickName                     = cf3Profile.NickName,
                        UserName                     = userName,
                        ContactNumber                = cf3Profile.ContractPhoneNumber,
                        PrivacyAllowNewConversations = true,
                        PrivacyShowFeed              = true,
                        PrivacyShowHistory           = true,
                        PrivacyPostsDefaultIsPublic  = true,
                        PrivacyShowInSearch          = true,
                        PrivacyShowOnPartnerSites    = true


                    var traceMsg = string.Format("{0} upgraded cf3 account", cf3Profile.FullName);
                    CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg);
                    MailMan.SendAppEvent(TraceCode.UserCreateAccount, traceMsg, email, cf3Profile.ID, "*****@*****.**", true);

                        var originalImgUrl = GetCf3ProfilePicFullSizeUrl(cf3Profile.ID, cf3Profile.ProfilePictureFile);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(originalImgUrl))
                            using (Stream imgStream = new ImageDownloader().DownloadImageAsStream(originalImgUrl))
                                if (imgStream == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Cf3 image stream is null for: " + originalImgUrl);
                                if (profile == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Profile is null...");

                                //-- Note this function automatically updates the user object in the database
                                SaveProfileAvatarPicFrom3rdPartSource(imgStream, profile);
                    catch (Exception ex)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto"></param>
        public void ProcessPartnerCallWorkItem(PartnerCallAlertWorkItem dto)
            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(dto, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem, dto object is null.", "");

            var pc = pcRepo.GetByID(dto.PartnerCallID);

            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(pc, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem[{0}], PartnerCall is null.", dto.ToJson());

            var post = new PostRepository().GetByID(pc.ID);

            if (post == null)
                pcRepo.Delete(pc.ID); return;
            }                                                   //-- If they've deleted the post, let's not send out anything and delete the original call...

            var place = AppLookups.GetCacheIndexEntry(pc.PlaceID);

            //if (place == null) //-- Maybe we tried to read when

            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(place, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem[{0}] for place[{1}], Place is null.", pc.ID, pc.PlaceID);

            var by = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(pc.UserID);

            IfNullThrowArgumentExceptionAndClearMsg(by, "Cannot process PartnerCallAlertWorkItem[{0}] for byUser[{1}], User is null.", pc.ID, pc.UserID);

            PCNWorkItem pcnWi = new PartnerCallNotificationWorkItem()
                ID        = Guid.NewGuid(), CreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CountryID = place.CountryID, OnBehalfOfUserID = by.ID, PartnerCallID = pc.ID, PlaceID = pc.PlaceID

            var alerts = new List <Alert>();

            var msg = string.Format("<a href='/climber/{0}'>{1}</a> posted a <a href='/partner-call/{2}'>PartnerCall&trade;</a> for <a href='{3}'>{4}</a>",
                                    by.ID, by.DisplayName, pc.ID, place.SlugUrl, place.Name);

            var deduciblePlaces      = CfPerfCache.GetGeoDeduciblePlaces(place);
            var subscriptionsByUsers = pcsRepo.GetSubscriptionsForPlaces(deduciblePlaces.Select(p => p.ID).ToList())
                                       .Where(s => s.UserID != pc.UserID).GroupBy(s => s.UserID);

            //-- We only want to create one Alert per user for a single partner call
            foreach (var subsUserSet in subscriptionsByUsers)
                    var subscribedUser = CfPerfCache.GetClimber(subsUserSet.Key);
                    if (subscribedUser == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot process partner call subscription alerts for user[{0}] as user is null", subsUserSet.Key));

                    var matchingSubs = new List <PCSubscription>();
                    foreach (var sub in subsUserSet)
                        if (sub.PlaceID == place.ID || !sub.ExactMatchOnly) //-- Here we make sure we don't include subscription with ExactMatchOnly chosen
                            //-- Make sure we match on Indoor/Outdoor preferences
                            if ((sub.ForIndoor && pc.ForIndoor) || (sub.ForOutdoor && pc.ForOutdoor))

                    if (matchingSubs.Count > 0)
                        var alert = new Alert()
                            ID     = Guid.NewGuid(), Utc = DateTime.UtcNow, TypeID = (byte)AlertType.PartnerCall,
                            PostID = pc.ID, UserID = subscribedUser.ID, Message = msg

                        alert.ByFeed = true; //-- Here we always put partner calls in the alert feed (unless at a later date we decide to change this).

                        //-- Default notifications
                        bool sendEmail      = false;
                        bool sendMobilePush = false;

                        int    count = 1;
                        string subscriptionPlaces = string.Empty;

                        foreach (var sub in matchingSubs)
                            if (sub.EmailRealTime)
                                sendEmail = true;
                            if (sub.MobileRealTime)
                                sendMobilePush = true;

                            var p = AppLookups.GetCacheIndexEntry(sub.PlaceID);

                            if (count == 1)
                                subscriptionPlaces = p.Name;
                            else if (count == matchingSubs.Count)
                                alert.Message += string.Format(" & {0}", p.Name);
                                alert.Message += string.Format(", {0}", p.Name);


                        if (matchingSubs.Count == 1)
                            alert.Message += ", <i>matching subscription for " + subscriptionPlaces + ".</i>";
                            alert.Message += ", <i>matching subscriptions for " + subscriptionPlaces + ".</i>";

                        if (sendEmail)
                            MailMan.SendPartnerCallEmail(subscribedUser, by, place, pc, subscriptionPlaces);
                            alert.ByEmail = true;

                        //if (sendMobilePush)
                        //    alert.ByMobile = true;

                catch (Exception ex) // Here we have a try catch incase it fails for one user we can try and still process the others

            pcnWi.NotificationsSent = alerts.Count();
            pcnWi.ProcessedUtc      = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //-- We have to check this again to see if they delete the post while we were processing
            var postagain = new PostRepository().GetByID(pc.ID);

            if (postagain != null)
                new AlertRepository().Create(alerts);

            CfTrace.Information(TraceCode.PartnerCallNofiticatonWorkItemProcess, "Processed {4} <a href='/climber/{0}'>{1}'s</a> <a href='/partner-call/{2}'>PartnerCall&trade;</a> for {3}.",
                                by.ID, by.DisplayName, pc.ID, place.Name, alerts.Count);