public static void Deallocate(CellData cell) { using (m_lock.AcquireExclusiveUsing()) { m_pool.Deallocate(cell); } }
// Public Methods (1) /// <summary> /// The data to render. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<IList<CellData>> Rows() { using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString)) { using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(_sql, sqlConnection) { CommandTimeout = 1200 }) { SqlParametersParser.ApplySafeParameters(sqlCommand, _sql, _paramValues); sqlCommand.Connection.Open(); using (var sqlReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (sqlReader.Read()) { var result = new List<CellData>(); for (var i = 0; i < sqlReader.FieldCount; i++) { var value = sqlReader.GetValue(i); var pdfCellData = new CellData { PropertyName = sqlReader.GetName(i), PropertyValue = value == DBNull.Value ? null : value, PropertyIndex = i }; result.Add(pdfCellData); } sqlReader.Close(); yield return result; } } } } }
public void AddRequest(UInt64 cellId, CellData data, bool highPriority) { var cellRequest = new CellRequest() { CellId = cellId, Data = data }; m_unsentRequests.Enqueue(cellRequest); data.State = CellState.Invalid; data.HighPriority = highPriority; }
public void Swap(CellData cellData, bool bSwapColor) { if (bSwapColor) { Utils.Swap(ref m_color, ref cellData.m_color); } Utils.Swap(ref m_rowNum, ref cellData.m_rowNum); Utils.Swap(ref m_colNum, ref cellData.m_colNum); }
public Grid(int rowses, int colsNum, CellData[,] initDatas) { m_rows = rowses; m_cols = colsNum; m_cellDatas = new CellData[rowses, colsNum]; for (int row = 0; row < rowses; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < colsNum; col++) { m_cellDatas[row, col] = initDatas[row, col]; } } }
// Public Methods (1) /// <summary> /// The data to render. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<IList<CellData>> Rows() { if (_dataTable == null) yield break; foreach (DataRow row in _dataTable.Rows) { var list = new List<CellData>(); for (var i = 0; i < _columnsCount; i++) { var pdfCellData = new CellData { PropertyName = _dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName, PropertyValue = row[i], PropertyIndex = i }; list.Add(pdfCellData); } yield return list; } }
// Public Methods (1) /// <summary> /// The data to render. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<IList<CellData>> Rows() { if (!File.Exists(_filePath)) throw new FileNotFoundException(_filePath + " file not found."); var connectionString = getConnectionString(); using (var oleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) { using (var oleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand(_sql, oleDbConnection) { CommandTimeout = 1200 }) { SqlParametersParser.ApplySafeParameters(oleDbCommand, _sql, _paramValues); oleDbCommand.Connection.Open(); using (var oleDbReader = oleDbCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (oleDbReader != null && oleDbReader.Read()) { var result = new List<CellData>(); for (var i = 0; i < oleDbReader.FieldCount; i++) { var value = oleDbReader.GetValue(i); var pdfCellData = new CellData { PropertyName = oleDbReader.GetName(i), PropertyValue = (value == DBNull.Value) ? null : value, PropertyIndex = i }; result.Add(pdfCellData); } oleDbReader.Close(); yield return result; } } } } }
// Public Methods (1) /// <summary> /// The data to render. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<IList<CellData>> Rows() { var factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(_providerName); using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection()) { connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString; connection.Open(); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = _sql; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlParametersParser.ApplySafeParameters(command, _sql, _paramValues); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var result = new List<CellData>(); for (var i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { var value = reader.GetValue(i); var pdfCellData = new CellData { PropertyName = reader.GetName(i), PropertyValue = value == DBNull.Value ? null : value, PropertyIndex = i }; result.Add(pdfCellData); } reader.Close(); yield return result; } } } } }
public void Init(int rowNum, int colNum, CellData[,] cellDatas) { if (cellDatas != null) { m_grid = new Grid(rowNum, colNum, cellDatas); } else { CellData[,] initDatas = new CellData[rowNum, colNum]; // BgImage.sprite = createSprite("map"); for (int row = 0; row < rowNum; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < colNum; col++) { //create cellData initDatas[row, col].Reset(row, col, CandyColor.None, CandyEffect.Normal); } } m_grid = new Grid(rowNum, colNum, initDatas); } }
internal void Init(BigEndianReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); this.MapVersion = reader.ReadByte(); this.Id = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); if (this.MapVersion >= 7) { this.Encrypted = reader.ReadBoolean(); this.EncryptedVersion = reader.ReadByte(); int count = reader.ReadInt(); if (this.Encrypted) { byte[] buffer = CustomHex.ToArray(CustomHex.FromString("649ae451ca33ec53bbcbcc33becf15f4", false)); byte[] buffer2 = reader.ReadBytes(count); int num7 = (buffer2.Length - 1); int n = 0; while (n <= num7) { buffer2[n] = Convert.ToByte((buffer2[n] ^ buffer[(n % buffer.Length)])); n += 1; } reader = new BigEndianReader(buffer2); } } this.RelativeId = (int)reader.ReadUInt(); this.MapType = reader.ReadByte(); this.SubAreaId = reader.ReadInt(); this.TopNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.BottomNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.LeftNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.RightNeighbourId = reader.ReadInt(); this.ShadowBonusOnEntities = reader.ReadInt(); if (this.MapVersion >= 3) { this.BackgroundRed = reader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundGreen = reader.ReadByte(); this.BackgroundBlue = reader.ReadByte(); } if (this.MapVersion >= 4) { this.ZoomScale = (Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadUShort()) / 100); this.ZoomOffsetX = reader.ReadShort(); this.ZoomOffsetY = reader.ReadShort(); } this.UseLowPassFilter = reader.ReadBoolean(); this.UseReverb = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (this.UseReverb) { this.PresetId = reader.ReadInt(); } this.BackgroundsCount = reader.ReadByte(); int backgroundsCount = this.BackgroundsCount; int i = 1; while (i <= backgroundsCount) { Fixture item = new Fixture(); item.Init(reader); this.BackgroundFixtures.Add(item); i += 1; } this.ForegroundsCount = reader.ReadByte(); int foregroundsCount = this.ForegroundsCount; int j = 1; while (j <= foregroundsCount) { Fixture fixture2 = new Fixture(); fixture2.Init(reader); this.ForegroundFixtures.Add(fixture2); j += 1; } this.CellsCount = 560; reader.ReadInt(); this.GroundCRC = reader.ReadInt().ToString(); this.LayersCount = reader.ReadByte(); int layersCount = this.LayersCount; int k = 1; while (k <= layersCount) { Layer layer = new Layer(); layer.Init(reader, this.MapVersion); this.Layers.Add(layer); k += 1; } int cellsCount = this.CellsCount; int m = 1; uint oldMvtSys = 0; while (m <= cellsCount) { CellData data = new CellData(); data.Init(reader, this.MapVersion); if (oldMvtSys == 0) { oldMvtSys = (uint)data.MoveZone; } if (data.MoveZone != oldMvtSys) { IsUsingNewMovementSystem = true; } this.Cells.Add(data); m += 1; } }
private void GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle?result, ref Line modelSpaceLine, ref float?minDistanceUntilNow, CellData cachedDataCell, IntersectionFlags flags) { m_overlapElementCache.Clear(); if (cachedDataCell.Octree != null) { Vector3 packedStart, packedEnd; cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.From, out packedStart); cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.To, out packedEnd); var ray = new Ray(packedStart, packedEnd - packedStart); cachedDataCell.Octree.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref ray, m_overlapElementCache); } for (int j = 0; j < m_overlapElementCache.Count; j++) { var i = m_overlapElementCache[j]; if (cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles == null) //probably not calculated yet { continue; } // this should never happen if (i >= cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length) { Debug.Assert(i < cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length); continue; } MyVoxelTriangle voxelTriangle = cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles[i]; MyTriangle_Vertices triangleVertices; cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex0, out triangleVertices.Vertex0); cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex1, out triangleVertices.Vertex1); cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex2, out triangleVertices.Vertex2); Vector3 calculatedTriangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangleVertices); if (!calculatedTriangleNormal.IsValid()) { continue; } //We dont want backside intersections if (((int)(flags & IntersectionFlags.FLIPPED_TRIANGLES) == 0) && Vector3.Dot(modelSpaceLine.Direction, calculatedTriangleNormal) > 0) { continue; } // AABB intersection test removed, AABB is tested inside BVH float?distance = MyUtils.GetLineTriangleIntersection(ref modelSpaceLine, ref triangleVertices); // If intersection occured and if distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection if ((distance != null) && ((result == null) || (distance.Value < result.Value.Distance))) { minDistanceUntilNow = distance.Value; result = new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle(ref triangleVertices, ref calculatedTriangleNormal, distance.Value); } } }
/// <summary>ターゲットセルの周辺8マスを見て思考する</summary> private void シンプルに考える(CellData d) { d.Update(); if (d.Val == 0 || d.Val == Opened) return; // 周囲の開いていないセル、旗が立っているセルを数える int cntNotYetOpen = 0; int cntFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int idx = d.Index + kinbo[i]; int val = data[idx].Val; if (val == NotYetOpen) cntNotOpenBlockBuf[cntNotYetOpen++] = idx; else if (val == BombFlag) cntFlagBlockBuf[cntFlag++] = idx; } //周囲に十分な旗が立っているなら、周辺の開いていないセルを開く if (d.Val == cntFlag) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int idx = d.Index + kinbo[i]; if (data[idx].Val == NotYetOpen) { data[idx].Val = Opened; Move_Click(idx % BoardWidth - 1, idx / BoardWidth - 1, MouseButtons.Left); Thread.Sleep(SleepCnt); isUpdatedNowFrame = true; } } } // 旗が確定するなら、周辺に旗を立てる else if (d.Val == cntNotYetOpen + cntFlag) { for (int i = 0; i < cntNotYetOpen; i++) { int idx = cntNotOpenBlockBuf[i]; data[idx].Val = BombFlag; data[idx].IsFix = true; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int hoge = idx + kinbo[j]; if (data[hoge].Val > 0) { data[hoge].ChangedMawari(); } } Move_Click(idx % BoardWidth - 1, idx / BoardWidth - 1, MouseButtons.Right); isUpdatedNowFrame = true; Thread.Sleep(SleepCnt); } } }
void Start() { direction = new Vector2Int((int)transform.forward.x, (int)transform.forward.z); cellData = new CellData(this.gameObject, 1); gameGrid.PlaceGameObjectOnCell(cellData, position.x, position.y); }
public static void InstantiateStructure(StructureData prototype, CellData cell) { StructureData.Instantiate(prototype, cell); PathGrid.Invalidate(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取细胞下回动作 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int getCellNextTime() { int nextTime = int.MaxValue; outCellData = null; outCellStatus = CellStatus.NONE; int tentacleCount; int _time; foreach (CellData data in cellDataList) { _time = data.addTime + data.vo.addTime; if (nextTime > _time) { outCellStatus = CellStatus.ADD_HP; //自然增长 outCellData = data; nextTime = _time; } tentacleCount = data.tentacleList.Count; _time = (int)(data.outTime + data.vo.attackTime * tentacleCount * Mathf.Pow(CellConstant.ATTACK_COEFF, tentacleCount - 1)); if (nextTime > _time && data.hp > tentacleCount && tentacleCount > 0) { outCellStatus = CellStatus.OUT_HP; //往外输出 outCellData = data; nextTime = _time; } } return nextTime; }
internal CellData GetCell(ref MyCellCoord cell) { MyPrecalcComponent.AssertUpdateThread(); bool isEmpty; CellData data; if (TryGetCell(cell, out isEmpty, out data)) { return(data); } MyIsoMesh mesh; if (!TryGetMesh(cell, out isEmpty, out mesh)) { ProfilerShort.Begin("Cell precalc"); if (true) { var min = cell.CoordInLod << MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS; var max = min + MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; // overlap to neighbor; introduces extra data but it makes logic for raycasts simpler (no need to check neighbor cells) min -= 1; max += 2; mesh = MyPrecalcComponent.IsoMesher.Precalc(m_storage, 0, min, max, false, MyFakes.ENABLE_VOXEL_COMPUTED_OCCLUSION, true); } else { mesh = MyPrecalcComponent.IsoMesher.Precalc(new MyIsoMesherArgs() { Storage = m_storage, GeometryCell = cell, }); } ProfilerShort.End(); } if (mesh != null) { data = new CellData(); data.Init( mesh.PositionOffset, mesh.PositionScale, mesh.Positions.GetInternalArray(), mesh.VerticesCount, mesh.Triangles.GetInternalArray(), mesh.TrianglesCount); } if (cell.Lod == 0) { using (m_lock.AcquireExclusiveUsing()) { if (data != null) { var key = cell.PackId64(); m_cellsByCoordinate[key] = data; } else { SetEmpty(ref cell, true); } } } return(data); }
public static void SaveCurrentMapData() { GameObject go = GameObject.Find("HexGrid"); if (go) { HexGrid hexGrid = go.GetComponent <HexGrid>(); MapData mapData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MapData>(); mapData.width = hexGrid.width; mapData.height = hexGrid.height; //analysis cell data HexCell[] results = hexGrid.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <HexCell>(); if (results.Length > 0) { mapData.cellDatas = new List <CellData>(mapData.width * mapData.height); foreach (HexCell hexCell in results) { CellData cellData = new CellData(); cellData.x = hexCell.coordinates.X; cellData.y = hexCell.coordinates.Z; cellData.waterLevel = hexCell.WaterLevel; cellData.elevation = hexCell.Elevation; cellData.terrainType = hexCell.terrainType; mapData.cellDatas.Add(cellData); } } //analysis environment Transform env = go.transform.Find("Environment"); int count = env.childCount; if (count > 0) { mapData.mapObjs = new List <MapObj>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Transform child = env.GetChild(i); MapObj mapObj = new MapObj(); mapObj.prefabName = "Prefabs/Tree01"; SimpleTransform simpleTransform = new SimpleTransform(); simpleTransform.position = child.localPosition; simpleTransform.scale = child.localScale; simpleTransform.rotation = child.localRotation; mapObj.transform = simpleTransform; mapData.mapObjs.Add(mapObj); } } //save mapData #if UNITY_EDITOR string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Map Data", Application.dataPath, "", "asset"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } path = path.Replace(Application.dataPath, "Assets"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mapData, path); #endif } }
/// <summary> /// 重新生成移动消耗 /// </summary> //public void RecreateMoveConsumption() //{ // // 在构造函数内部用的Random初始化, // // 有了数据后,这个地方将进行修改 // // m_MoveConsumption = new MoveConsumption(ClassType.Foot); // MoveConsumptionInfoConfig config = MoveConsumptionInfoConfig.Get<MoveConsumptionInfoConfig>(); // MoveConsumptionInfo info = config[ClassType.Foot]; // m_MoveConsumption = new MoveConsumption(info); // //Debug.LogFormat("{0}={1}, {2}={3}", // // TerrainType.Plain.ToString(), // // m_MoveConsumption[TerrainType.Plain].ToString(), // // TerrainType.Road.ToString(), // // m_MoveConsumption[TerrainType.Road].ToString()); //} /// <summary> /// 当左键按下时,Move类型的活动 /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedCell"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <CellData> ShowMoveRangeCells(CellData selectedCell) { //List<CellData> cells = null; ClearTestCursors(); //if (m_CursorCells.Count == 0 || !m_CursorCells.Contains(selectedCell)) if (!selectedCell.hasMoveCursor) { if (m_DebugInfo) { Debug.LogFormat("MoveRange: start {0}, move point {1}, status ({2})", selectedCell.position.ToString(), m_MovePoint.ToString(), selectedCell.GetStatus().ToString()); } //ClearTestCursors(); //m_CursorCells.Clear(); m_TestClass.UpdatePosition(selectedCell.position); m_Map.SearchAndShowMoveRange(m_TestClass, m_PathfindingType == TestPathfindingType.MoveAndAttack); //cells = m_Map.SearchMoveRange(selectedCell, m_MovePoint, m_MoveConsumption); ////m_CursorCells.AddRange(cells); //CreateTestCursors(cells, false); //if (m_PathfindingType == TestPathfindingType.MoveAndAttack) //{ // // 移动范围后,进行查找攻击范围 // HashSet<CellData> attackCells = new HashSet<CellData>(); // foreach (var cell in cells.ToArray()) // { // //foreach (var c in m_Map.SearchAttackRange(cell, m_AttackRange.x, m_AttackRange.y, true)) // //{ // // //if (!cells.Contains(c) && !attackCells.Contains(c)) // // if (!c.hasCursor) // // { // // attackCells.Add(c); // // } // //} // attackCells.UnionWith( // m_Map.SearchAttackRange(cell, m_AttackRange.x, m_AttackRange.y, true) // .Where(c => !c.hasCursor)); // } // CreateTestCursors(attackCells, true); //} } else { if (m_DebugInfo) { Debug.LogFormat("Selected end {0} status ({1})", selectedCell.position.ToString(), selectedCell.GetStatus().ToString()); } //ClearTestCursors(); //m_CursorCells.Clear(); Stack <CellData> pathCells = m_Map.searchPath.BuildPath(selectedCell); //cells = new List<CellData>(pathCells); m_TestClass.animatorController.PlayMove(); m_TestClass.StartMove(pathCells); //CreateTestCursors(cells, false); CreateTestCursors(pathCells, false); } //return cells; return(null); }
private void Update() { if (m_Map == null /*|| m_TestCursorPrefab == null*/) { return; } if (Input.anyKeyDown && m_TestClass.moving) { Debug.Log("Wait for moving."); return; } Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; Vector3 world = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos); Vector3Int cellPosition = m_Map.grid.WorldToCell(world); CellData selectedCell = m_Map.GetCellData(cellPosition); // 左键建立范围 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && selectedCell != null && selectedCell.canMove) { if (m_AttackRange.x < 1 || m_AttackRange.y < m_AttackRange.x) { Debug.LogError("EditorTestPathFinding -> Check the attack range."); return; } if (selectedCell != null) { switch (m_PathfindingType) { case TestPathfindingType.Move: case TestPathfindingType.MoveAndAttack: ShowMoveRangeCells(selectedCell); break; case TestPathfindingType.Path: ClearTestCursors(); if (!ShowPathCells(selectedCell)) { return; } break; default: ClearTestCursors(); ShowAttackRangeCells(selectedCell); break; } } } // 右键删除建立的cursor if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { ClearTestCursors(); ClearMoveRangeAndPath(); } // 中建重新生成移动消耗 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) { //RecreateMoveConsumption(); } // 刷新鼠标位置 m_Map.mouseCursor.UpdatePosition(cellPosition); }
private void M_TestClass_onMovingEnd(CellData endCell) { m_TestClass.animatorController.StopMove(); }
public Request ToGoogleSheetUpdateRequest() { GoogleSheetConnector gsc = GoogleSheetConnector.GetInstance(); string talkSpreadsheetId = gsc.SpreadsheetIDs["Talk"]; Request updateRequest = new Request(); var TextCellData = new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = Text }, UserEnteredFormat = null }; var Fields = "userEnteredValue"; if (TextChanged) { Fields = "userEnteredValue,userEnteredFormat"; if (TextMLTranslated) { TextCellData.UserEnteredFormat = new CellFormat() { BackgroundColor = new Color() { Alpha = 1.0f, Red = 1.0f, Green = 0.66f, Blue = 0.0f } }; } else { TextCellData.UserEnteredFormat = new CellFormat() { BackgroundColor = new Color() { Alpha = 1.0f, Red = 0.8f, Green = 0.8f, Blue = 0.02f } }; } } var Rows = new List <RowData> { new RowData() { Values = new List <CellData>() { new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = DialogID }, }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = TalkerID } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = C } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = D } }, TextCellData, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = OriginalText } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = PreviousOriginalText } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = NextDialogID } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = I } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = AlternativeNextDialogID } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = K } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = Script } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = SecondScript } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = TranslatorNotes } }, new CellData() { UserEnteredValue = new ExtendedValue() { StringValue = StandardizedTermLocator } }, }, }, }; if (row >= 1) { updateRequest.UpdateCells = new UpdateCellsRequest { Range = new GridRange() { SheetId = 0, StartRowIndex = row, EndRowIndex = row + 1, }, Rows = Rows, Fields = Fields }; } else { updateRequest.AppendCells = new AppendCellsRequest { Rows = Rows, SheetId = 0, Fields = Fields }; } return(updateRequest); }
public List <CellData> GetCellInfo(CellData _data) { List <CellData> returnlist = new List <CellData>(); return(returnlist); }
public static void InstantiateCeiling(CeilingData prototype, CellData cell) { CeilingData.Instantiate(prototype, cell); PathGrid.Invalidate(); }
static CellData getCellDataForDetail(DoneDoneDetail detail) { var cellData = new CellData (); switch (detail) { case DoneDoneDetail.Images: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Images; break; case DoneDoneDetail.Project: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Selection; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Project *"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Project"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Title: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.TextField; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Title of Issue *"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Title"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Description: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.TextView; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Description of Issue *"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Description"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Priority: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Selection; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Priority *"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Priority"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Fixer: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Selection; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Who Will Fix the Issue?"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Fixer"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Tester: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Selection; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Who Will Verify the Fix?"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Tester"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.DueDate: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.DateDisplay; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Due Date"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Due Date"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Tags: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Selection; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Tags"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Tags"); break; case DoneDoneDetail.Notify: cellData.BugDetailType = BugDetails.DetailType.Selection; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, "Notify People of Updates"); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, "Notify"); break; } // cellData.Set(DataKeys.Detail, GetValueForDetail(detailIndex)); return cellData; }
private void GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? result, ref Line modelSpaceLine, ref float? minDistanceUntilNow, CellData cachedDataCell, IntersectionFlags flags) { m_overlapElementCache.Clear(); if (cachedDataCell.Octree != null) { Vector3 packedStart, packedEnd; cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.From, out packedStart); cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.To, out packedEnd); var ray = new Ray(packedStart, packedEnd - packedStart); cachedDataCell.Octree.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref ray, m_overlapElementCache); } for (int j = 0; j < m_overlapElementCache.Count; j++) { var i = m_overlapElementCache[j]; if (cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles == null) //probably not calculated yet continue; // this should never happen if (i >= cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length) { Debug.Assert(i < cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length); continue; } MyVoxelTriangle voxelTriangle = cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles[i]; MyTriangle_Vertexes triangleVertices; cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex0, out triangleVertices.Vertex0); cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex1, out triangleVertices.Vertex1); cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex2, out triangleVertices.Vertex2); Vector3 calculatedTriangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangleVertices); if (!calculatedTriangleNormal.IsValid()) continue; //We dont want backside intersections if (((int)(flags & IntersectionFlags.FLIPPED_TRIANGLES) == 0) && Vector3.Dot(modelSpaceLine.Direction, calculatedTriangleNormal) > 0) continue; // AABB intersection test removed, AABB is tested inside BVH float? distance = MyUtils.GetLineTriangleIntersection(ref modelSpaceLine, ref triangleVertices); // If intersection occured and if distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection if ((distance != null) && ((result == null) || (distance.Value < result.Value.Distance))) { minDistanceUntilNow = distance.Value; result = new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle(ref triangleVertices, ref calculatedTriangleNormal, distance.Value); } } }
public override Texture2D RenderStaticPreview(string assetPath, Object[] subAssets, int width, int height) { CellData cell = (CellData)this.serializedObject.targetObject; if (cell == null) { return(null); } Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height); Texture2D[] textures = new Texture2D[] { this.func(cell._floorOverlayTile), this.func(cell._objectTile), this.func(cell._objectOverlayTile), }; Vector2Int texSize =; Color[] rootCols = null; for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) { if (textures[i] == null) { continue; } if (rootCols == null) { rootCols = textures[i].GetPixels(); texSize = new Vector2Int(textures[i].width, textures[i].height); } else { // Add texture to the base Color[] cols1 = textures[i].GetPixels(); if (rootCols.Length != cols1.Length) { Debug.LogWarning("[" + + "] Can't make preview, tile sizes do not match."); Debug.LogWarning(rootCols.Length + " " + cols1.Length); return(tex); } for (int j = 0; j < cols1.Length; ++j) { if (cols1[j].a != 0) { rootCols[j] = cols1[j]; } } } } if (rootCols != null) { Texture2D root = new Texture2D(texSize.x, texSize.y); root.SetPixels(rootCols); root.Apply(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(root, tex); return(tex); } else { return(null); } }
public void SetCellData(CellData newData) { m_cellDatas[newData.RowNum, newData.ColNum] = newData; }
private bool ValidatePoolGrate(CellData cell) { return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 开始输出 /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> private void outHp(CellData data) { TentacleData tentacleData; string key; foreach(int index in data.tentacleList) { if (data.index < index) { key = data.index + ":" + index; tentacleData = tentacleDataDic[key]; if (tentacleData.nodeListA.Count > 0 && !tentacleData.nodeListA[0]) { tentacleData.nodeListA[0] = true; data.hp--; } } else { key = index + ":" + data.index; tentacleData = tentacleDataDic[key]; if (tentacleData.nodeListB.Count > 0 && !tentacleData.nodeListB[0]) { tentacleData.nodeListB[0] = true; data.hp--; } } } }
public static void InstantiateFoundation(FoundationData prototype, CellData cell) { FoundationData.Instantiate(prototype, cell); PathGrid.Invalidate(); }
private static IntVector2?GetRandomAvailableCell(Dungeon dungeon, RoomHandler currentRoom, List <IntVector2> validCellsCached, int Clearence = 1, int ExitClearence = 10, bool avoidExits = false, bool avoidPits = true, bool PositionRelativeToRoom = false, bool isCactusDecoration = false) { if (dungeon == null | currentRoom == null | validCellsCached == null) { return(null); } try { if (validCellsCached.Count == 0) { for (int X = 0; X < currentRoom.area.dimensions.x; X++) { for (int Y = 0; Y < currentRoom.area.dimensions.y; Y++) { bool isInvalid = false; IntVector2 TargetPosition = new IntVector2(currentRoom.area.basePosition.x + X, currentRoom.area.basePosition.y + Y); if (!validCellsCached.Contains(TargetPosition)) { RoomHandler ActualRoom =; for (int x = 0; x < Clearence; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < Clearence; y++) { IntVector2 intVector = (TargetPosition + new IntVector2(x, y)); if ( { CellData cellData =[intVector]; if (cellData.parentRoom == null | cellData.type != CellType.FLOOR | cellData.isOccupied | !cellData.IsPassable) { isInvalid = true; } if (ActualRoom != currentRoom | cellData.HasPitNeighbor( { isInvalid = true; } if (cellData.cellVisualData.floorType == CellVisualData.CellFloorType.Water /*| cellData.cellVisualData.floorTileOverridden*/) { isInvalid = true; } if (cellData.HasWallNeighbor()) { isInvalid = true; } } else { isInvalid = true; } } } for (int x = 0; x < ExitClearence; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < ExitClearence; y++) { IntVector2 intVector = (TargetPosition + new IntVector2(x, y)); if ( { CellData cellData =[intVector]; if (cellData.isExitCell) { isInvalid = true; } } else { isInvalid = true; } } } if (!isInvalid) { validCellsCached.Add(TargetPosition); } } } } } } catch (System.Exception) { if (DebugMode) { Debug.Log("GetRandomAvailableCell Exception while looking for valid cells in current room."); } } if (validCellsCached.Count > 0) { IntVector2 SelectedCell = BraveUtility.RandomElement(validCellsCached); validCellsCached.Remove(SelectedCell); if (PositionRelativeToRoom) { SelectedCell -= currentRoom.area.basePosition; } return(SelectedCell); } else { return(null); } }
private void GenerateCellData() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { CellData _data = new CellData(); _data.index = i; _listCellData.Add(_data); } CellCount = _listCellData.Count; }
private void ConvertCollectionToGameObject(CellData cellData) { GameObject go = new GameObject(cellData.roomName); CellManager cm = go.AddComponent <CellManager>(); BoxCollider2D backCollider = new BoxCollider2D(); List <CellDoor> doors = new List <CellDoor>(); List <GameObject> layers = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < cellData.textures.Length; i++) { //Create Layer and center it with parent GameObject layerObject = new GameObject("Layer:" + i.ToString()); layerObject.transform.parent = go.transform; layerObject.transform.position =; //Add spriteRenderer Add sprite from texture SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = layerObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); spriteRenderer.sprite = Sprite.Create(cellData.textures[i], new Rect(0, 0, cellData.textures[i].width, cellData.textures[i].height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight); //Sort DrawLayer if (cellData.layer[i] == 0) { spriteRenderer.sortingLayerName = "Background"; layerObject.tag = "BackWall"; layerObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale = 0; backCollider = layerObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); backCollider.isTrigger = true; } if (cellData.layer[i] == 1) { spriteRenderer.sortingLayerName = "Midground"; } if (cellData.layer[i] == 2) { spriteRenderer.sortingLayerName = "Foreground"; } //Add Collision if (cellData.collision[i]) { PolygonCollider2D pc2d = layerObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>(); if (cellData.points != null) { pc2d.points = cellData.points; } } layers.Add(layerObject); } for (int i = 0; i < cellData.EntranceDir.Length; i++) { GameObject cellDoor = new GameObject("Cell Door " + cellData.EntranceDir[i]); CellDoor cd = cellDoor.AddComponent <CellDoor>(); cellDoor.transform.parent = go.transform; cellDoor.transform.localPosition = cellData.EntrancePos[i]; cellDoor.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); cd.Dir = cellData.EntranceDir[i]; cd.backWall = backCollider; doors.Add(cd); } //Add and fill CellManager cm.cellData = cellData; cm.Layers = layers.ToArray(); cm.CellDoors = doors.ToArray(); }
public bool Intersects(ref BoundingSphereD localSphere) { MyPrecalcComponent.AssertUpdateThread(); // Get min and max cell coordinate where boundingBox can fit BoundingBoxD sphereBoundingBox = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid(); sphereBoundingBox.Include(ref localSphere); Vector3I cellCoordMin, cellCoordMax; { Vector3D minD = sphereBoundingBox.Min; Vector3D maxD = sphereBoundingBox.Max; MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToGeometryCellCoord(ref minD, out cellCoordMin); MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToGeometryCellCoord(ref maxD, out cellCoordMax); } // Fix min and max cell coordinates so they don't overlap the voxelmap ClampCellCoord(ref cellCoordMin); ClampCellCoord(ref cellCoordMax); MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord(); for (cell.CoordInLod.X = cellCoordMin.X; cell.CoordInLod.X <= cellCoordMax.X; cell.CoordInLod.X++) { for (cell.CoordInLod.Y = cellCoordMin.Y; cell.CoordInLod.Y <= cellCoordMax.Y; cell.CoordInLod.Y++) { for (cell.CoordInLod.Z = cellCoordMin.Z; cell.CoordInLod.Z <= cellCoordMax.Z; cell.CoordInLod.Z++) { // If no overlap between bounding box of data cell and the sphere BoundingBox cellBoundingBox; MyVoxelCoordSystems.GeometryCellCoordToLocalAABB(ref cell.CoordInLod, out cellBoundingBox); if (cellBoundingBox.Intersects(ref localSphere) == false) { continue; } // Get cell from cache. If not there, precalc it and store in the cache. // If null is returned, we know that cell doesn't contain any triangleVertexes so we don't need to do intersections. CellData cachedData = GetCell(ref cell); if (cachedData == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < cachedData.VoxelTrianglesCount; i++) { MyVoxelTriangle voxelTriangle = cachedData.VoxelTriangles[i]; MyTriangle_Vertices triangle; cachedData.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex0, out triangle.Vertex0); cachedData.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex1, out triangle.Vertex1); cachedData.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex2, out triangle.Vertex2); BoundingBox localTriangleAABB = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid(); localTriangleAABB.Include(ref triangle.Vertex0); localTriangleAABB.Include(ref triangle.Vertex1); localTriangleAABB.Include(ref triangle.Vertex2); // First test intersection of triangle's bounding box with line's bounding box. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests. if (localTriangleAABB.Intersects(ref localSphere)) { PlaneD trianglePlane = new PlaneD(triangle.Vertex0, triangle.Vertex1, triangle.Vertex2); if (MyUtils.GetSphereTriangleIntersection(ref localSphere, ref trianglePlane, ref triangle) != null) { // If intersection found - we are finished. We don't need to look for more. return(true); } } } } } } return(false); }
public void Initialize(CellData cellData) { _cellData = cellData; }
internal void DoClipping(Vector3D localPosition, float farPlaneDistance, RequestCollector collector) { MyClipmap.ComputeLodViewBounds(m_parent.m_scaleGroup, m_lodIndex, out m_nearDistance, out m_farDistance); m_fitsInFrustum = (farPlaneDistance * 1.25f) > m_nearDistance; if (!m_fitsInFrustum) return; Vector3I min, max; { var minD = localPosition - m_farDistance; var maxD = localPosition + m_farDistance; MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToRenderCellCoord(ref minD, out min); MyVoxelCoordSystems.LocalPositionToRenderCellCoord(ref maxD, out max); Vector3I.Max(ref min, ref Vector3I.Zero, out min); Vector3I.Max(ref max, ref Vector3I.Zero, out max); min >>= m_lodIndex; max >>= m_lodIndex; Vector3I.Min(ref min, ref m_lodSizeMinusOne, out min); Vector3I.Min(ref max, ref m_lodSizeMinusOne, out max); } if (m_lastMin == min && m_lastMax == max && !m_parent.m_updateClipping) return; m_lastMin = min; m_lastMax = max; LodLevel parentLod, childLod; GetNearbyLodLevels(out parentLod, out childLod); // Moves cells which are still needed from one collection to another. // All that is left behind is unloaded as no longer needed. // Move everything in range to collection of next stored cells. MyUtils.Swap(ref m_storedCellData, ref m_clippedCells); m_storedCellData.Clear(); MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord(m_lodIndex, ref min); for (var it = new Vector3I.RangeIterator(ref min, ref max); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cell.CoordInLod)) { if (!WasAncestorCellLoaded(parentLod, ref cell)) continue; var cellId = cell.PackId64(); CellData data; if (m_clippedCells.TryGetValue(cellId, out data)) m_clippedCells.Remove(cellId); else data = new CellData(); if (data.State == CellState.Invalid) { collector.AddRequest(cellId, data.WasLoaded); data.State = CellState.Pending; } m_storedCellData.Add(cellId, data); } }
// METHOD WHILE BUILDING #region Go to Cell /// <summary> /// Go to x position, so that it will reserve cell for further using /// </summary> /// <param name="x">x position that move current cell to</param> /// <returns> /// Current Row /// </returns> public CellData GoToCell(int x) { if (CurrentCell == null) { CurrentCell = new CellData(x); First = CurrentCell; } else if (CurrentCell.X < x) { #region When looking forward if (CurrentCell.Next == null) { // when current cell is last CurrentCell.Next = new CellData(x); CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Next; } else { #region current cell is not last, seek next // sure that all cell have Next already (except the last) do { // move next TempCell = CurrentCell; CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Next; if (CurrentCell.X == x) { // if this exactly the cell that we finding // exit the loop break; } else if (CurrentCell.X > x) { // if this cell is not the last // but next cell is greater than input value // insert a new cell between TempCell.Next = new CellData(x); TempCell.Next.Next = CurrentCell; CurrentCell = TempCell.Next; break; } else if (CurrentCell.Next == null) { // if this cell is the last // construct and return CurrentCell.Next = new CellData(x); CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Next; break; } } while (true); #endregion } #endregion } else if (CurrentCell.X > x) { #region search from begining if (First.X > x) { // when this value is less than first cell // construct one CurrentCell = new CellData(x); CurrentCell.Next = First; First = CurrentCell; } else if (First.X == x) { // else, it exactly the first // keep it CurrentCell = First; } else { // finding from begining, except first one CurrentCell = First; #region OLD CODE // do // { // TempCell = CurrentCell; // CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Next; //#if DEBUG // #region Defensive // if (CurrentCell == null) // { // Log.Warning(string.Format("Check 3: Current cell is null. Previous X: {0}, while x is {1}",TempCell.X,x)); // } // #endregion //#endif // if (CurrentCell.X > x) // { // TempCell.Next = new CellData(x); // TempCell.Next.Next = CurrentCell; // CurrentCell = TempCell.Next; // break; // } // } while (CurrentCell.X < x); #endregion #region Seek // sure that all cell have Next already (except the last) do { // move next TempCell = CurrentCell; CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Next; #if DEBUG #region Defensive if (CurrentCell == null) { Log.Warning("Check 1: Current cell is null"); } #endregion #endif if (CurrentCell.X == x) { // if this exactly the cell that we finding // exit the loop break; } else if (CurrentCell.X > x) { // if this cell is not the last // but next cell is greater than input value // insert a new cell between TempCell.Next = new CellData(x); TempCell.Next.Next = CurrentCell; CurrentCell = TempCell.Next; break; } else if (CurrentCell.Next == null) { // if this cell is the last // construct and return CurrentCell.Next = new CellData(x); CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Next; break; } } while (true); #endregion } #endregion } #region Defensive #if DEBUG if (CurrentCell == null) { Log.Debug("Unepected result.Can not found correct cell for X ({0}).", x); #region Log other cell in current row Log.Debug("Test"); object scope = Log.Start("Datas in row:"); CellData cell = First; while (cell != null) { Log.Debug("Cell:X {0}", cell.X); cell = cell.Next; } Log.End(scope); #endregion } #endif #endregion return CurrentCell; }
/// <summary>盤面、描画に関する情報を初期化します</summary> private void Reset() { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = new CellData(); data[i].Init(); data[i].Index = i; int y = i / BoardWidth; int x = i % BoardWidth; if (y == 0 || y == BoardHeight - 1 || x == 0 || x == BoardWidth - 1) { data[i].Val = Invalid; } data[i].Update(); } outputImg.Rectangle(new CvRect(0, 0, outputImg.Width, outputImg.Height), new CvScalar(127, 127, 127, 255), -1); }
private void AddToScene(UInt64 key, CellData data = null) { data = data ?? m_storedCellData[key]; if (!data.InScene) { Debug.Assert(data.Cell != null); m_parent.m_cellHandler.AddToScene(data.Cell); data.InScene = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Check whether the cell is overlapped with another cell /// </summary> public bool IsCellOverlapped(CellData cell) { return(false); }
private bool ValidateGroundGrass(CellData cell) { return(true); }
private void Delete(UInt64 key, CellData data = null) { data = data ?? m_storedCellData[key]; if (data.Cell != null) { m_nonEmptyCells.Remove(key); RemoveFromScene(key, data); m_parent.m_cellHandler.DeleteCell(data.Cell); } m_storedCellData.Remove(key); }
public void OnCellShow(CellData cellRecord) { var cr = (ChatCellData)cellRecord; Message.text = cr.Message; }
private void RemoveFromScene(UInt64 key, CellData data = null) { data = data ?? m_storedCellData[key]; if (data.InScene) { Debug.Assert(data.Cell != null); m_parent.m_cellHandler.RemoveFromScene(data.Cell); data.InScene = false; } }
void DoPolycountMap() { s_CellDatas.Clear(); List <BoundsAndCount> meshBoundsAndCount = new List <BoundsAndCount>(); Bounds levelBounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] allRenderers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Renderer>(); // Get level bounds and list of bounds & polycount for (int i = 0; i < allRenderers.Length; i++) { Renderer r = allRenderers[i]; if (r.gameObject.GetComponent <IgnoreHeatMap>()) { continue; } levelBounds.Encapsulate(r.bounds); MeshRenderer mr = (r as MeshRenderer); if (mr) { MeshFilter mf = r.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (mf && mf.sharedMesh != null) { BoundsAndCount b = new BoundsAndCount(); b.Bounds = r.bounds; b.Count = mf.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3; meshBoundsAndCount.Add(b); } } else { SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = (r as SkinnedMeshRenderer); if (smr) { if (smr.sharedMesh != null) { BoundsAndCount b = new BoundsAndCount(); b.Bounds = r.bounds; b.Count = smr.sharedMesh.triangles.Length / 3; meshBoundsAndCount.Add(b); } } } } Vector3 boundsBottomCorner = - levelBounds.extents; Vector3Int gridResolution = new Vector3Int(Mathf.CeilToInt((levelBounds.extents.x * 2f) / k_CellSize), Mathf.CeilToInt((levelBounds.extents.y * 2f) / k_CellSize), Mathf.CeilToInt((levelBounds.extents.z * 2f) / k_CellSize)); int highestCount = 0; for (int x = 0; x < gridResolution.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < gridResolution.y; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < gridResolution.z; z++) { CellData cellData = new CellData(); Vector3 cellCenter = boundsBottomCorner + (new Vector3(x, y, z) * k_CellSize) + ( * k_CellSize * 0.5f); cellData.Bounds = new Bounds(cellCenter, * k_CellSize); for (int i = 0; i < meshBoundsAndCount.Count; i++) { if (cellData.Bounds.Intersects(meshBoundsAndCount[i].Bounds)) { cellData.Count += meshBoundsAndCount[i].Count; } } if (cellData.Count > highestCount) { highestCount = cellData.Count; } s_CellDatas.Add(cellData); } } } for (int i = 0; i < s_CellDatas.Count; i++) { s_CellDatas[i].Ratio = (float)s_CellDatas[i].Count / (float)highestCount; Color col = Color.Lerp(,, s_CellDatas[i].Ratio); s_CellDatas[i].Color = col; } m_HeatmapIsCalculating = false; EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
public CellData GetActiveCellDetails(int selectedIndex) { var fixer = ActiveDoneDoneDetail.IsPersonDetail() && NewIssue.Fixer.Id == ProjectPeople[selectedIndex].Id; var tester = ActiveDoneDoneDetail.IsPersonDetail() && NewIssue.Tester.Id == ProjectPeople[selectedIndex].Id; var ccdUser = ActiveDoneDoneDetail.IsPersonDetail() && NewIssue.CCdUsers.Contains(ProjectPeople[selectedIndex]); var cellData = new CellData (); switch (ActiveDoneDoneDetail) { case DoneDoneDetail.Project: cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, Projects[selectedIndex].Value); cellData.Selected = Projects[selectedIndex].Id == NewIssue.Project.Id; break; case DoneDoneDetail.Priority: cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, PriorityLevels[selectedIndex].Value); cellData.Selected = PriorityLevels[selectedIndex].Id == NewIssue.Priority.Id; break; case DoneDoneDetail.Fixer: var personFixer = ProjectPeople[selectedIndex]; cellData.CellType = BugCellTypes.Person; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, personFixer.FullName); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Detail, !fixer ? tester ? "(tester)" : ccdUser ? "(CCd)" : "" : ""); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, personFixer.Initials); cellData.Set(DataKeys.ImageUrl, personFixer.AvatarUrl); cellData.Selected = fixer; break; case DoneDoneDetail.Tester: var personTester = ProjectPeople[selectedIndex]; cellData.CellType = BugCellTypes.Person; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, personTester.FullName); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Detail, !tester ? fixer ? "(fixer)" : ccdUser ? "(CCd)" : "" : ""); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, personTester.Initials); cellData.Set(DataKeys.ImageUrl, personTester.AvatarUrl); cellData.Selected = tester; break; case DoneDoneDetail.Notify: var personNotify = ProjectPeople[selectedIndex]; cellData.CellType = BugCellTypes.Person; cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, personNotify.FullName); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Detail, fixer ? "(fixer)" : tester ? "(tester)" : ""); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Auxiliary, personNotify.Initials); cellData.Set(DataKeys.ImageUrl, personNotify.AvatarUrl); cellData.Selected = ccdUser; break; case DoneDoneDetail.Tags: cellData.Set(DataKeys.Title, NewIssue.Project.Tags[selectedIndex].Value); cellData.Set(DataKeys.Detail, string.Format("({0})", NewIssue.Project.Tags[selectedIndex].NumberOfIssues));// "(\(String(NewIssue.Project.Tags[selectedIndex].NumberOfIssues)))"); cellData.Selected = NewIssue.Tags.Contains(NewIssue.Project.Tags[selectedIndex]); break; default: break; } return cellData; }
private void FormatColorCell() { int IDDM_Lop; for (int i = RowBegin; i <= fg.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { IDDM_Lop = int.Parse(fg[i, "IDDM_Lop"].ToString()); indexCol = ColBegin; for (int j = 0; j <= dtTuan.Rows.Count - 1; j++) { DataTable dtTemp = dtKeHoach.Copy(); dtTemp.DefaultView.RowFilter = "DM_LopID = " + IDDM_Lop.ToString() + " And IDXL_Tuan = " + dtTuan.Rows[j]["XL_TuanID"].ToString(); CellRange rg = fg.GetCellRange(i, indexCol); CellData objCellData = new CellData(); if (!(fg[i, indexCol] == System.DBNull.Value)) { mdtColor.DefaultView.RowFilter = "TenVietTat = '" + fg[i, indexCol].ToString() + "'"; if (dtTemp.DefaultView.Count > 0) { // Nếu ngày đang xét nằm trong khoảng có kế hoạch khác của tuần thì set IDKeHoachKhac cho ngày đó for (int k = 0; k < dtTemp.DefaultView.Count; k++) { objCellData.NgayNghi = "" + dtTemp.DefaultView[k]["NgayNghi"]; //objCellData.dateDenNgay = (DateTime)dtTemp.DefaultView[k]["DenNgay"]; objCellData.KeHoachTruongID = int.Parse(dtTemp.DefaultView[k]["XL_KeHoachTruongID"].ToString()); objCellData.IDKeHoachKhac = int.Parse(dtTemp.DefaultView[k]["IDXL_KeHoachKhac"].ToString()); objCellData.TenKeHoachKhac = dtTemp.DefaultView[k]["TenKeHoachKhac"].ToString(); objCellData.TenVietTat = dtTemp.DefaultView[k]["TenVietTat"].ToString(); objCellData.BuoiHoc = dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["CaHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : int.Parse(dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["CaHoc"].ToString()); objCellData.IDPhongHoc = dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["IDDM_PhongHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : int.Parse(dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["IDDM_PhongHoc"].ToString()); objCellData.TenPhongHoc = dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["TenPhongHoc"].ToString(); } //rg.Data = objCellData.TenVietTat; } // Nếu trên cell đã có dữ liệu kế hoạch khác thì gắn style cho cell đó if (mdtColor.DefaultView.Count > 0) { //objCellData.BuoiHoc = dtKeHoach.DefaultView[0]["BuoiHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : int.Parse(dtKeHoach.DefaultView[0]["BuoiHoc"].ToString()); fg.SetCellStyle(i, indexCol, (CellStyle)htbCellStyle["MyCellStyle" + mdtColor.DefaultView[0]["XL_KeHoachKhacID"].ToString()]); } else { // Nếu Chưa có thì set style cho nó if (dtTemp.DefaultView.Count > 0) { objCellData.BuoiHoc = dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["CaHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : int.Parse(dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["CaHoc"].ToString()); objCellData.IDPhongHoc = dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["IDDM_PhongHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : int.Parse(dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["IDDM_PhongHoc"].ToString()); objCellData.TenPhongHoc = dtTemp.DefaultView[0]["TenPhongHoc"].ToString(); } else { DataTable dtTemp1 = dtKeHoach.Copy(); dtTemp1.DefaultView.RowFilter = "DM_LopID = " + IDDM_Lop.ToString(); objCellData.BuoiHoc = dtTemp1.DefaultView[0]["CaHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : int.Parse(dtTemp1.DefaultView[0]["CaHoc"].ToString()); objCellData.IDPhongHoc = dtTemp1.DefaultView[0]["IDDM_PhongHoc"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)dtTemp1.DefaultView[0]["IDDM_PhongHoc"]; objCellData.TenPhongHoc = dtTemp1.DefaultView[0]["TenPhongHoc"].ToString(); objCellData.NgayNghi = "" + dtTemp1.DefaultView[0]["NgayNghi"]; } // SetCellStyle cho cell fg.SetCellStyle(i, indexCol, (CellStyle)htbCellStyle["MyCellStyle" + (objCellData.BuoiHoc == 0 ? "Sang" : (objCellData.BuoiHoc == 1 ? "Chieu" : (objCellData.BuoiHoc == 2 ? "Toi" : "")))]); if ("" + fg[i, indexCol] != "") { fg[i, indexCol] = EncodeCaHoc(fg[i, indexCol].ToString(), indexCol); } } } rg.UserData = objCellData; indexCol++; } } }
private bool TryGetCell(MyCellCoord cell, out bool isEmpty, out CellData nonEmptyCell) { MyPrecalcComponent.AssertUpdateThread(); using (m_lock.AcquireSharedUsing()) { if (IsEmpty(ref cell)) { isEmpty = true; nonEmptyCell = null; return true; } UInt64 key = cell.PackId64(); if (m_cellsByCoordinate.TryGetValue(key, out nonEmptyCell)) { isEmpty = false; return true; } isEmpty = default(bool); nonEmptyCell = default(CellData); return false; } }
private void LuuKeHoach() { int IDTuan, currentIDTuan, c, IDDM_Lop; for (int r = RowBegin; r <= fg.Rows.Count - 1; r++) { IDDM_Lop = int.Parse(fg[r, "IDDM_Lop"].ToString()); IDTuan = int.Parse(fg[0, ColBegin].ToString()); dtTuan.DefaultView.RowFilter = "XL_TuanID = " + IDTuan.ToString(); c = ColBegin; while (c <= fg.Cols.Count - 1) { CellRange rg = fg.GetCellRange(r, c, r, c); CellData objCellData = (CellData)rg.UserData; currentIDTuan = int.Parse(fg[0, c].ToString()); // Nếu vẫn là tuần đang xét thì sẽ lấy dữ liệu if (IDTuan != currentIDTuan) { IDTuan = currentIDTuan; dtTuan.DefaultView.RowFilter = "XL_TuanID = " + IDTuan.ToString(); } if (rg.UserData != null) { if (objCellData.IDKeHoachKhac == -1) { if (objCellData.KeHoachTruongID > 0) { DeleteKeHoachTruongTuan(objCellData.KeHoachTruongID); } } else { if (objCellData.Changed) { // Nếu có sự thay đổi trong kế hoạch và từ ca học -> nghỉ hoặc từ nghỉ -> ca học hoặc nghỉ -> nghỉ khác // Từ nghỉ -> nghỉ khác thì update vào if (objCellData.KeHoachTruongID > 0) { // Nếu được thay thế bởi Kế hoạch nghỉ khác thì update //if (objCellData.IDKeHoachKhac > 0) //{ pKeHoachTruongInfo = new XL_KeHoachTruongInfo(); pKeHoachTruongInfo.XL_KeHoachTruongID = objCellData.KeHoachTruongID; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDXL_KeHoachKhac = objCellData.IDKeHoachKhac; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDDM_Lop = IDDM_Lop; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDXL_Tuan = IDTuan; pKeHoachTruongInfo.CaHoc = objCellData.BuoiHoc; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDDM_PhongHoc = objCellData.IDPhongHoc; pKeHoachTruongInfo.NgayNghi = objCellData.NgayNghi; UpdateKeHoachTruongTuan(pKeHoachTruongInfo); //} } // Còn lại là Insert vào else { pKeHoachTruongInfo = new XL_KeHoachTruongInfo(); pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDXL_KeHoachKhac = objCellData.IDKeHoachKhac; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDDM_Lop = IDDM_Lop; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDXL_Tuan = IDTuan; pKeHoachTruongInfo.CaHoc = objCellData.BuoiHoc; pKeHoachTruongInfo.IDDM_PhongHoc = objCellData.IDPhongHoc; pKeHoachTruongInfo.NgayNghi = "" + objCellData.NgayNghi; objCellData.KeHoachTruongID = InsertKeHoachTruongTuan(pKeHoachTruongInfo); } objCellData.Changed = false; rg.UserData = objCellData; } } } c++; } } }
internal CellData GetCell(ref MyCellCoord cell) { MyPrecalcComponent.AssertUpdateThread(); bool isEmpty; CellData data; if (TryGetCell(cell, out isEmpty, out data)) { return data; } MyIsoMesh mesh; if (!TryGetMesh(cell, out isEmpty, out mesh)) { ProfilerShort.Begin("Cell precalc"); if (true) { var min = cell.CoordInLod << MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS_BITS; var max = min + MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; // overlap to neighbor; introduces extra data but it makes logic for raycasts simpler (no need to check neighbor cells) min -= 1; max += 2; mesh = MyPrecalcComponent.IsoMesher.Precalc(m_storage, 0, min, max, false, MyFakes.ENABLE_VOXEL_COMPUTED_OCCLUSION, true); } else { mesh = MyPrecalcComponent.IsoMesher.Precalc(new MyIsoMesherArgs() { Storage = m_storage, GeometryCell = cell, }); } ProfilerShort.End(); } if (mesh != null) { data = new CellData(); data.Init( mesh.PositionOffset, mesh.PositionScale, mesh.Positions.GetInternalArray(), mesh.VerticesCount, mesh.Triangles.GetInternalArray(), mesh.TrianglesCount); } if (cell.Lod == 0) { using (m_lock.AcquireExclusiveUsing()) { if (data != null) { var key = cell.PackId64(); m_cellsByCoordinate[key] = data; } else { SetEmpty(ref cell, true); } } } return data; }
public void Init(CellData cellData) { this.cellData = cellData; spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); originalScale = gameObject.transform.localScale; }
/// <summary> /// 找出两个格子的方位 /// </summary> /// <param name="cellData"></param> /// <param name="otherCellData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CandyDirection CheckDirection(CellData cellData, CellData otherCellData) { if (cellData.Color == CandyColor.None || otherCellData.Color == CandyColor.None) { return CandyDirection.Other; } if (cellData.RowNum == otherCellData.RowNum) { if (cellData.ColNum - 1 == otherCellData.ColNum) { return CandyDirection.Left; } if (cellData.ColNum + 1 == otherCellData.ColNum) { return CandyDirection.Right; } } else if (cellData.ColNum == otherCellData.ColNum) { if (cellData.RowNum - 1 == otherCellData.RowNum) { return CandyDirection.Upper; } if (cellData.RowNum + 1 == otherCellData.RowNum) { return CandyDirection.Down; } } return CandyDirection.Other; }
public static RoomHandler AddCustomRuntimeRoom(PrototypeDungeonRoom prototype, bool addRoomToMinimap = true, bool addTeleporter = true, bool isSecretRatExitRoom = false, Action <RoomHandler> postProcessCellData = null, DungeonData.LightGenerationStyle lightStyle = DungeonData.LightGenerationStyle.STANDARD) { Dungeon dungeon = GameManager.Instance.Dungeon; GameObject gameObject3 = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(BraveResources.Load("RuntimeTileMap", ".prefab")); tk2dTileMap component3 = gameObject3.GetComponent <tk2dTileMap>(); string str = UnityEngine.Random.Range(10000, 99999).ToString(); = "Breach_RuntimeTilemap_" + str; = "Breach_RuntimeTilemap_" + str + " Render Data"; component3.Editor__SpriteCollection = dungeon.tileIndices.dungeonCollection; TK2DDungeonAssembler.RuntimeResizeTileMap(component3, 8, 8, component3.partitionSizeX, component3.partitionSizeY); GameObject gameObject2 = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(BraveResources.Load("RuntimeTileMap", ".prefab")); tk2dTileMap component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent <tk2dTileMap>(); //creepyRoom.OverrideTilemap = component; tk2dTileMap component4 = GameObject.Find("TileMap").GetComponent <tk2dTileMap>(); tk2dTileMap mainTilemap = component4; //tk2dTileMap mainTilemap = dungeon.MainTilemap; if (mainTilemap == null) { ETGModConsole.Log("ERROR: TileMap object is null! Something seriously went wrong!", false); Debug.Log("ERROR: TileMap object is null! Something seriously went wrong!"); return(null); } TK2DDungeonAssembler tk2DDungeonAssembler = new TK2DDungeonAssembler(); tk2DDungeonAssembler.Initialize(dungeon.tileIndices); IntVector2 zero = IntVector2.Zero; IntVector2 intVector = new IntVector2(50, 50); int x = intVector.x; int y = intVector.y; IntVector2 intVector2 = new IntVector2(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); IntVector2 lhs = new IntVector2(int.MinValue, int.MinValue); intVector2 = IntVector2.Min(intVector2, zero); IntVector2 intVector3 = IntVector2.Max(lhs, zero + new IntVector2(prototype.Width, prototype.Height)) - intVector2; IntVector2 b = IntVector2.Min(IntVector2.Zero, -1 * intVector2); intVector3 += b; IntVector2 intVector4 = new IntVector2( + x, x); int newWidth = + x * 2 + intVector3.x; int newHeight = Mathf.Max(, intVector3.y + x * 2); CellData[][] array = BraveUtility.MultidimensionalArrayResize <CellData>(,,, newWidth, newHeight); = array;; IntVector2 intVector5 = new IntVector2(prototype.Width, prototype.Height); IntVector2 b2 = zero + b; IntVector2 intVector6 = intVector4 + b2; CellArea cellArea = new CellArea(intVector6, intVector5, 0); cellArea.prototypeRoom = prototype; RoomHandler roomHandler = new RoomHandler(cellArea); for (int i = -x; i < intVector5.x + x; i++) { for (int j = -x; j < intVector5.y + x; j++) { IntVector2 intVector7 = new IntVector2(i, j) + intVector6; if ((i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < intVector5.x && j < intVector5.y) || array[intVector7.x][intVector7.y] == null) { CellData cellData = new CellData(intVector7, CellType.WALL); cellData.positionInTilemap = cellData.positionInTilemap - intVector4 + new IntVector2(y, y); cellData.parentArea = cellArea; cellData.parentRoom = roomHandler; cellData.nearestRoom = roomHandler; cellData.distanceFromNearestRoom = 0f; array[intVector7.x][intVector7.y] = cellData; } } }; try { roomHandler.WriteRoomData(; } catch (Exception) { ETGModConsole.Log("WARNING: Exception caused during WriteRoomData step on room: " + roomHandler.GetRoomName(), false); } try {, roomHandler, GameObject.Find("_Lights").transform, lightStyle); } catch (Exception) { ETGModConsole.Log("WARNING: Exception caused during GeernateLightsForRoom step on room: " + roomHandler.GetRoomName(), false); } if (postProcessCellData != null) { postProcessCellData(roomHandler); } if (roomHandler.area.PrototypeRoomCategory == PrototypeDungeonRoom.RoomCategory.SECRET) { roomHandler.BuildSecretRoomCover(); } GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(BraveResources.Load("RuntimeTileMap", ".prefab")); tk2dTileMap component = gameObject.GetComponent <tk2dTileMap>(); string str2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(10000, 99999).ToString(); = "Glitch_RuntimeTilemap_" + str; = "Glitch_RuntimeTilemap_" + str + " Render Data"; component.Editor__SpriteCollection = dungeon.tileIndices.dungeonCollection; try { TK2DDungeonAssembler.RuntimeResizeTileMap(component, intVector3.x + y * 2, intVector3.y + y * 2, mainTilemap.partitionSizeX, mainTilemap.partitionSizeY); IntVector2 intVector8 = new IntVector2(prototype.Width, prototype.Height); IntVector2 b3 = zero + b; IntVector2 intVector9 = intVector4 + b3; for (int k = -y; k < intVector8.x + y; k++) { for (int l = -y; l < intVector8.y + y + 2; l++) { tk2DDungeonAssembler.BuildTileIndicesForCell(dungeon, component, intVector9.x + k, intVector9.y + l); } } RenderMeshBuilder.CurrentCellXOffset = intVector4.x - y; RenderMeshBuilder.CurrentCellYOffset = intVector4.y - y; component.ForceBuild(); RenderMeshBuilder.CurrentCellXOffset = 0; RenderMeshBuilder.CurrentCellYOffset = 0; component.renderData.transform.position = new Vector3((float)(intVector4.x - y), (float)(intVector4.y - y), (float)(intVector4.y - y)); } catch (Exception exception) { ETGModConsole.Log("WARNING: Exception occured during RuntimeResizeTileMap / RenderMeshBuilder steps!", false); Debug.Log("WARNING: Exception occured during RuntimeResizeTileMap/RenderMeshBuilder steps!"); Debug.LogException(exception); } roomHandler.OverrideTilemap = component; for (int m = 0; m < roomHandler.area.dimensions.x; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < roomHandler.area.dimensions.y + 2; n++) { IntVector2 intVector10 = roomHandler.area.basePosition + new IntVector2(m, n); if ( { CellData currentCell =[intVector10]; TK2DInteriorDecorator.PlaceLightDecorationForCell(dungeon, component, currentCell, intVector10); } } } Pathfinder.Instance.InitializeRegion(, roomHandler.area.basePosition + new IntVector2(-3, -3), roomHandler.area.dimensions + new IntVector2(3, 3)); if (prototype.usesProceduralDecoration && prototype.allowFloorDecoration) { new TK2DInteriorDecorator(tk2DDungeonAssembler).HandleRoomDecoration(roomHandler, dungeon, mainTilemap); } roomHandler.PostGenerationCleanup(); if (addRoomToMinimap) { roomHandler.visibility = RoomHandler.VisibilityStatus.VISITED; MonoBehaviour mono = new MonoBehaviour(); mono.StartCoroutine(Minimap.Instance.RevealMinimapRoomInternal(roomHandler, true, true, false)); if (isSecretRatExitRoom) { roomHandler.visibility = RoomHandler.VisibilityStatus.OBSCURED; } } if (addTeleporter) { roomHandler.AddProceduralTeleporterToRoom(); } if (addRoomToMinimap) { Minimap.Instance.InitializeMinimap(; } DeadlyDeadlyGoopManager.ReinitializeData(); return(roomHandler); }
public ViewStatus(CellWarSceneDBVO vo, int time = 0) { this.vo = vo; this.time = time; char[] ch = new char[] { ',' }; string[] campArr = vo.cellCamp.Split(ch); string[] hpArr = vo.cellHP.Split(ch); string[] xArr = vo.cellX.Split(ch); string[] yArr = vo.cellY.Split(ch); CellData cellData; for (int i = 0, len = campArr.Length; i < len; i++) { cellData = new CellData(); cellData.index = i; cellData.addTime = time; cellData.outTime = time; cellData.hp = int.Parse(hpArr[i]); = (Camp)int.Parse(campArr[i]); cellData.position = new Vector2(int.Parse(xArr[i]), int.Parse(yArr[i])); cellDataList.Add(cellData); } }
public void AddCells(GoogleSheetParameters googleSheetParameters, List <GoogleSheetRow> rows) { var requests = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest { Requests = new List <Request>() }; var sheetId = GetSheetId(_sheetsService, _spreadsheetId, googleSheetParameters.SheetName); GridCoordinate gc = new GridCoordinate { ColumnIndex = googleSheetParameters.RangeColumnStart - 1, RowIndex = googleSheetParameters.RangeRowStart - 1, SheetId = sheetId }; var request = new Request { UpdateCells = new UpdateCellsRequest { Start = gc, Fields = "*" } }; var listRowData = new List <RowData>(); foreach (var row in rows) { var rowData = new RowData(); var listCellData = new List <CellData>(); foreach (var cell in row.Cells) { var cellData = new CellData(); var extendedValue = new ExtendedValue { StringValue = cell.CellValue }; cellData.UserEnteredValue = extendedValue; var cellFormat = new CellFormat { TextFormat = new TextFormat() }; if (cell.IsBold) { cellFormat.TextFormat.Bold = true; } cellFormat.BackgroundColor = new Color { Blue = (float)cell.BackgroundColor.B / 255, Red = (float)cell.BackgroundColor.R / 255, Green = (float)cell.BackgroundColor.G / 255 }; cellData.UserEnteredFormat = cellFormat; listCellData.Add(cellData); } rowData.Values = listCellData; listRowData.Add(rowData); } request.UpdateCells.Rows = listRowData; // It's a batch request so you can create more than one request and send them all in one batch. Just use reqs.Requests.Add() to add additional requests for the same spreadsheet requests.Requests.Add(request); _sheetsService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(requests, _spreadsheetId).Execute(); }
/// <summary> /// 细胞hp变化 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">细胞</param> /// <param name="num">hp的变化量</param> /// <param name="camp">如果hp小于零,将转换的阵营</param> private void hpChange(CellData data, int num, Camp camp) { if (data.hp + num > 0) { data.hp += num; } else { data.hp = CellConstant.INIT_HP; = camp; retreatAllTentacles(data.index); } }
public virtual bool Validation(CellData cell) { Debug.LogError("Unhandled Validation Case"); return(false); }
public CellData clone() { CellData data = new CellData(); data.tentacleList = new List<int>(tentacleList); data.index = index; data.addTime = addTime; data.outTime = outTime; data.hp = hp; = camp; data.position = position; return data; }
private bool ValidatePit(CellData cell) { return(true); }