public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { DirectoryInfo webFolder; try { webFolder = new DirectoryInfo(context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).Parent; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Exception while tracking 'Web' folder -{0}", ex.Message)); } if (context.Request.QueryString["product"] == null && context.Request.QueryString["product"] == null) { throw new Exception("Requirred Query string [product] to handle the request."); } string path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", webFolder.FullName, context.Request.QueryString["product"]); string productname = context.Request.QueryString["product"].ToString().ToLower(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { context.Response.Write(string.Format("", productname)); } else { DirectoryInfo productFolder = new DirectoryInfo(path); string port = null; string physicalPath = string.Format("{0}", productFolder.FullName); string prefixURL = string.Empty;//.Format("mvcsamplebrowser/{0}", productFolder.Name); try { string frameWorks = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FrameWork"]; if (frameWorks == "4.5") { CassiniWebServer.StartVersion45xWebServer(physicalPath, prefixURL, out port); } else if (frameWorks == "4.0") { CassiniWebServer.StartVersion4xWebServer(physicalPath, prefixURL, out port); } else { CassiniWebServer.StartVersion3xWebServer(physicalPath, prefixURL, out port); } context.Response.Write(string.Format("http://localhost:{0}", port)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error: Unable to start Webserver.web.exe, Message:{0}", ex.Message)); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { DirectoryInfo webFolder, installedFolder; try { webFolder = new DirectoryInfo(context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).Parent.Parent; while (webFolder.Name.ToLower() != "web") { webFolder = webFolder.Parent; } installedFolder = webFolder.Parent; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Exception while tracking 'Web' folder -{0}", ex.Message)); } string productPath; if (context.Request.QueryString["product"] == null && context.Request.QueryString["product"] == null) { throw new Exception("Requirred Query string [product] to handle the request."); } if (context.Request.QueryString["path"] == null && context.Request.QueryString["path"] == null) { productPath = @"JavaScript\\ionic samples\\desktop\\www"; } else { productPath = context.Request.QueryString["path"]; } string path = Path.Combine(installedFolder.FullName, productPath); string productname = context.Request.QueryString["product"].ToString().ToLower(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { context.Response.Write(string.Format("//{0}", productname)); } else { DirectoryInfo productFolder = new DirectoryInfo(path); string port = null; string physicalPath = string.Format("{0}", productFolder.FullName); string prefixURL = string.Empty; try { string frameWorks = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FrameWork"]; if (frameWorks == "4.5" || frameWorks == "4.5.1" || frameWorks == "4.0" || frameWorks == "4.6") { CassiniWebServer.StartVersion45xWebServer(physicalPath, prefixURL, out port); } else { CassiniWebServer.StartVersion3xWebServer(physicalPath, prefixURL, out port); } context.Response.Write(string.Format("http://localhost:{0}", port)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error: Unable to start Webserver.web.exe, Message:{0}", ex.Message)); } } }