private Tuple <float?, Motion <Cartesian> > GenerateStageFrameData(Profiledata arg) { //var baseCartesian = manager.GetReferenceCartesian(); var baseCartesian = CesiumDataManager.GetBaseCartesian(); //var unitVector = baseCartesian.Normalize(); var ellipsoid = Ellipsoid.Wgs84; var unitVector = ellipsoid.GeodeticSurfaceNormal(baseCartesian); // add altitude to the vector var altVector = baseCartesian.Add(new Cartesian(arg.altitude.Value * 1000.0 * unitVector.X, arg.altitude.Value * 1000.0 * unitVector.Y, arg.altitude.Value * 1000.0 * unitVector.Z)); // add downrange to the vector var drVector = altVector.Add(new Cartesian((arg.actualdownrange.Value * 1000.0 * unitVector.X), 0, 0)); var altitude = (arg.altitude * 1000.0 * (unitVector.Z)) + baseCartesian.Z; var downRange = (arg.actualdownrange * 1000.0 * unitVector.X) + baseCartesian.X; //var latitude = arg.downrange*1000.0*unitVector.Y + baseCartesian.Y; var time = arg.time; var deltaAlt = arg.dalt; var deltaDownRange = arg.ddrange; if (altitude != null) { if (downRange != null) { //var motion = new Motion<Cartesian>(new Cartesian(downRange.Value, baseCartesian.Y, altitude.Value), // new Cartesian(deltaDownRange, 0, deltaAlt)); manager.GenerateReferenceCartesian(baseCartesian, arg); var currentCartesian = new Cartesian(downRange.Value, baseCartesian.Y, altitude.Value); var scaledCartesian = ellipsoid.ScaleToGeodeticSurface(currentCartesian); var normal = scaledCartesian.Normalize(); var newScaledCartesian = scaledCartesian.Add(new Cartesian(0, 0, ((arg.altitude * 1000.0 * normal.Z)).Value)); var motion = new Motion <Cartesian>(drVector, new Cartesian(deltaDownRange, 0, deltaAlt)); var tuple = new Tuple <float?, Motion <Cartesian> >(time, motion); return(tuple); } } throw new NullReferenceException(); }
// convert the distance of the downrange into a distance from the launch site, at a specific trajectory /// <summary> /// This handles the HTTP request by writing some example CZML into the response. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The current HttpContext</param> public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // A more complex example could examine context.Request here for // inputs coming from the client-side application. // Set the response type for CZML, which is JSON. context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; // Create an output stream writer for the response. using (var outputStream = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) { var cesiumWriter = new CesiumStreamWriter(); var output = new CesiumOutputStream(outputStream); // Since this is a demo, turning on PrettyFormatting makes the response easier to view // with web browser developer tools. It just adds whitespace and newlines to the response, // so production environments would typically leave this turned off. output.PrettyFormatting = true; // The whole body of CZML must be wrapped in a JSON array, opened here. output.WriteStartSequence(); // The first packet (JSON object) of CZML must be the document packet. using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("document"); entity.WriteVersion("1.0"); } using (var entity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { entity.WriteId("canavitem"); using (var pos = entity.OpenPositionProperty()) { pos.WriteCartesian(CesiumDataManager.GetBaseCartesian()); } using (var point = entity.OpenPointProperty()) { point.WriteColorProperty(Color.Aqua); point.WritePixelSizeProperty(10.0); } } rocketData = new RocketTrajectoryData(); var entities = rocketData.GetStandardRocketTrajectoryData(); var cartList = new List <Cartesian>(); var dateList = new List <JulianDate>(); var now = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i <[2].x.Count; i++) { var cartesian = CesiumDataManager.GenerateCartesian([2].x[i],[2].y[i]); cartList.Add(cartesian); var julDate = new JulianDate(now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i * 2)); dateList.Add(julDate); } using (var thisEntity = cesiumWriter.OpenPacket(output)) { thisEntity.WriteId("testpath"); thisEntity.WriteDescriptionProperty("rocket launch path"); using (var position = thisEntity.OpenPositionProperty()) { position.WriteCartesian(dateList, cartList); position.WriteReferenceFrame("#referenceitem"); } //using (var model = thisEntity.OpenModelProperty()) //{ // model.WriteGltfProperty(new Uri("http://localhost:56332/Models/CesiumAir/Cesium_Air.gltf"),CesiumResourceBehavior.Embed); //} using (var path = thisEntity.OpenPathProperty()) { using (var material = path.OpenMaterialProperty()) { using (var outline = material.OpenSolidColorProperty()) { using (var colour = outline.OpenColorProperty()) { colour.WriteRgba(Color.DarkSeaGreen); } } } path.WriteWidthProperty(8); path.WriteLeadTimeProperty(10); path.WriteTrailTimeProperty(1000); path.WriteResolutionProperty(5); } } // Close the JSON array that wraps the entire CZML document. output.WriteEndSequence(); } }