/// <summary>
        /// Returns the most popular custom Item Specific names and values for each
        /// category you request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CategoryIDList">
        /// An eBay category ID. This call retrieves recommended
        /// Item Specifics (if any) for each category you specify.
        /// To determine which categories support listing with custom
        /// Item Specifics, use GetCategoryFeatures.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b>
        /// This call may return recommendations for categories that don't
        /// support listing with custom Item Specifics. That is, the
        /// presence of recommendations for a category does not necessarily
        /// mean that AddItem supports custom Item Specifics for that
        /// category and site.
        /// </span>
        /// The request requires either CategoryID, CategorySpecfics.CategoryID, or
        /// CategorySpecificsFileInfo (or the call returns an error). CategoryID and
        /// CategorySpecific.CategoryID can both be used in the same request.
        /// (CategorySpecific offers more options to control the response.)
        /// Some input fields, such as IncludeConfidence, only work when
        /// CategoryID or CategorySpecfics.CategoryID is specified.
        /// You can specify multiple categories, but more categories can result in
        /// longer response times. If your request times out, specify fewer IDs. If you
        /// specify the same ID twice, we use the first instance.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="LastUpdateTime">
        /// Causes the recommendation engine to check whether the list of
        /// popular Item Specifics for each specified category has changed
        /// since this date and time. If specified, this call returns no
        /// Item Specifics; it only returns whether the data has changed
        /// for any of the requested categories.
        /// Typically, you pass in the Timestamp that was
        /// returned the last time you refreshed the list of names and values
        /// for the same categories. If the Updated flag returns true for any
        /// categories in the response, call GetCategorySpecifics again
        /// for those categories to get the latest names and values.
        /// (As downloading all the data may affect your application's
        /// performance, it may help to only download Item Specifics
        /// for a category if they have changed since you last checked.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="MaxNames">
        /// Maximum number of Item Specifics to return
        /// per category (where each Item Specific is identified
        /// by a unique name within the category).
        /// Use this to retrieve fewer results per category.
        /// For example, if you only want up to 2 per category
        /// (the top 2 most popular names), specify 2.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="MaxValuesPerName">
        /// Maximum number of values to retrieve per item specific.
        /// The best practice for using this field depends on your use case.
        /// For example, if you want all possible values (such as all brands
        /// and sizes in a clothing category), then specify a very large
        /// number. (This is recommended in most cases.) If you only want the most popular value (like the most popular color), then specify a small number.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Name">
        /// The name of one Item Specific name to find values for.
        /// Use this if you want to find out whether a name
        /// that the seller provided has recommended values.
        /// If you specify multiple categories in the request,
        /// the recommendation engine returns all matching
        /// names and values it finds for each of those categories.
        /// At the time of this writing, this value is case-sensitive.
        /// (Wildcards are not supported.)
        /// Name and CategorySpecific.ItemSpecific can be used in the
        /// request. (If you plan to only use one or the other in your application,
        /// you should use ItemSpecific, as it may offer more options in the future.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CategorySpecificList">
        /// Applicable with request version 609 and higher. (This
        /// does not retrieve data at all if your request version is lower
        /// than 609.)
        /// Contains a category for which you want recommended
        /// Item Specifics, and (optionally) names and values to help
        /// you refine the recommendations.
        /// You can specify multiple categories (but more categories
        /// can result in longer response times). If you specify the same
        /// category twice, we use the first instance.
        /// Depending on how many recommendations are found, your request
        /// may time out if you specify too many categories.
        /// (Typically, you can download recommendations for about 275
        /// categories at a time.)
        /// CategoryID and CategorySpecific.CategoryID can be used
        /// in the request. (If you plan to only use one or the other in
        /// your application, you should use CategorySpecific,
        /// as it may offer more options in the future.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ExcludeRelationships">
        /// If true, the Relationship node is not returned for any
        /// recommendations. Relationship recommendations tell you whether
        /// an Item Specific value has a logical dependency another
        /// Item Specific.
        /// For example, in a clothing category, Size Type could be
        /// recommended as a parent of Size, because Size=Small would
        /// mean something different to buyers depending on whether
        /// Size Type=Petite or Size Type=Plus.
        /// In general, it is a good idea to retrieve and use relationship
        /// recommendations, as this data can help buyers find the items
        /// they want more easily.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeConfidence">
        /// If true, returns eBay's level of confidence in the popularity of
        /// each name and value for the specified category.
        /// Some sellers may find this useful when
        /// choosing whether to use eBay's recommendation or their own
        /// name or value.
        /// Requires CategoryID to also be passed in.
        /// If you try to use this with CategorySpecificsFileInfo
        /// but without	CategoryID, the request fails and no
        /// TaskReferenceID or FileReferenceID is returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CategorySpecificsFileInfo">
        /// If true, the response includes FileReferenceID and
        /// TaskReferenceID. Use these IDs as inputs to the downloadFile
        /// call in the eBay File Transfer API. That API lets you retrieve
        /// a single (bulk) GetCategorySpecifics response with all the Item
        /// Specifics recommendations available for the requested site ID.
        /// (The downloadFile call downloads a .zip file as an
        /// attachment.)
        /// Either CategorySpecificsFileInfo or a CategoryID is required
        /// (or you can specify both).
        /// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b>
        /// You can use the File Transfer API without using or learning
        /// about the Bulk Data Exchange API or other
        /// Large Merchant Services APIs.
        /// </span>
        /// </param>
        public RecommendationsTypeCollection GetCategorySpecifics(StringCollection CategoryIDList, DateTime LastUpdateTime, int MaxNames, int MaxValuesPerName, string Name, CategoryItemSpecificsTypeCollection CategorySpecificList, bool ExcludeRelationships, bool IncludeConfidence, bool CategorySpecificsFileInfo)
            this.CategoryIDList            = CategoryIDList;
            this.LastUpdateTime            = LastUpdateTime;
            this.MaxNames                  = MaxNames;
            this.MaxValuesPerName          = MaxValuesPerName;
            this.Name                      = Name;
            this.CategorySpecificList      = CategorySpecificList;
            this.ExcludeRelationships      = ExcludeRelationships;
            this.IncludeConfidence         = IncludeConfidence;
            this.CategorySpecificsFileInfo = CategorySpecificsFileInfo;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the most popular custom Item Specific names and values for each
        /// leaf category you request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CategoryIDList">
        /// A leaf-level eBay category ID. This call retrieves recommended
        /// Item Specifics (if any) for each leaf category you specify.
        /// (The call returns no results for a parent category.)
        /// To determine which leaf categories support listing with custom
        /// Item Specifics, use GetCategoryFeatures.
        /// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> 
        /// This call may return recommendations for categories that don't
        /// support listing with custom Item Specifics. That is, the
        /// presence of recommendations for a category does not necessarily
        /// mean that AddItem supports custom Item Specifics for that
        /// category and site.
        /// </span>
        /// The request requires either CategoryID, CategorySpecfics.CategoryID, or
        /// CategorySpecificsFileInfo (or the call returns an error). CategoryID and
        /// CategorySpecific.CategoryID can both be used in the same request.
        /// (CategorySpecific offers more options to control the response.)
        /// You can specify multiple leaf categories, but more categories can result in
        /// longer response times. If your request times out, specify fewer IDs. If you
        /// specify the same ID twice, we use the first instance.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="LastUpdateTime">
        /// Causes the recommendation engine to check whether the list of
        /// popular Item Specifics for each specified category has changed
        /// since this date and time. If specified, this call returns no
        /// Item Specifics; it only returns whether the data has changed
        /// for any of the requested categories.
        /// Typically, you pass in the Timestamp that was
        /// returned the last time you refreshed the list of names and values
        /// for the same categories. If the Updated flag returns true for any
        /// categories in the response, call GetCategorySpecifics again
        /// for those categories to get the latest names and values.
        /// (As downloading all the data may affect your application's
        /// performance, it may help to only download Item Specifics
        /// for a category if they have changed since you last checked.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="MaxNames">
        /// Maximum number of Item Specifics to return
        /// per category (where each Item Specific is identified
        /// by a unique name within the category).
        /// Use this to retrieve fewer results per category.
        /// For example, if you only want up to 2 per category
        /// (the top 2 most popular names), specify 2.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="MaxValuesPerName">
        /// Maximum number of values to retrieve per Item Specific.
        /// Use this to retrieve fewer values per name.
        /// For example, if you only want the most popular value,
        /// specify 1.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Name">
        /// The name of one Item Specific name to find values for.
        /// Use this if you want to find out whether a name
        /// that the seller provided has recommended values.
        /// If you specify multiple leaf categories in the request,
        /// the recommendation engine returns all matching
        /// names and values it finds for each of those categories.
        /// At the time of this writing, this value is case-sensitive.
        /// (Wildcards are not supported.)
        /// Name and CategorySpecific.ItemSpecific can be used in the
        /// request. (If you plan to only use one or the other in your application,
        /// you should use ItemSpecific, as it may offer more options in the future.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CategorySpecificList">
        /// Applicable with request version 609 and higher. (This
        /// does not retrieve data at all if your request version is lower
        /// than 609.)
        /// Contains a leaf category for which you want recommended
        /// Item Specifics, and (optionally) names and values to help
        /// you refine the recommendations.
        /// You can specify multiple categories (but more categories
        /// can result in longer response times). If you specify the same
        /// category twice, we use the first instance.
        /// Depending on how many recommendations are found, your request
        /// may time out if you specify too many categories.
        /// (Typically, you can download recommendations for about 275
        /// categories at a time.)
        /// CategoryID and CategorySpecific.CategoryID can be used
        /// in the request. (If you plan to only use one or the other in
        /// your application, you should use CategorySpecific,
        /// as it may offer more options in the future.)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ExcludeRelationships">
        /// If true, the Relationship node is not returned for any
        /// recommendations. Relationship recommendations tell you whether
        /// an Item Specific value has a logical dependency another
        /// Item Specific.
        /// For example, in a clothing category, Size Type could be
        /// recommended as a parent of Size, because Size=Small would
        /// mean something different to buyers depending on whether
        /// Size Type=Petite or Size Type=Plus.
        /// In general, it is a good idea to retrieve and use relationship
        /// recommendations, as this data can help buyers find the items
        /// they want more easily.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludeConfidence">
        /// If true, returns eBay's level of confidence in the popularity of
        /// each name and value. Some sellers may find this useful when
        /// choosing whether to use eBay's recommendation or their own
        /// name or value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CategorySpecificsFileInfo">
        /// If true, the response includes FileReferenceID and 
        /// TaskReferenceID. Use these IDs as inputs to the downloadFile
        /// call in the eBay File Transfer API. That API lets you retrieve
        /// a single (bulk) GetCategorySpecifics response with all the Item 
        /// Specifics recommendations available for the requested site ID. 
        /// (The downloadFile call downloads a .zip file as an 
        /// attachment.)
        /// Either CategorySpecificsFileInfo or a CategoryID is required 
        /// (or you can specify both).
        /// <span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b>
        /// You can use the File Transfer API without using or learning 
        /// about the Bulk Data Exchange API or other 
        /// Large Merchant Services APIs.
        /// </span>
        /// </param>
        public RecommendationsTypeCollection GetCategorySpecifics(StringCollection CategoryIDList, DateTime LastUpdateTime, int MaxNames, int MaxValuesPerName, string Name, CategoryItemSpecificsTypeCollection CategorySpecificList, bool ExcludeRelationships, bool IncludeConfidence, bool CategorySpecificsFileInfo)
            this.CategoryIDList = CategoryIDList;
            this.LastUpdateTime = LastUpdateTime;
            this.MaxNames = MaxNames;
            this.MaxValuesPerName = MaxValuesPerName;
            this.Name = Name;
            this.CategorySpecificList = CategorySpecificList;
            this.ExcludeRelationships = ExcludeRelationships;
            this.IncludeConfidence = IncludeConfidence;
            this.CategorySpecificsFileInfo = CategorySpecificsFileInfo;

            return ApiResponse.Recommendations;