private void registerConsoleCommands() { CcLocations.clearSpace().register(); CcSaveHandler.cleanup().register(); CcSaveHandler.savecheck().register(); CcTime.skip().register(); }
private void registerConsoleCommands() { CcLocations.clearSpace().register(); CcSaveHandler.cleanup().register(); CcSaveHandler.savecheck().register(); CcTime.skip().register(); CcLua.runScript().register(); new ConsoleCommand("adjustWarps", "", (s, p) => { PyUtils.adjustWarps(p[0]); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("rebuild_objects", "", (s, e) => { SaveHandler.RebuildAll(Game1.currentLocation.objects, Game1.currentLocation); SaveHandler.RebuildAll(Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures, Game1.currentLocation); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("allready", "confirms all players for the current readydialogue", (s, p) => { if (!(Game1.activeClickableMenu is ReadyCheckDialog)) { Monitor.Log("No open ready check.", LogLevel.Alert); } else { OvGame.allready = true; } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("send", "sends a message to all players: send [address] [message]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 2) { Monitor.Log("Missing address or message.", LogLevel.Alert); } else { string address = p[0]; List <string> parts = new List <string>(p); parts.Remove(p[0]); string message = String.Join(" ", p); PyNet.sendMessage(address, message); Monitor.Log("OK", LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("messages", "lists all new messages on a specified address: messages [address]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length == 0) { Monitor.Log("Missing address", LogLevel.Alert); } else { List <MPMessage> messages = PyNet.getNewMessages(p[0]).ToList(); foreach (MPMessage msg in messages) { Monitor.Log($"From {msg.sender.Name} : {msg.message}", LogLevel.Info); } Monitor.Log("OK", LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("getstamina", "lists the current stamina values of all players", (s, p) => { Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + ": " + Game1.player.Stamina, LogLevel.Info); foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.otherFarmers.Values) { PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <int>("PytK.StaminaRequest", -1, farmer, (getStamina) => Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + getStamina, LogLevel.Info)); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("setstamina", "changes the stamina of all or a specific player. use: setstamina [playername or all] [stamina]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 2) { Monitor.Log("Missing parameter", LogLevel.Alert); } Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + ": " + Game1.player.Stamina, LogLevel.Info); Farmer farmer = null; farmer = Game1.otherFarmers.Find(k => k.Value.Name.Equals(p[0])).Value; if (farmer == null) { Monitor.Log("Couldn't find Farmer", LogLevel.Alert); return; } int i = -1; int.TryParse(p[1], out i); PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <int>("PytK.StaminaRequest", i, farmer, (setStamina) => Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + setStamina, LogLevel.Info)); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("ping", "pings all other players", (s, p) => { foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.otherFarmers.Values) { long t = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds; PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <bool>("PytK.Ping", t, farmer, (ping) => { long r = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds; if (ping) { Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + (r - t) + "ms", LogLevel.Info); } else { Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": No Answer", LogLevel.Error); } }); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("syncmap", "Syncs map of a specified location to all clients. Exp.: syncmap Farm, syncmap BusStop, syncmao Town", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 1) { Monitor.Log("No Location specified. "); } PyNet.syncLocationMapToAll(p[0]); }).register(); }
private void registerConsoleCommands() { CcLocations.clearSpace().register(); CcSaveHandler.cleanup().register(); CcSaveHandler.savecheck().register(); CcTime.skip().register(); CcLua.runScript().register(); new ConsoleCommand("send", "sends a message to all players: send [address] [message]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 2) { Monitor.Log("Missing address or message.", LogLevel.Alert); } else { string address = p[0]; List <string> parts = new List <string>(p); parts.Remove(p[0]); string message = String.Join(" ", p); PyNet.sendMessage(address, message); Monitor.Log("OK", LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("messages", "lists all new messages on a specified address: messages [address]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length == 0) { Monitor.Log("Missing address", LogLevel.Alert); } else { List <MPMessage> messages = PyNet.getNewMessages(p[0]).ToList(); foreach (MPMessage msg in messages) { Monitor.Log($"From {msg.sender.Name} : {msg.message}", LogLevel.Info); } Monitor.Log("OK", LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("getstamina", "lists the current stamina values of all players", (s, p) => { Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + ": " + Game1.player.Stamina, LogLevel.Info); foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.otherFarmers.Values) { var getStamina = PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <int>("PytK.StaminaRequest", -1, farmer); getStamina.Wait(); Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + getStamina.Result, LogLevel.Info); } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("setstamina", "changes the stamina of all or a specific player. use: setstamina [playername or all] [stamina]", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 2) { Monitor.Log("Missing parameter", LogLevel.Alert); } Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + ": " + Game1.player.Stamina, LogLevel.Info); Farmer farmer = null; try { farmer = Game1.otherFarmers.Find(k => k.Value.Name.Equals(p[0])).Value; } catch { } if (farmer == null) { Monitor.Log("Couldn't find Farmer", LogLevel.Alert); return; } int i = -1; int.TryParse(p[1], out i); var setStamina = PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <int>("PytK.StaminaRequest", i, farmer); setStamina.Wait(); Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + setStamina.Result, LogLevel.Info); }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("ping", "pings all other players", (s, p) => { foreach (Farmer farmer in Game1.otherFarmers.Values) { long t = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds; var ping = PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <bool>("PytK.Ping", t, farmer); ping.Wait(); long r = Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds; if (ping.Result) { Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": " + (r - t) + "ms", LogLevel.Info); } else { Monitor.Log(farmer.Name + ": No Answer", LogLevel.Error); } } }).register(); new ConsoleCommand("syncmap", "Syncs map of a specified location to all clients. Exp.: syncmap Farm, syncmap BusStop, syncmao Town", (s, p) => { if (p.Length < 1) { Monitor.Log("No Location specified. "); } PyNet.syncLocationMapToAll(p[0]); }).register(); }