        public static CategoryType?Convert(this CategoryTypeFilter filter)
            switch (filter)
            case CategoryTypeFilter.None:

            case CategoryTypeFilter.Income:

            case CategoryTypeFilter.Expenditure:

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise the Category 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ID">ID to use</param>
        /// <param name="isIDaNodeID">Whether the ID is a Node ID (or H2G2ID)</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">Site ID</param>
        /// <param name="type">Filter Type</param>
        /// <param name="articleType">Article Type</param>
        /// <param name="show"></param>
        /// <param name="skip"></param>
        public void Initialise(int ID, bool isIDaNodeID, int siteID, CategoryTypeFilter type, int articleType, int show, int skip)
            string description = String.Empty;
	        string synonyms = String.Empty;
	        int userAdd = 0;
	        int parentID = 0;
	        int typeID = 0;

	        //if the nodeId is zero then we actually want the root for the given site
            if (isIDaNodeID && ID == 0)
		        //get the proper nodeID from the table;
                ID = GetRootNodeFromHierarchy(siteID);
                if (ID == 0)
			        throw new DnaException("Category - Initialise - No rootnode for the given siteID");

            int nodeID = 0;
            string nodeName = String.Empty;
            int H2G2ID = 0;
            int baseLine = 0;

            XmlElement hierarchyDetails = GetHierarchyNodeDetails(ID, isIDaNodeID, ref nodeName, ref description,
                                                                    ref parentID, ref H2G2ID, ref synonyms, ref userAdd, ref nodeID, ref typeID,
			                                                        0, ref baseLine);

            if (hierarchyDetails == null)
                Initialise(0, true, siteID);

	        //Add ancestry ( parents ) information for this Node

            XmlElement members = AddElementTag(hierarchyDetails, "MEMBERS");

	        // Get Articles / Threads Tagged to Node.
	        int rows = 0;
	        if ( (type == CategoryTypeFilter.None ) || (type == CategoryTypeFilter.TypedArticle && GuideEntry.IsTypeOfArticle(articleType)) )
		        //If Show param not provided, return default max articles.
		        if ( show == 0 )
			        show = MAX_ARTICLE_ROWS;
		        members.AppendChild(GetArticleMembersForNodeID(nodeID, articleType,  show,  skip, ref rows ));

	        //Get Clubs ( Campaigns )  tagged to this Node
	        //if ( (type == CategoryTypeFilter.None ) || (type == CategoryTypeFilter.TypedArticle && GuideEntry.IsTypeOfClub(articleType)) )
		    //    members.AppendChild(GetClubMembersForNodeID(nodeID, show,  skip));

	        //Include Notice Board Posts tagged to this node.
	        //if ( type == CategoryTypeFilter.None || type == CategoryTypeFilter.Thread )
		    //    members.AppendChild(GetNoticesForNodeID(nodeID));

	        //Include Notice Board Posts tagged to this node.
	        if ( type == CategoryTypeFilter.None || type == CategoryTypeFilter.User  )

	        //Create the Skip and Show XML
	        if ( skip > 0 )
                AddIntElement(members, "COUNT", show);
                AddIntElement(members, "SKIP", skip);

                if ( rows > (show + skip) )
                    AddIntElement(members, "MORE", 1);
                    AddIntElement(members, "MORE", 0);


	        if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("Category", "IncludeCloseMembers"))
                members.AppendChild(GetHierarchyCloseMembers(nodeID, MAX_CLOSE_ROWS - rows));

	        // Action network does not use the sort information, so don't do the sort.
	        // Another reason for not doing this action is that it goes through 1.4 million iterations for 1598 items
	        // and takes upto one minute to complete all for nothing!!!
	        if ( siteID != 16)
		        SetSortOrderForNodeMembers(members, "MEMBERS");