        private async Task <Possible <FullCacheRecordWithDeterminism, Failure> > AddToCache(ICacheSession session, params string[] thePaths)
            WeakFingerprintHash weak    = FakeStrongFingerprint.CreateWeak(session.CacheId);
            CasHash             casHash = await AddPathSet(session, thePaths);

            Hash simpleHash = FakeStrongFingerprint.CreateHash(session.CacheSessionId);

            return(await session.AddOrGetAsync(weak, casHash, simpleHash, CasEntries.FromCasHashes(casHash)));
        public async Task NoItemFingerprint()
            const string TestName    = nameof(NoItemFingerprint);
            string       testCacheId = MakeCacheId(TestName);
            ICache       cache       = await CreateCacheAsync(testCacheId);

            // Now for the session (which we base on the cache ID)
            string testSessionId = "Session1-" + testCacheId;

            ICacheSession session = await CreateSessionAsync(cache, testSessionId);

            // Note that we will be making a new fingerprint with a CasHash of NoItem
            // without pre-sending it as NoItem is a special case - it is nothing
            FullCacheRecord record = await FakeBuild.DoPipAsync(session, TestName);

            // We place this in and did not pin the NoItem yet or even send it around
            // Note that this also is doing a zero-length CasEntries
            var strong = new StrongFingerprint(record.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint, CasHash.NoItem, new Hash(FingerprintUtilities.ZeroFingerprint), TestName);
            FullCacheRecordWithDeterminism oldRecord = (await session.AddOrGetAsync(
                                                            CasEntries.FromCasHashes())).Success("Should work even though I did not pin CasHash.NoItem, instead it failed with {0}");

            XAssert.IsNull(oldRecord.Record, "Should have been the first one like this");

            var result = await session.GetCacheEntryAsync(strong).SuccessAsync();

            XAssert.AreEqual(0, result.Count, "We should have gotten a zero-length CasEntries");

            // We place this in and did not pin the NoItem yet or even send it around
            // Note that this does an array of NoItem CasEntries and use the
            // record.CasElement as the weak fingerprint
            CasHash[] empties = { CasHash.NoItem, CasHash.NoItem, CasHash.NoItem };
            strong    = new StrongFingerprint(new WeakFingerprintHash(strong.CasElement.ToFingerprint()), CasHash.NoItem, new Hash(FingerprintUtilities.ZeroFingerprint), TestName);
            oldRecord = (await session.AddOrGetAsync(
                             new Hash(FingerprintUtilities.ZeroFingerprint),
                             empties)).Success("Should work even though I did not pin CasHash.NoItem, instead it failed with {0}");

            XAssert.IsNull(oldRecord.Record, "Should have been the first one like this");

            result = await session.GetCacheEntryAsync(strong).SuccessAsync();

            XAssert.AreEqual(empties, result, "We should have gotten the set of empties");

            await CloseSessionAsync(session, testSessionId);

            await ShutdownCacheAsync(cache, testCacheId);