    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Thread[] threads = new Thread[10];
        Account  acc     = new Account(1000);

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(acc.DoTransactions));
            threads[i] = t;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

//Other Programs Code
        int  result = 0;  // Result initialized to say there is no error
        Cell cell   = new Cell();

        CellProd prod = new CellProd(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage,
                                                 // produce 20 items
        CellCons cons = new CellCons(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage,
                                                 // consume 20 items

        Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun));
        Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun));

        // Threads producer and consumer have been created,
        // but not started at this point.

            //Join waits for a thread to finish. On the Thread type, we find the Join instance method.
            //It enables us to wait until the thread finishes. We use the Join method on an array of threads
            //to implement useful threading functionality.
            producer.Join();   // Join both threads with no timeout
                               // Run both until done.
            // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point.
        catch (ThreadStateException e)
            Console.WriteLine(e);  // Display text of exception
            result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
        catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
            Console.WriteLine(e);  // This exception means that the thread
                                   // was interrupted during a Wait
            result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
        // Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to
        // the parent process.
        Environment.ExitCode = result;
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int  result = 0;  // Result initialized to say there is no error
        Cell cell   = new Cell();

        CellProd prod = new CellProd(cell, 50, 2, "Production");  // Use cell for storage,
        // produce 20 items
        CellCons cons = new CellCons(cell, 21, 3, "Consumer 1");  // Use cell for storage,
        // consume 20 items
        CellCons cons2 = new CellCons(cell, 10, 1, "Consumer 2"); // Use cell for storage,
        // consume 20 items

        Thread producer  = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun));
        Thread consumer  = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun));
        Thread consumer2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons2.ThreadRun));

        // Threads producer and consumer have been created,
        // but not started at this point.


            producer.Join();   // Join both threads with no timeout
            // Run both until done.
            // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point.
        catch (ThreadStateException e)
            Console.WriteLine(e);  // Display text of exception
            result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
        catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
            Console.WriteLine(e);  // This exception means that the thread
            // was interrupted during a Wait
            result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
        // Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to
        // the parent process.
        Environment.ExitCode = result;
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int result = 0;   // Result initialized to say there is no error
        Cell cell = new Cell();

        CellProd prod = new CellProd(cell, 50, 2, "Production");  // Use cell for storage,
        // produce 20 items
        CellCons cons = new CellCons(cell, 21, 3, "Consumer 1");  // Use cell for storage,
        // consume 20 items
        CellCons cons2 = new CellCons(cell, 10, 1, "Consumer 2");  // Use cell for storage,
        // consume 20 items

        Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun));
        Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun));
        Thread consumer2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons2.ThreadRun));
        // Threads producer and consumer have been created,
        // but not started at this point.


            producer.Join();   // Join both threads with no timeout
            // Run both until done.
            // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point.
        catch (ThreadStateException e)
            Console.WriteLine(e);  // Display text of exception
            result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
        catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
            Console.WriteLine(e);  // This exception means that the thread
            // was interrupted during a Wait
            result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
        // Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to
        // the parent process.
        Environment.ExitCode = result;