 private async Task AssociateEntity(CommerceContext commerceContext, CatalogReferenceArgument arg)
     await _commerceCommander.ProcessWithTransaction(commerceContext,
                                                     () => _commerceCommander.Pipeline <IAssociateSellableItemToParentPipeline>().Run(
                                                         arg, commerceContext.PipelineContextOptions))
        public override async Task <ImportSingleCsvLineArgument> Run(ImportSingleCsvLineArgument arg, CommercePipelineExecutionContext context)
            Condition.Requires(arg, nameof(arg)).IsNotNull();
            Condition.Requires(arg.Line, nameof(arg.Line)).IsNotNull();

            var catalogReferenceArgument = new CatalogReferenceArgument(arg.Line.FullEntityCatalogName, arg.Line.FullEntityCategoryName, arg.Line.FullEntitySellableItemName);
            await _associateSellableItemToParentPipeline.Run(catalogReferenceArgument, context);

        /// <summary>
        /// Interface to Create or Update Catalog
        /// Currently Sellable Items cannot be dissasociatioed from parent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">context</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">parameter</param>
        /// <param name="updateExisting">Flag to determine if an existing catalog should be updated</param>
        /// <returns>Commerce Command</returns>
        public async Task <CommerceCommand> ExecuteImport(CommerceContext context, CreateOrUpdateProductParameter parameter, bool updateExisting)
            SellableItem sellableItem = await this._createSellableItemCommand.Process(

            // If existing - Check if it should be updated
            if (sellableItem == null && !updateExisting)

            // If existing - Get Current SellableItem
            bool createdFlag = true;

            if (sellableItem == null)
                createdFlag = false;
                // Get SellableItem
                sellableItem = await this._getSellableItemCommand.Process(context, $"{parameter.CatalogName}|{parameter.ProductId}|", false);

            // Edit Composer Generated View Properties

            // Get General Sellable Item Overview View
            var sellableItemEntityView = await _getEntityViewCommand.Process(context, sellableItem.Id, "Master", "", "");

            // Extract the Composer Generated View
            var composerView = sellableItemEntityView.ChildViews.Where(x => x.Name == "Custom Plugins View").FirstOrDefault() as EntityView;

            if (composerView != null)
                // Call an Edit View of the Composer Generated View
                EntityView composerViewForEdit = await _getEntityViewCommand.Process(context, sellableItem.Id, "EditView", "EditView", composerView.ItemId);

                // Get the Property we want to change - This time the Taxes property for demonstration reason
                // At this point we could also iterate through a various number of properties based on input parameters
                ViewProperty propertyToChange = composerViewForEdit.Properties.FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.Equals("Taxes"));
                if (propertyToChange != null)
                    // Special Case - Out Taxes property has an availableSelectionPolicy we want to obtain
                    // Currently only values 0.07 and 0.19 are allowed - Selection Option Contraint from Composer
                    AvailableSelectionsPolicy availableSelectionPolicy = propertyToChange.Policies.FirstOrDefault(element => element is AvailableSelectionsPolicy) as AvailableSelectionsPolicy;
                    string newValue = "0.19";

                    // Check if our new value can be found within all selections
                    Selection isAvailable = availableSelectionPolicy.List.FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.Equals(newValue));

                    if (isAvailable != null)
                        // If so - change the value
                        propertyToChange.Value    = newValue;
                        propertyToChange.RawValue = newValue;
                        // If not - Obtain the constraint and dont change the value
                        context.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("New Value {0} is not allowed for property {1}", newValue, propertyToChange.Name));

                // In the end update the changed view
                var result = await _doActionCommand.Process(context, composerViewForEdit);

            // End Edit Composer generated Propertis

            // Edit SellableItem only if it is not created within that call
            if (!createdFlag)
                // Todo There is currently an error that if editsellableitemcommand is executed SQL server will throw a PK exception when it tries to ADD the current sellableitem again to DB
                // Sitecore Support Ticket ID 515689
                // CatalogContentArgument catalogContentArgument = await this._editSellableItemCommand.Process(context, parameter.UpdateSellableItem(sellableItem));

            // TODO Implement Dissasociation!!!

            // Build Association Item
            string entityIdentifier = parameter.ParentName.Equals(parameter.CatalogName)
                ? CommerceEntity.IdPrefix <Catalog>()
                : CommerceEntity.IdPrefix <Category>();
            string parentId = $"{entityIdentifier}{parameter.ParentName}";

            // Associate
            CatalogReferenceArgument catalogReferenceArgument = await this._associateSellableItemToParentCommand.Process(
                parameter.CatalogName.ToEntityId <Catalog>(),
