// show context menu when user presses the right button
        private void _flex_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                // hide current note, if any
                if (_note != null)
                    _note = null;

                // make sure user clicked a valid cell
                int row = _flex.MouseRow;
                int col = _flex.MouseCol;
                if (row >= _flex.Rows.Fixed && col >= _flex.Cols.Fixed)
                    // select cell that was clicked
                    _flex.Select(row, col);

                    // update context menu
                    bool hasNote = GetNoteAtMouse() != null;
                    _mInsertNote.Visible = !hasNote;
                    _mEditNote.Visible   = hasNote;
                    _mDeleteNote.Visible = hasNote;

                    // show the menu
                    _menuActive = true;
                    _menu.Show(_flex, new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                    _menuActive = false;
        private void _mInsertNote_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // create note
            CellNote1 note = new CellNote1("Note: ");

            // attach note to cell
            CellRange rg = _flex.Selection;

            rg.UserData = note;

            // go edit the new note
            _mEditNote_Click(sender, e);
        #region ** menu event handlers

        private void _mDeleteNote_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // get note
            CellRange rg   = _flex.Selection;
            CellNote1 note = rg.UserData as CellNote1;

            // clear note
            if (note != null)
                rg.UserData = null;

            // resume showing notes
            _menuActive = false;
        private void _mEditNote_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // get note
            CellRange rg   = _flex.Selection;
            CellNote1 note = rg.UserData as CellNote1;

            // edit note
            if (note != null)
                Rectangle r = _flex.GetCellRect(rg.r1, rg.c1);
                r = _flex.RectangleToScreen(r);

            // resume showing notes
            _menuActive = false;
        #region ** grid event handlers

        // show/hide cell notes
        private void _flex_MouseHoverCell(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // hide current note, if any
            if (_note != null)
                _note = null;

            // don't show note if the grid is not focused or if the context menu is active
            if (!_flex.Focused || _menuActive)

            // show new note, if any
            _note = GetNoteAtMouse();
            if (_note != null)
                Rectangle r = _flex.GetCellRect(_flex.MouseRow, _flex.MouseCol);
                r = _flex.RectangleToScreen(r);