public void NewPacketWritesObjectLiteral() { PacketCesiumWriter packet = m_writer.OpenPacket(m_output); packet.Close(); Assert.AreEqual("{}", m_sw.ToString()); }
public void NewPacketWritesObjectLiteral() { var packet = m_writer.OpenPacket(m_outputStream); packet.Close(); Assert.AreEqual("{}", m_stringWriter.ToString()); }
public void DisposeClosesPacket() { using (PacketCesiumWriter packet = m_writer.OpenPacket(m_output)) { } Assert.AreEqual("{}", m_sw.ToString()); }
public void DisposeClosesPacket() { using (m_writer.OpenPacket(m_outputStream)) { } Assert.AreEqual("{}", m_stringWriter.ToString()); }
public void TestCesiumPropertyWriterSetUp() { StringWriter = new StringWriter(); OutputStream = new CesiumOutputStream(StringWriter); Writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); Packet = Writer.OpenPacket(OutputStream); }
public void CreateExampleFile() { using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter()) { var output = new CesiumOutputStream(stringWriter) { PrettyFormatting = true }; var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(output)) { packet.WriteId("MyID"); var startDate = new JulianDate(new GregorianDate(2012, 4, 2, 12, 0, 0)); var stopDate = new JulianDate(new GregorianDate(2012, 4, 2, 12, 1, 0)); using (var clockWriter = packet.OpenClockProperty()) { using (var intervalClockWriter = clockWriter.OpenInterval(startDate, stopDate)) { intervalClockWriter.WriteCurrentTime(startDate); } } using (var modelWriter = packet.OpenModelProperty()) { modelWriter.WriteGltfProperty(new Uri("example.gltf", UriKind.Relative), CesiumResourceBehavior.LinkTo); using (var nodeTransformationsWriter = modelWriter.OpenNodeTransformationsProperty()) { using (var nodeTransformationWriter = nodeTransformationsWriter.OpenNodeTransformationProperty("node1")) { nodeTransformationWriter.WriteScaleProperty(new Cartesian(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); nodeTransformationWriter.WriteRotationProperty(UnitQuaternion.Identity); nodeTransformationWriter.WriteTranslationProperty(new Cartesian(4.0, 5.0, 6.0)); } using (var nodeTransformationWriter = nodeTransformationsWriter.OpenNodeTransformationProperty("node2")) { var dates = new List <JulianDate> { startDate, stopDate }; var values = new List <Cartesian> { new Cartesian(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), new Cartesian(10.0, 12.0, 14.0) }; nodeTransformationWriter.WriteScaleProperty(dates, values); } } } } Console.WriteLine(stringWriter.ToString()); } }
public void CreateExampleFile() { using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter()) { var output = new CesiumOutputStream(stringWriter) { PrettyFormatting = true }; var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(output)) { packet.WriteId("MyID"); var startDate = new JulianDate(new GregorianDate(2012, 4, 2, 12, 0, 0)); var stopDate = new JulianDate(new GregorianDate(2012, 4, 2, 12, 1, 0)); using (var clockWriter = packet.OpenClockProperty()) { using (var intervalClockWriter = clockWriter.OpenInterval(startDate, stopDate)) { intervalClockWriter.WriteCurrentTime(startDate); } } using (var modelWriter = packet.OpenModelProperty()) { modelWriter.WriteGltfProperty(new Uri("example.gltf", UriKind.Relative), CesiumResourceBehavior.LinkTo); using (var articulationsWriter = modelWriter.OpenArticulationsProperty()) { using (var articulationWriter = articulationsWriter.OpenArticulationProperty("articulation1 stage1")) { articulationWriter.WriteNumber(45); } using (var articulationWriter = articulationsWriter.OpenArticulationProperty("articulation1 stage2")) { var dates = new List <JulianDate> { startDate, stopDate }; var values = new List <double> { 1.0, 10.0 }; articulationWriter.WriteNumber(dates, values); } } } } Console.WriteLine(stringWriter.ToString()); } }
public void TestExample() { var outputStream = new CesiumOutputStream(StringWriter) { PrettyFormatting = true }; var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(outputStream)) { packet.WriteId("examplePolygon"); using (var polygon = packet.OpenPolygonProperty()) { using (var positions = polygon.OpenPositionsProperty()) { var listOfPositions = new List <Cartographic> { new Cartographic(0, 0, 0), new Cartographic(0, 10, 0), new Cartographic(10, 10, 0), new Cartographic(10, 0, 0), }; positions.WriteCartographicDegrees(listOfPositions); } using (var holes = polygon.OpenHolesProperty()) { var listOfHoles = new List <List <Cartographic> > { new List <Cartographic> { new Cartographic(1, 1, 0), new Cartographic(1, 2, 0), new Cartographic(2, 2, 0), }, new List <Cartographic> { new Cartographic(4, 4, 0), new Cartographic(4, 5, 0), new Cartographic(5, 5, 0), new Cartographic(5, 4, 0), }, }; holes.WriteCartographicDegrees(listOfHoles); } using (var material = polygon.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var solidColor = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { solidColor.WriteColorProperty(Color.Red); } } } } Console.WriteLine(StringWriter.ToString()); }
public void RunExample() { var stringWriter = new StringWriter(); var output = new CesiumOutputStream(stringWriter) { PrettyFormatting = true }; var stream = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (var packet = stream.OpenPacket(output)) { packet.WriteId("Test"); using (var billboard = packet.OpenBillboardProperty()) { billboard.WriteColorProperty(123, 67, 0, 255); billboard.WriteImageProperty(new Uri(""), CesiumResourceBehavior.LinkTo); } using (var position = packet.OpenPositionProperty()) { position.WriteCartographicDegrees(new Cartographic(-75.0, 45.0, 100.0)); } using (var model = packet.OpenModelProperty()) using (var color = model.OpenColorProperty()) using (var intervals = color.OpenMultipleIntervals()) { var start = new GregorianDate(2012, 8, 4, 16, 0, 0).ToJulianDate(); var stop = new GregorianDate(2012, 8, 4, 16, 1, 0).ToJulianDate(); using (var interval = intervals.OpenInterval(start, stop)) { interval.WriteRgbaf(Color.Red); } start = new GregorianDate(2012, 8, 4, 16, 1, 0).ToJulianDate(); stop = new GregorianDate(2012, 8, 4, 16, 2, 0).ToJulianDate(); using (var interval = intervals.OpenInterval(start, stop)) { interval.WriteRgbaf(Color.Lime); } } } Console.WriteLine(stringWriter.ToString()); }
public void TestCompleteExample() { var date = new JulianDate(2451545.0); const string id = "MyID"; var availability = new TimeInterval(date, date.AddDays(2.0)); var interval1 = new TimeInterval(date, date.AddDays(1.0)); var interval1Position = new Cartesian(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); var interval1Orientation = new UnitQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0); var interval2 = new TimeInterval(date.AddDays(1.0), date.AddDays(2.0)); var interval2SampleDates = new List <JulianDate> { date.AddDays(1.0), date.AddDays(1.5), date.AddDays(2.0) }; var interval2SamplePositions = new List <Cartographic> { Cartographic.Zero, new Cartographic(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Cartographic(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) }; var interval2SampleOrientations = new List <UnitQuaternion> { UnitQuaternion.Identity, new UnitQuaternion(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new UnitQuaternion(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) }; const CesiumInterpolationAlgorithm orientationInterpolationAlgorithm = CesiumInterpolationAlgorithm.Linear; const int orientationInterpolationDegree = 1; var outputStream = new CesiumOutputStream(StringWriter) { PrettyFormatting = true }; var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(outputStream)) { packet.WriteId(id); packet.WriteAvailability(availability); using (var positionWriter = packet.OpenPositionProperty()) using (var intervalListWriter = positionWriter.OpenMultipleIntervals()) { using (var interval = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval()) { interval.WriteInterval(interval1); interval.WriteCartesian(interval1Position); } using (var interval = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval(interval2.Start, interval2.Stop)) { interval.WriteCartographicRadians(interval2SampleDates, interval2SamplePositions); } } using (var orientationWriter = packet.OpenOrientationProperty()) using (var intervalListWriter = orientationWriter.OpenMultipleIntervals()) { using (var interval = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval()) { interval.WriteInterval(interval1); interval.WriteUnitQuaternion(interval1Orientation); } using (var interval = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval(interval2.Start, interval2.Stop)) { interval.WriteInterpolationAlgorithm(orientationInterpolationAlgorithm); interval.WriteInterpolationDegree(orientationInterpolationDegree); interval.WriteUnitQuaternion(interval2SampleDates, interval2SampleOrientations); } } } Console.WriteLine(StringWriter.ToString()); }
public void CreateExampleFile() { using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter()) { var output = new CesiumOutputStream(stringWriter, true); var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); output.WriteStartSequence(); using (var documentPacket = writer.OpenPacket(output)) { documentPacket.WriteId("document"); documentPacket.WriteVersion("1.0"); using (var clockWriter = documentPacket.OpenClockProperty()) using (var intervalClockWriter = clockWriter.OpenInterval(m_startDate, m_stopDate)) { intervalClockWriter.WriteCurrentTime(m_startDate); } } using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(output)) { packet.WriteId("MyID"); using (var customPropertiesWriter = packet.OpenPropertiesProperty()) { using (var customPropertyWriter = customPropertiesWriter.OpenCustomPropertyProperty("custom_boolean")) using (var intervalListWriter = customPropertyWriter.OpenMultipleIntervals()) { using (var intervalWriter = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval(m_startDate, m_startDate.AddSeconds(1))) { intervalWriter.WriteBoolean(true); } using (var intervalWriter = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval(m_startDate.AddSeconds(1), m_startDate.AddSeconds(2))) { intervalWriter.WriteBoolean(false); } using (var intervalWriter = intervalListWriter.OpenInterval(m_startDate.AddSeconds(2), m_stopDate)) { intervalWriter.WriteBoolean(true); } } using (var customPropertyWriter = customPropertiesWriter.OpenCustomPropertyProperty("custom_cartesian")) { var dates = new List <JulianDate>(); var values = new List <Cartesian>(); dates.Add(m_startDate); values.Add(new Cartesian(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); dates.Add(m_startDate.AddSeconds(60.0)); values.Add(new Cartesian(4.0, 5.0, 6.0)); dates.Add(m_startDate.AddSeconds(120.0)); values.Add(new Cartesian(7.0, 8.0, 9.0)); customPropertyWriter.WriteCartesian(dates, values); } } } output.WriteEndSequence(); Console.WriteLine(stringWriter.ToString()); } }
public ActionResult Info(int ID, Int64 lastdataid = 0) { var flightmapdatas = db.FlightMapDatas.Where(x => x.FlightID == ID && (x.Altitude > 0 || x.Speed > 0) && x.FlightMapDataID > lastdataid).OrderBy(x => x.FlightMapDataID).ToList(); int count = flightmapdatas.Count(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); var outputStream = new StreamWriter(ms); var cesiumWriter = new CesiumStreamWriter(); var output = new CesiumOutputStream(outputStream) { // Since this is a demo, turning on PrettyFormatting makes the response easier to view // with web browser developer tools. It just adds whitespace and newlines to the response, // so production environments would typically leave this turned off. PrettyFormatting = true }; if (count > 0) { // The whole body of CZML must be wrapped in a JSON array, opened here. output.WriteStartSequence(); FlightMapData firstItem = db.FlightMapDatas.Where(x => x.FlightID == ID && (x.Altitude > 0 || x.Speed > 0)).OrderBy(x => x.FlightMapDataID).ToList().Take(1).FirstOrDefault(); FlightMapData LastItem = db.FlightMapDatas.Where(x => x.FlightID == ID && (x.Altitude > 0 || x.Speed > 0)).OrderBy(x => x.FlightMapDataID).ToList().LastOrDefault(); JulianDate StartTime = new JulianDate(firstItem.ReadTime.Value); JulianDate EndTime = new JulianDate(LastItem.ReadTime.Value); string curFile = @"C:\Cesium\test.czml"; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(curFile); List <Cartographic> pList = new List <Cartographic>(); List <JulianDate> JList = new List <JulianDate>(); List <Double> HList = new List <Double>(); List <Double> PList = new List <Double>(); List <Double> RList = new List <Double>(); // The first packet (JSON object) of CZML must be the document packet. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("document"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); using (var clock = entity.OpenClockProperty()) { clock.WriteInterval(new TimeInterval(StartTime, EndTime)); if (lastdataid == 0) { clock.WriteCurrentTime(StartTime); } else { clock.WriteCurrentTime(EndTime); } clock.WriteMultiplier(2); clock.WriteStep(ClockStep.SystemClockMultiplier); } //} } // Open a new CZML packet for each point. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("Aircraft"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); entity.WriteAvailability(new TimeInterval(StartTime, EndTime)); using (var path = entity.OpenPathProperty()) { using (var show = path.OpenShowProperty()) { //if(lastdataid==0) // show.WriteInterval(new TimeInterval(StartTime, EndTime)); show.WriteBoolean(true); } path.WriteWidthProperty(2); using (var material = path.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var sol = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { sol.WriteColorProperty(0, 255, 255, 255); } } path.WriteResolutionProperty(1200); } using (var position = entity.OpenPositionProperty()) { foreach (FlightMapData fmp in flightmapdatas) { double lat = Convert.ToDouble(fmp.Latitude); double lon = Convert.ToDouble(fmp.Longitude); double alt = Convert.ToDouble(fmp.Altitude); Cartographic nC = new Cartographic(lon, lat, alt); pList.Add(nC); JulianDate jd = new JulianDate(fmp.ReadTime.Value); JList.Add(jd); var heading = Convert.ToDouble(fmp.Heading); HList.Add(heading); var pitch = Convert.ToDouble(fmp.Pitch); PList.Add(pitch); var roll = Convert.ToDouble(fmp.Roll); RList.Add(roll); } position.WriteCartographicDegrees(JList, pList); } } // Now we generate some sample points and send them down. // Close the JSON array that wraps the entire CZML document. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("Custom"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); entity.WriteAvailability(new TimeInterval(StartTime, EndTime)); var custom = entity.OpenPropertiesProperty(); CustomPropertyCesiumWriter newpro = custom.OpenCustomPropertyProperty("heading"); newpro.AsNumber(); newpro.WriteNumber(JList, HList); newpro.Close(); CustomPropertyCesiumWriter newroll = custom.OpenCustomPropertyProperty("roll"); newroll.AsNumber(); newroll.WriteNumber(JList, RList); newroll.Close(); CustomPropertyCesiumWriter newpitch = custom.OpenCustomPropertyProperty("pitch"); // newpitch.Open(output); newpitch.AsNumber(); newpitch.WriteNumber(JList, PList); newpitch.Close(); CustomPropertyCesiumWriter LastDataID = custom.OpenCustomPropertyProperty("lastdataid"); LastDataID.AsNumber(); LastDataID.WriteNumber(LastItem.FlightMapDataID); LastDataID.Close(); custom.Close(); } output.WriteEndSequence(); //ms.Position = 0; //ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); outputStream.Flush(); // } } ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(File(ms, "application/json")); }
public void TestExample() { var stringWriter = new StringWriter(); var outputStream = new CesiumOutputStream(stringWriter) { PrettyFormatting = true }; var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); outputStream.WriteStartSequence(); using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(outputStream)) { packet.WriteId("document"); packet.WriteName("CZML Geometries: Polyline Volume"); packet.WriteVersion("1.0"); } using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(outputStream)) { packet.WriteId("greenBox"); packet.WriteName("Green box with beveled corners and outline"); using (var polylineVolume = packet.OpenPolylineVolumeProperty()) { using (var positions = polylineVolume.OpenPositionsProperty()) { positions.WriteCartographicDegrees(new List <Cartographic> { new Cartographic(-90.0, 32.0, 0), new Cartographic(-90.0, 36.0, 100000), new Cartographic(-94.0, 36.0, 0), }); } using (var shape = polylineVolume.OpenShapeProperty()) { shape.WriteCartesian2(new List <Rectangular> { new Rectangular(-50000, -50000), new Rectangular(50000, -50000), new Rectangular(50000, 50000), new Rectangular(-50000, 50000), }); } polylineVolume.WriteCornerTypeProperty(CesiumCornerType.Beveled); using (var material = polylineVolume.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var solidColor = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { solidColor.WriteColorProperty(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Lime)); } } polylineVolume.WriteOutlineProperty(true); polylineVolume.WriteOutlineColorProperty(Color.Black); } } using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(outputStream)) { packet.WriteId("blueStar"); packet.WriteName("Blue star with mitered corners and outline"); using (var polylineVolume = packet.OpenPolylineVolumeProperty()) { using (var positions = polylineVolume.OpenPositionsProperty()) { positions.WriteCartographicDegrees(new List <Cartographic> { new Cartographic(-95.0, 32.0, 0), new Cartographic(-95.0, 36.0, 100000), new Cartographic(-99.0, 36.0, 200000), }); } using (var shape = polylineVolume.OpenShapeProperty()) { const int arms = 7; const double rOuter = 70000.0; const double rInner = 50000.0; const double angle = Math.PI / arms; var vertices = new List <Rectangular>(); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * arms; i++) { double r = i % 2 == 0 ? rOuter : rInner; vertices.Add(new Rectangular(Math.Cos(i * angle) * r, Math.Sin(i * angle) * r)); } shape.WriteCartesian2(vertices); } polylineVolume.WriteCornerTypeProperty(CesiumCornerType.Mitered); using (var material = polylineVolume.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var solidColor = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { solidColor.WriteColorProperty(Color.Blue); } } } } outputStream.WriteEndSequence(); Console.WriteLine(stringWriter.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// This handles the HTTP request by writing some example CZML into the response. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The current HttpContext</param> public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // A more complex example could examine context.Request here for // inputs coming from the client-side application. // Set the response type for CZML, which is JSON. context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; // Create an output stream writer for the response. using (var outputStream = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) { var cesiumWriter = new CesiumStreamWriter(); var output = new CesiumOutputStream(outputStream) { // Since this is a demo, turning on PrettyFormatting makes the response easier to view // with web browser developer tools. It just adds whitespace and newlines to the response, // so production environments would typically leave this turned off. PrettyFormatting = true }; // The whole body of CZML must be wrapped in a JSON array, opened here. output.WriteStartSequence(); // The first packet (JSON object) of CZML must be the document packet. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("document"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); } // Now we generate some sample points and send them down. for (int y = -3; y <= 3; ++y) { double lat = y * 10.0; for (int x = -18; x <= 18; ++x) { double lon = x * 9.99999999; // Open a new CZML packet for each point. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("point " + (x * 10) + " " + (y * 10)); using (var position = entity.OpenPositionProperty()) { position.WriteCartographicDegrees(new Cartographic(lon, lat, 0.0)); } using (var point = entity.OpenPointProperty()) { point.WritePixelSizeProperty(10.0); point.WriteColorProperty(Color.Yellow); } // Click any dot in Cesium Viewer to read its description. using (var description = entity.OpenDescriptionProperty()) { description.WriteString($@" <table class=""cesium-infoBox-defaultTable""> <tbody> <tr> <td>Longitude</td> <td>{lon:0} degrees</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Latitude</td> <td>{lat:0} degrees</td> </tr> </tbody></table>"); } } } } // Close the JSON array that wraps the entire CZML document. output.WriteEndSequence(); } }
public void Sandbox() { JulianDate date = new JulianDate(2451545.0); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { CesiumOutputStream output = new CesiumOutputStream(sw); output.PrettyFormatting = true; CesiumStreamWriter writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (PacketCesiumWriter packet = writer.OpenPacket(output)) { packet.WriteId("MyID"); packet.WriteAvailability(date, date.AddDays(1.0)); using (PositionCesiumWriter position = packet.OpenPositionProperty()) using (CesiumIntervalListWriter <PositionCesiumWriter> intervalList = position.OpenMultipleIntervals()) { using (PositionCesiumWriter interval = intervalList.OpenInterval()) { interval.WriteInterval(new TimeInterval(date, date.AddDays(1.0))); interval.WriteCartesian(new Cartesian(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); } using (PositionCesiumWriter interval = intervalList.OpenInterval(date.AddDays(1.0), date.AddDays(2.0))) { var dates = new List <JulianDate>(); var positions = new List <Cartographic>(); dates.Add(date.AddDays(1.0)); positions.Add(Cartographic.Zero); dates.Add(date.AddDays(1.5)); positions.Add(new Cartographic(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); dates.Add(date.AddDays(2.0)); positions.Add(new Cartographic(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); interval.WriteCartographicRadians(dates, positions); } } using (OrientationCesiumWriter orientation = packet.OpenOrientationProperty()) using (CesiumIntervalListWriter <OrientationCesiumWriter> intervalList = orientation.OpenMultipleIntervals()) { using (OrientationCesiumWriter interval = intervalList.OpenInterval()) { interval.WriteAxes("MyMadeUpAxes"); interval.WriteInterval(new TimeInterval(date, date.AddDays(1.0))); interval.WriteUnitQuaternion(new UnitQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); } using (OrientationCesiumWriter interval = intervalList.OpenInterval()) { interval.WriteInterpolationAlgorithm(CesiumInterpolationAlgorithm.Linear); interval.WriteInterpolationDegree(1); var dates = new List <JulianDate>(); var orientations = new List <UnitQuaternion>(); dates.Add(date.AddDays(1.0)); orientations.Add(UnitQuaternion.Identity); dates.Add(date.AddDays(1.5)); orientations.Add(new UnitQuaternion(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); dates.Add(date.AddDays(2.0)); orientations.Add(new UnitQuaternion(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); interval.WriteUnitQuaternion(dates, orientations); } } } Console.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // use a fixed seed so repeated invocations use the same colors var rng = new Random(0); var files = new[] { @"ISS11_07_image_data.csv", @"ISS11_11_image_data.csv", @"ISS12_01_image_data.csv", @"ISS12_07_2_image_data.csv", @"ISS12_11_image_data.csv", @"ISS13_01_image_data.csv", @"ISS11_04_image_data.csv" }; List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > missions = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); foreach (var fileName in files) { string csvFile = Path.Combine(AssetsDirectory, "CSV", fileName); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(csvFile); string czmlFile = Path.Combine(AssetsDirectory, "CZML", Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".czml")); string jsonFile = Path.Combine(AssetsDirectory, "JSON", Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".json")); using (StreamWriter czmlWriter = new StreamWriter(czmlFile)) using (StreamWriter jsonWriter = new StreamWriter(jsonFile)) using (CesiumOutputStream czmlOutputStream = new CesiumOutputStream(czmlWriter)) { czmlOutputStream.PrettyFormatting = false; czmlOutputStream.WriteStartSequence(); List <string> ID = new List <string>(); List <string> Time = new List <string>(); List <string> School = new List <string>(); List <string> ImageUrl = new List <string>(); List <string> LensSize = new List <string>(); List <string> OrbitNumber = new List <string>(); List <string> FrameWidth = new List <string>(); List <string> FrameHeight = new List <string>(); List <string> Page = new List <string>(); List <string> CZML = new List <string>(); GregorianDate start = new GregorianDate(); for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; string[] tokens = line.Split(','); for (int q = 0; q < tokens.Length; q++) { tokens[q] = tokens[q].Trim('"').Trim(); } if (i == 1) { start = GregorianDate.Parse(tokens[17]); missions.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, null), tokens[18])); } else if (i == lines.Length - 1) { Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)); Console.WriteLine(start.ToJulianDate().TotalDays + " JDate"); var stop = GregorianDate.Parse(tokens[17]); Console.WriteLine(stop.ToJulianDate().TotalDays + " JDate"); Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine((stop.ToJulianDate() - start.ToJulianDate()).TotalDays); } var writer = new CesiumStreamWriter(); using (var packet = writer.OpenPacket(czmlOutputStream)) { packet.WriteId(tokens[0]); using (var vertexPositions = packet.OpenVertexPositionsProperty()) { var points = new Cartographic[] { new Cartographic(double.Parse(tokens[5]), double.Parse(tokens[6]), 0), new Cartographic(double.Parse(tokens[7]), double.Parse(tokens[8]), 0), new Cartographic(double.Parse(tokens[9]), double.Parse(tokens[10]), 0), new Cartographic(double.Parse(tokens[11]), double.Parse(tokens[12]), 0) }; vertexPositions.WriteCartographicDegrees(points); } using (var polygon = packet.OpenPolygonProperty()) { polygon.WriteShowProperty(true); using (var material = polygon.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var color = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { color.WriteColorProperty(Color.FromArgb(255, (int)(rng.NextDouble() * 255), (int)(rng.NextDouble() * 255), (int)(rng.NextDouble() * 255))); } } } } for (int q = 0; q < tokens.Length; q++) { tokens[q] = tokens[q].Replace("\"", "\\\""); } ID.Add(tokens[0]); Time.Add(GregorianDate.Parse(tokens[17]).ToIso8601String(Iso8601Format.Compact)); School.Add(tokens[23]); ImageUrl.Add(tokens[21].Split(new[] { '=' })[2]); LensSize.Add(tokens[14]); OrbitNumber.Add(tokens[19]); FrameWidth.Add(tokens[15]); FrameHeight.Add(tokens[16]); Page.Add(tokens[20].Split(new[] { '=' })[1]); } czmlOutputStream.WriteEndSequence(); jsonWriter.WriteLine("{"); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "ID", ID); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "Time", Time); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "School", School); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "ImageUrl", ImageUrl); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "LensSize", LensSize); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "OrbitNumber", OrbitNumber); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "FrameWidth", FrameWidth); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "FrameHeight", FrameHeight); jsonWriter.WriteLine(","); writeJsonArray(jsonWriter, "Page", Page); jsonWriter.WriteLine(); jsonWriter.WriteLine("}"); } } using (StreamWriter missionsJsonWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(AssetsDirectory, "missions.json"))) { missionsJsonWriter.Write("["); for (int i = 0; i < missions.Count; ++i) { missionsJsonWriter.Write("{{\"file\":\"{0}\",\"name\":\"{1}\"}}", missions[i].Key, missions[i].Value); if (i != missions.Count - 1) { missionsJsonWriter.Write(","); } } missionsJsonWriter.Write("]"); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; using (var outputStream = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) { var cesiumWriter = new CesiumStreamWriter(); var output = new CesiumOutputStream(outputStream); output.PrettyFormatting = true; // The whole body of CZML must be wrapped in a JSON array, opened here. output.WriteStartSequence(); // The first packet (JSON object) of CZML must be the document packet. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("document"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); } // write an entity for each rocket launch phase var rocketData = new RocketTrajectoryData(); var entities = rocketData.GetBetterRocketData(); // get each phase foreach (var stage in entities.stages) { var cartesianVelocitySet = GenerateCartesianVelocitySet(stage); var clr = GetNextColour(); var count = 0; foreach (var positions in cartesianVelocitySet.Item2) { count++; if (count % 100 == 0) { using (var packet = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { using (var point = packet.OpenPointProperty()) { point.WriteColorProperty(Color.Yellow); point.WritePixelSizeProperty(10.0); } using (var desc = packet.OpenDescriptionProperty()) { desc.WriteString("x,y,z:" + positions.Value.ToString()); } using (var position = packet.OpenPositionProperty()) { position.WriteCartesian(positions.Value); } } } } using (var packet = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { packet.WriteId("RocketLaunch"); using (var position = packet.OpenPositionProperty()) { position.WriteCartesianVelocity(cartesianVelocitySet.Item1, cartesianVelocitySet.Item2); } using (var description = packet.OpenDescriptionProperty()) { description.WriteString("This is the description of this element"); } using (var path = packet.OpenPathProperty()) { using (var material = path.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var outline = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { using (var colour = outline.OpenColorProperty()) { colour.WriteRgba(Color.DarkGoldenrod); } } } path.WriteWidthProperty(8); path.WriteLeadTimeProperty(10); path.WriteTrailTimeProperty(1000); path.WriteResolutionProperty(5); } } } output.WriteEndSequence(); } }
// convert the distance of the downrange into a distance from the launch site, at a specific trajectory /// <summary> /// This handles the HTTP request by writing some example CZML into the response. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The current HttpContext</param> public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // A more complex example could examine context.Request here for // inputs coming from the client-side application. // Set the response type for CZML, which is JSON. context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; // Create an output stream writer for the response. using (var outputStream = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) { var cesiumWriter = new CesiumStreamWriter(); var output = new CesiumOutputStream(outputStream); // Since this is a demo, turning on PrettyFormatting makes the response easier to view // with web browser developer tools. It just adds whitespace and newlines to the response, // so production environments would typically leave this turned off. output.PrettyFormatting = true; // The whole body of CZML must be wrapped in a JSON array, opened here. output.WriteStartSequence(); // The first packet (JSON object) of CZML must be the document packet. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("document"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); } using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("canavitem"); using (var pos = entity.OpenPositionProperty()) { pos.WriteCartesian(CesiumDataManager.GetBaseCartesian()); } using (var point = entity.OpenPointProperty()) { point.WriteColorProperty(Color.Aqua); point.WritePixelSizeProperty(10.0); } } rocketData = new RocketTrajectoryData(); var entities = rocketData.GetStandardRocketTrajectoryData(); var cartList = new List <Cartesian>(); var dateList = new List <JulianDate>(); var now = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i <[2].x.Count; i++) { var cartesian = CesiumDataManager.GenerateCartesian([2].x[i],[2].y[i]); cartList.Add(cartesian); var julDate = new JulianDate(now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i * 2)); dateList.Add(julDate); } using (var thisEntity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { thisEntity.WriteId("testpath"); thisEntity.WriteDescriptionProperty("rocket launch path"); using (var position = thisEntity.OpenPositionProperty()) { position.WriteCartesian(dateList, cartList); position.WriteReferenceFrame("#referenceitem"); } //using (var model = thisEntity.OpenModelProperty()) //{ // model.WriteGltfProperty(new Uri("http://localhost:56332/Models/CesiumAir/Cesium_Air.gltf"),CesiumResourceBehavior.Embed); //} using (var path = thisEntity.OpenPathProperty()) { using (var material = path.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var outline = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { using (var colour = outline.OpenColorProperty()) { colour.WriteRgba(Color.DarkSeaGreen); } } } path.WriteWidthProperty(8); path.WriteLeadTimeProperty(10); path.WriteTrailTimeProperty(1000); path.WriteResolutionProperty(5); } } // Close the JSON array that wraps the entire CZML document. output.WriteEndSequence(); } }