private async Task RunExample() { // Using the ApiCredentials Class // Client = new Api(new ApiCredentials(CexUsername, CexApiKey, CexApiSecret)); // Or not // CexClient = new CexApi(CexUsername, CexApiKey, CexApiSecret); // ApiCredentials/(Username, ApiKey, ApiSecret) not needed for public functions CexClient = new CexApi(); // Get Ticker Data Ticker tickerData = await CexClient.Ticker(SymbolPair.BTC_USD); // Get Order Book OrderBook orderBook = await CexClient.OrderBook(SymbolPair.BTC_USD); // Get Trade history IEnumerable <Trade> tradeHistory = await CexClient.TradeHistory(SymbolPair.BTC_USD); // ApiCredentials required for user specific calls or "Private Functions" CexClient = new CexApi(CexUsername, CexApiKey, CexApiSecret); // Get Account Balance Balance accountBalance = await CexClient.AccountBalance(); // Get Open Orders IEnumerable <OpenOrder> openOrders = await CexClient.OpenOrders(SymbolPair.LTC_BTC); // Place an order OpenOrder openOrder = await CexClient.PlaceOrder( SymbolPair.BTC_USD, new Order { Amount = 1.00m, Price = 0.04644000m, Type = OrderType.Buy }); // Cancel an order bool didSucceed = await CexClient.CancelOrder(openOrder.Id); // GHash.IO Example GhashClient = new GhashApi(new ApiCredentials(CexUsername, CexApiKey, CexApiSecret)); // Get Hash Rate Hashrate hashrate = await GhashClient.Hashrate(); // Get Workers Hash Rate IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, WorkerHashrate> > workerHashRate = await GhashClient.WorkersHashRate(); }
public ArbitrageCalculator(CexApi client) { this.CexClient = client; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory(); loggerFactory.AddConsole(); Console.WriteLine("======================"); var tradingEngines = new List <ITradingEngine>(); var useExchange = SupportedExchanges.Unknown; while (useExchange == SupportedExchanges.Unknown) { Console.WriteLine("Type 1 for CEX.IO, Type 2 for GDAX, Type 3 for Bitstamp:"); useExchange = NumericUtils.GetIntegerValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()).ParseEnum <SupportedExchanges>(); } Console.Write($"{useExchange.ToString()} API Secret:"); var secret = Console.ReadLine(); switch (useExchange) { case SupportedExchanges.Cex: Console.Write("\n CEX Username:"******"\n GDAX Pass phrase:"); break; case SupportedExchanges.Bitstamp: Console.Write("\n Bitstamp Client Id:"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var username = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"\n{useExchange.ToString()} API Key:"); var apiKey = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("\nSlack Notification Webhook Url:"); var slackWebhook = Console.ReadLine(); var exchangeCurrency = string.Empty; while (exchangeCurrency.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Console.Write($"\n{useExchange.ToString()} Exhcange Base currency name: (default BTC)"); exchangeCurrency = Console.ReadLine(); if (Currencies.SupportedCurrencies.Count(i => i == exchangeCurrency) > 0) { continue; } if (exchangeCurrency.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine("Default cryptocurrency BTC selected."); exchangeCurrency = Currencies.BTC; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Invalid currency name. Please try again."); Console.ResetColor(); exchangeCurrency = null; } } var targetCurrency = string.Empty; while (targetCurrency.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Console.Write($"\n{useExchange.ToString()} Exhcange Target currency name: (default USD)"); targetCurrency = Console.ReadLine(); if (Currencies.SupportedCurrencies.Count(i => i == targetCurrency) > 0) { continue; } if (targetCurrency.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine("Default target currency USD selected."); targetCurrency = Currencies.USD; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Invalid currency name. Please try again."); Console.ResetColor(); targetCurrency = null; } } var stopLine = 0m; while (stopLine <= 0) { Console.Write("\nSpecify the bottom line value where execution should STOP:"); stopLine = NumericUtils.GetDecimalValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (stopLine > 0) { continue; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine( "Bottom line value must be positive number representing your target currency value. (e.g. 5000 )"); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.WriteLine( $"Minutes of historical orders on {useExchange.ToString()} for buying considerations: (default 3)"); var publicOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision = NumericUtils.GetIntegerValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (publicOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision <= 0) { publicOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision = 3; } Console.WriteLine( $"Minutes of historical orders on {useExchange.ToString()} for selling considerations: (default 3)"); var publicOrderHistoryForSellingDecision = NumericUtils.GetIntegerValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (publicOrderHistoryForSellingDecision <= 0) { publicOrderHistoryForSellingDecision = 3; } Console.WriteLine("Minutes of historical account orders for buying considerations: (default 5)"); var accountOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision = NumericUtils.GetIntegerValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (accountOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision <= 0) { accountOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision = 5; } Console.WriteLine("Minutes of historical account orders for selling considerations: (default 5)"); var accountOrderHistoryForSellingDecision = NumericUtils.GetIntegerValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (accountOrderHistoryForSellingDecision <= 0) { accountOrderHistoryForSellingDecision = 5; } Console.WriteLine("Minutes change sensitivity ratio in decimal: (default 0.005)"); var sensitivityRatio = NumericUtils.GetDecimalValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (sensitivityRatio <= 0) { sensitivityRatio = 0.005m; } Console.WriteLine("Minimum Reserve In Target Currency: (default 0.2)"); var minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInTargetCurrency = NumericUtils.GetDecimalValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInTargetCurrency <= 0) { minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInTargetCurrency = 0.2m; } Console.WriteLine("Minimum Reserve In Exchange Currency: (default 0.2)"); var minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInExchangeCurrency = NumericUtils.GetDecimalValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInExchangeCurrency <= 0) { minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInExchangeCurrency = 0.2m; } Console.WriteLine("Order Cap Percentage On Init: (default 0.25)"); var orderCapPercentageOnInit = NumericUtils.GetDecimalValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (orderCapPercentageOnInit <= 0) { orderCapPercentageOnInit = 0.25m; } Console.WriteLine("Order Cap Percentage After Init: (default 0.3)"); var orderCapPercentageAfterInit = NumericUtils.GetDecimalValueFromObject(Console.ReadLine()); if (orderCapPercentageAfterInit <= 0) { orderCapPercentageAfterInit = 0.3m; } bool autoExecution; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.WriteLine("Automated order execution - Enter 'CONFIRM' to execute order automatically: "); Console.ResetColor(); autoExecution = Console.ReadLine() == "CONFIRM"; var tradingStrategy = new TradingStrategy { MinutesOfAccountHistoryOrderForPurchaseDecision = accountOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision, MinutesOfAccountHistoryOrderForSellDecision = accountOrderHistoryForSellingDecision, MinutesOfPublicHistoryOrderForPurchaseDecision = publicOrderHistoryForBuyingDecision, MinutesOfPublicHistoryOrderForSellDecision = publicOrderHistoryForSellingDecision, MinimumReservePercentageAfterInitInTargetCurrency = minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInTargetCurrency, MinimumReservePercentageAfterInitInExchangeCurrency = minimumReservePercentageAfterInitInExchangeCurrency, OrderCapPercentageAfterInit = orderCapPercentageAfterInit, OrderCapPercentageOnInit = orderCapPercentageOnInit, AutoDecisionExecution = autoExecution, StopLine = stopLine, MarketChangeSensitivityRatio = sensitivityRatio, PriceCorrectionFrequencyInHours = 12, TradingValueBleedRatio = 0.1m }; IApi api; switch (useExchange) { case SupportedExchanges.Gdax: api = new GdaxApi(apiKey, secret, username, slackWebhook, loggerFactory.CreateLogger($"GDAX Trading Engine - {exchangeCurrency} - {targetCurrency}"), tradingStrategy); break; case SupportedExchanges.Cex: api = new CexApi(apiKey, secret, username, slackWebhook, loggerFactory.CreateLogger($"CEX.IO Trading Engine - {exchangeCurrency} - {targetCurrency}"), tradingStrategy); break; case SupportedExchanges.Bitstamp: api = new BitstampApi(apiKey, secret, username, slackWebhook, loggerFactory.CreateLogger($"Bitstamp Trading Engine - {exchangeCurrency} - {targetCurrency}"), tradingStrategy); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } tradingEngines.Add(new TradingEngine(api, exchangeCurrency, targetCurrency)); var tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var engine in tradingEngines) { tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() => await engine.StartAsync())); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); }
private static void GenerateETHProfitRecordings() { ProfitRecording pf = new ProfitRecording(); var luno = LunoApi.GetLunoResult(10.00001M, LunoSymbolEnum.ETHZAR); // decimal bestprice = ((luno.ask.price + / 2); //var bitlishUSD = BitlishApi.GetBestPrices(BitlsihSymbolEnum.EthUsd, 0.01m); //var bitlishEUR = BitlishApi.GetBestPrices(BitlsihSymbolEnum.EthEur, 0.01m); var cexUSD = CexApi.GetBestPrices(CEXSymbolEnum.Eth_Usd, 0.01m); var cexEUR = CexApi.GetBestPrices(CEXSymbolEnum.Eth_Eur, 0.01m); var cexGBP = CexApi.GetBestPrices(CEXSymbolEnum.Eth_Gbp, 0.01m); decimal usdzar = 0m; decimal eurzar = 0m; decimal rubzar = 0m; decimal gbpzar = 0m; try { usdzar = CurrencyHelper.ConvertToZAR(1, CurrencyHelper.CurrencyEnum.Usd); eurzar = CurrencyHelper.ConvertToZAR(1, CurrencyHelper.CurrencyEnum.Eur); rubzar = CurrencyHelper.ConvertToZAR(1, CurrencyHelper.CurrencyEnum.Rub); gbpzar = CurrencyHelper.ConvertToZAR(1, CurrencyHelper.CurrencyEnum.Gbp); } catch { // failed to get live rates - use latest ProfitRecording recEUR = GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Cex, enCurrency.EUR, "BTC"); ProfitRecording recUSD = GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Cex, enCurrency.USD, "BTC"); ProfitRecording recGBP = GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Cex, enCurrency.GBP, "BTC"); eurzar = recEUR.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; usdzar = recUSD.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; gbpzar = recGBP.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; } decimal profPerc = 0; // Bitlish USD; //try //{ // profPerc = GetProfit(bitlishUSD.ask.price,, usdzar, 0.4M, 4.84M, 2000); // pf = new ProfitRecording(); // pf.Exchange = enExchange.Bitlish; // pf.Currency = enCurrency.USD; // pf.LunoBid =; // pf.ExchangeAsk = bitlishUSD.ask.price; // pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = usdzar; // pf.ProfitPerc = profPerc; // pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; // pf.Save(); //} //catch //{// duplicate last recording // ProfitRecording pflast = ProfitRecording.GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Bitlish, enCurrency.USD, "ETH"); // pf = new ProfitRecording(); // pf.Exchange = pflast.Exchange; // pf.Currency = pflast.Currency; // pf.LunoBid = pflast.LunoBid; // pf.ExchangeAsk = pflast.ExchangeAsk; // pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = pflast.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; // pf.ProfitPerc = pflast.ProfitPerc; // pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; // pf.Save(); //} //// Bitlish EUR; //try //{ // profPerc = GetProfit(bitlishEUR.ask.price,, eurzar, 0.4M, 4.35M, 1500); // pf = new ProfitRecording(); // pf.Exchange = enExchange.Bitlish; // pf.Currency = enCurrency.EUR; // pf.LunoBid =; // pf.ExchangeAsk = bitlishEUR.ask.price; // pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = eurzar; // pf.ProfitPerc = profPerc; // pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; // pf.Save(); //} //catch //{// duplicate last recording // ProfitRecording pflast = ProfitRecording.GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Bitlish, enCurrency.EUR, "ETH"); // pf = new ProfitRecording(); // pf.Exchange = pflast.Exchange; // pf.Currency = pflast.Currency; // pf.LunoBid = pflast.LunoBid; // pf.ExchangeAsk = pflast.ExchangeAsk; // pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = pflast.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; // pf.ProfitPerc = pflast.ProfitPerc; // pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; // pf.Save(); //} // CEX USD; try { profPerc = GetProfit(cexUSD.ask.price,, usdzar, 0.4M, 2.99M, 3000); pf = new ProfitRecording(); pf.Exchange = enExchange.Cex; pf.Currency = enCurrency.USD; pf.LunoBid =; pf.ExchangeAsk = cexUSD.ask.price; pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = usdzar; pf.ProfitPerc = profPerc; pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; pf.Save(); } catch {// duplicate last recording ProfitRecording pflast = ProfitRecording.GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Cex, enCurrency.USD, "ETH"); pf = new ProfitRecording(); pf.Exchange = pflast.Exchange; pf.Currency = pflast.Currency; pf.LunoBid = pflast.LunoBid; pf.ExchangeAsk = pflast.ExchangeAsk; pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = pflast.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; pf.ProfitPerc = pflast.ProfitPerc; pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; pf.Save(); } // CEX EUR; try { profPerc = GetProfit(cexEUR.ask.price,, eurzar, 0.4M, 2.99M, 3000); pf = new ProfitRecording(); pf.Exchange = enExchange.Cex; pf.Currency = enCurrency.EUR; pf.LunoBid =; pf.ExchangeAsk = cexEUR.ask.price; pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = eurzar; pf.ProfitPerc = profPerc; pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; pf.Save(); } catch {// duplicate last recording ProfitRecording pflast = ProfitRecording.GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Cex, enCurrency.EUR, "ETH"); pf = new ProfitRecording(); pf.Exchange = pflast.Exchange; pf.Currency = pflast.Currency; pf.LunoBid = pflast.LunoBid; pf.ExchangeAsk = pflast.ExchangeAsk; pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = pflast.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; pf.ProfitPerc = pflast.ProfitPerc; pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; pf.Save(); } // CEX GBP; try { profPerc = GetProfit(cexGBP.ask.price,, gbpzar, 0.4M, 2.99M, 2000); pf = new ProfitRecording(); pf.Exchange = enExchange.Cex; pf.Currency = enCurrency.GBP; pf.LunoBid =; pf.ExchangeAsk = cexGBP.ask.price; pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = gbpzar; pf.ProfitPerc = profPerc; pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; pf.Save(); } catch { // duplicate last recording ProfitRecording pflast = ProfitRecording.GetLatestByExchangeAndCurrnecy(enExchange.Cex, enCurrency.GBP, "ETH"); pf = new ProfitRecording(); pf.Exchange = pflast.Exchange; pf.Currency = pflast.Currency; pf.LunoBid = pflast.LunoBid; pf.ExchangeAsk = pflast.ExchangeAsk; pf.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate = pflast.CurrencyToZARExchangeRate; pf.ProfitPerc = pflast.ProfitPerc; pf.ArbSymblol = "ETH"; pf.Save(); } }
private string get_content(Uri uri, out string extension) { extension = ""; // Api Calls if (uri.ToString().Contains("/api")) { string command = uri.ToString().Split(new string[] { "api" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Substring(1); CexApi CexClient = new CexApi(Form1.CexUsername, Form1.CexApiKey, Form1.CexApiSecret); switch (command) { case "ticker": return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CexClient.Ticker(SymbolPair.XRP_USD).Result)); break; default: break; } var orderbook = CexClient.OrderBook(SymbolPair.XRP_USD).Result; return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { // ------------------------------- // Cex.Io Api Functions // ------------------------------- // ------------------------------- // ---- Tag: Public API calls ---- // ------------------------------- // Currency_limits Ticker = CexClient.Ticker(SymbolPair.XRP_USD).Result, // Tickers_for_all_pairs_by_markets // Last_price // Last_prices_for_given_markets // Converter Chart = CexClient.Chart(SymbolPair.XRP_USD).Result, // Historical_1m_OHLCV_Chart = CexClient.Historical_1m_OHLCV_Chart(SymbolPair.XRP_USD, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), "m"), Orderbook = new { Asks = orderbook.Asks.Take(15).Union(orderbook.Asks.Skip(orderbook.Asks.Count() - 5).Take(5)), Bids = orderbook.Bids.Take(15).Union(orderbook.Asks.Skip(orderbook.Bids.Count() - 5).Take(5)), Timestamp = orderbook.Timestamp, buy_total = orderbook.buy_total, sell_total = orderbook.sell_total } , // Trade_history = CexClient.TradeHistory(SymbolPair.XRP_USD).Result, // -------------------------------- // ---- Tag: Private API calls ---- // -------------------------------- Account_balance = CexClient.AccountBalance().Result, Open_orders = CexClient.OpenOrders(SymbolPair.XRP_USD).Result, // Open_orders_by_pair // Active_order_status // Archived_orders // Cancel_order= CexClient.CancelOrder(new TradeId(0)).Result, // Cancel_all_orders_for_given_pair // Place_order = CexClient.PlaceOrder(SymbolPair.XRP_USD,new Order() { Amount=1, Price=1, Type= OrderType.Buy },null).Result, // Get_order_details // Get_order_transactions // Get_crypto_address // Get_my_fee // Cancel_replace_order // Open_position // Get_position // Open_positions // Close_position // Archived_positions // Get_marginal_fee })); } else // Orher Resource calls { var path = uri.LocalPath.Substring(1); path = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) ? this.default_filename : path; extension = Path.GetExtension(path); return(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(this.folder, path))); } }