public async Task <CaseFormDto> CreateCaseForm(CaseFormForCreationDto caseFormForCreation)
            var newCaseForm = _mapper.Map <CaseForm>(caseFormForCreation);

            // ! TEMP !
            // TODO: Make sure SubmittedBy gets set to currently logged in/authenticated user.
            newCaseForm.SubmittedBy = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync("*****@*****.**"); // ! currently just for testing purposes

            // ! TEMP !

            newCaseForm = await _caseFormRepo.AddAsync(newCaseForm);

            _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.InsertItem, "Case form {Id} created", newCaseForm.Id);

            // TODO: Call EmailService to send submission receipt email to user
            // TODO: Call EmailService to send submission receipt email to admin?

            var caseFormDto = _mapper.Map <CaseFormDto>(newCaseForm);

        public async Task <ActionResult <CaseFormDto> > Post(CaseFormForCreationDto caseForm)
            var newCaseFormDto = await _caseFormService.CreateCaseForm(caseForm);

            return(CreatedAtAction("Get", new { id = newCaseFormDto.Id }, newCaseFormDto));