private PayFlowRequest SetReq(CartShipPayInfo csp, CreditCardInfo card) { PayFlowRequest req = new PayFlowRequest { Pwd = "1812war347813", Vendor = "stesha", User = "******", Partner = "VSA",//id of the gateway provider //live endpoint // Endpoint = "", //test endpoint Endpoint = "", Amt = Convert.ToString(csp.ShoppingCart.ComputeCartValue()), // amount of sale with two decimal places Currency = "AUD", Trxtype = "S", // type of transaction S-for sale Tender = "C", // method of payment C - for credit card Timeout = "300", Verbosity = "HIGH", Hostport = "443", // temp values SecCode = card.Verification, Acct = card.Account, // creit card number ExpDate = "0719" //card.months + card.years ///additional possible settings ///SILENTTRAN=TRUE // for silent redirect }; return(req); }
private Order CopyDirectPaymentToOrder(string resp) { CartShipPayInfo csp = (CartShipPayInfo)Session["CartShipPayInfo"]; string customerId = (Session["Profile"] == null) ? csp.ShippingDetails.Email : Convert.ToString(((ApplicationUser)Session["Profile"]).Id); Order order = new Order { CspPayerEmail = csp.ShippingDetails.Email, CspShippingAddress = csp.ShippingDetails.GetAddress(), RequestCurrency = GetValue(resp, "CURRENCY"), RequestFirstName = csp.ShippingDetails.Name, RequestLastName = csp.ShippingDetails.Surname, Total = csp.ShoppingCart.ComputeCartValue().ToString("c"), RequestPayerId = customerId, RequestTxnType = "Sale", RequestReceiverId = "Stesha Pty Ltd", RequestListOfProducts = csp.ShoppingCart.GetProductsList(), RequestPaymentDate = GetValue(resp, "TRANSTIME") == null?DateTime.Now.ToString() : GetValue(resp, "TRANSTIME"), CspContactNumber = ((csp.ShippingDetails.Phone == null) ? "not provided" : csp.ShippingDetails.Phone), CartNumberOfItems = Convert.ToString(csp.ShoppingCart.ProductLines.Sum(p => p.Quantity)), RequestPaymentStatus = GetValue(resp, "RESPMSG"), RequestTxnId = GetValue(resp, "PNREF"), }; return(order); }
// use following test details for FDMS Nashvillle processor 4111111111111111 (a 4 and fifteen 1’s), expiration date 12/15, card security code 123. public ActionResult Set(CreditCardInfo card) { CartShipPayInfo csp = (CartShipPayInfo)Session["CartShipPayInfo"]; PayFlowRequest req = SetReq(csp, card); string payLoad = req.BuildPayload(); string response = SendReq(req.Endpoint, payLoad, BuildHeaders()); string result = GetValue(response, "RESULT"); Order order = CopyDirectPaymentToOrder(response); if (result.Equals("0") && GetValue(response, "CVV2MATCH") == "Y") { TempData["Confirm"] = "The payment has been successfully processed"; repo.SaveAllToDatabase(order); csp.ShoppingCart.ClearCart(); return(View("ConfirmPayment", order)); } else { TempData["Fail"] = "Payment failed"; repo.SaveIncompleteOrder(order); return(View("_ErrorDisplay")); } }
private Order CopyExpressCheckoutReqToOrder(ExprPayPalRequest req) { CartShipPayInfo csp = (CartShipPayInfo)Session["CartShipPayInfo"]; Order order = new Order { CspPayerEmail = req.PayerEmail, CspShippingAddress = req.ShipAddress, RequestCurrency = req.currency, RequestFirstName = req.PayerName, RequestLastName = req.PayerLastName, RequestPayerId = req.PayerId, RequestListOfProducts = req.Products, PayPalPayerId = req.PayPalPayerId, RequestPaymentDate = req.TransTime, CspContactNumber = csp.ShippingDetails.Phone, CartNumberOfItems = Convert.ToString(csp.ShoppingCart.ProductLines.Sum(p => p.Quantity)), RequestPaymentStatus = req.PaymentStatus, RequestTxnId = req.TransId, RequestTxnType = req.TransType, RequestReceiverId = req.PayPalMerchantUsername, Total = req.Total, ShiptoName = req.ShiptoName, ShippingCost = req.ShippingCost, SubTotal = req.SubTotal }; order.OrderedProducts = GetOrderedProducts(req.ProductsList, order.Id); return(order); }
public ViewResult DoExpressCheckoutPayment() { try { ExprPayPalRequest req = (ExprPayPalRequest)Session[reqKey]; req.Method = "DoExpressCheckoutPayment"; string resp = SendRequest(req.Endpoint, req.ToString()); string ack = ParseToken(resp, "ACK"); req.TransId = ParseToken(resp, "PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID"); req.TransType = ParseToken(resp, "PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONTYPE"); req.PaymentStatus = ParseToken(resp, "PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS"); // send mail to customer if (ack.Equals("Success") && (req.Token.Equals(ParseToken(resp, "TOKEN")))) { Order order = CopyExpressCheckoutReqToOrder(req); repo.SaveAllToDatabase(order); sendCustomerEmail(order); sendAdminEmail(order); CartShipPayInfo csp = (CartShipPayInfo)Session["CartShipPayInfo"]; csp.ShoppingCart.ClearCart(); TempData["Confirm"] = "Payment Successful"; return(View("ConfirmPayment", order)); } } catch (Exception) { } TempData["Fail"] = failMessage; return(View("_ErrorDisplay")); }
public ViewResult ProceedToPay(ShoppingCart cart, ShippingDetails ShipDet, string updateUser) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { CartShipPayInfo cspInfo = new CartShipPayInfo(); // prepare for credit card payment PrepareCreditCardFields(); if (updateUser == null ? false : updateUser.Equals("true", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { // updates the current user details and stores it in the session state Session["Profile"] = repo.UpdateUserDetails(ShipDet, User.Identity.Name); } cspInfo.ShoppingCart = cart; cspInfo.ShippingDetails = ShipDet; Session["CartShipPayInfo"] = cspInfo; // save the whole order data class into session state ViewData["cartValue"] = cart.ComputeCartValue().ToString("c"); return(View(new CreditCardInfo())); } else { return(View("Checkout", new ShippingInfo(repo) { ShipDet = ShipDet })); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // following code is used for PayPal's Eexpress Checkout functionality // detailed tutorial on express checkout is at //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public RedirectResult SetExpressCheckout() { CartShipPayInfo csp = (CartShipPayInfo)Session["CartShipPayInfo"]; ExprPayPalRequest req = new ExprPayPalRequest() { // live credentials Password = "******", PayPalMerchantUsername = "******", Signature = "AcQ.7s0YrYjFbaBoVNy6bGaoP-VpAkRQHqL0If7cnR.3iZZFIjV8BG6h", Endpoint = "", //nvp production //req.Endpoint = ""; // nvp sandbox Method = "SetExpressCheckout", // METHOD // set all costs and products details from cart info ProductsList = csp.ShoppingCart.ProductLines, Total = Convert.ToString(csp.ShoppingCart.ComputeCartValue() + csp.ShoppingCart.ShippingCosts), SubTotal = Convert.ToString(csp.ShoppingCart.ComputeCartValue()),// ShippingCost = Convert.ToString(csp.ShoppingCart.ShippingCosts), currency = "AUD", // set urls //ReturnUrl = "http://localhost:33966/ExpressCheckout/GetExpressCheckoutDetails", CancelUrl = "http://localhost:33966/Cart/RedirectAfterCancel", ReturnUrl = "", //CancelUrl = "", Version = 93, PaymentAction = "SALE" }; try { // make a call to PayPal and read answer string resp = SendRequest(req.Endpoint, req.ToString()); req.Token = ParseToken(resp, "TOKEN"); } catch (Exception) { TempData["Fail"] = failMessage; return(Redirect("_ErrorDisplay")); } // string url = "" + req.Token; string url = "" + req.Token; Session[reqKey] = req; return(Redirect(url)); }
public ActionResult GetExpressCheckoutDetails() { CartShipPayInfo csp = (CartShipPayInfo)Session["CartShipPayInfo"]; // after the payment is confirmed get the payer's details ExprPayPalRequest req = (ExprPayPalRequest)Session[reqKey]; req.Method = "GetExpressCheckoutDetails"; try { //send data to pay pal server and read response string resp = SendRequest(req.Endpoint, req.ToString()); string ack = ParseToken(resp, "ACK"); // verify success and token if (ack.Equals("Success") && (req.Token.Equals(ParseToken(resp, "TOKEN")))) { req.PayerId = (Session["Profile"] == null) ? csp.ShippingDetails.Email : Convert.ToString(((ApplicationUser)Session["Profile"]).Id); req.PayPalPayerId = ParseToken(resp, "PAYERID"); req.Total = ParseToken(resp, "PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT"); req.PayerEmail = csp.ShippingDetails.Email; req.PayerName = ParseToken(resp, "FIRSTNAME"); req.PayerLastName = ParseToken(resp, "LASTNAME"); req.ShiptoName = csp.ShippingDetails.Name + " " + csp.ShippingDetails.Surname; req.ShipAddress = csp.ShippingDetails.GetAddress(); req.TransTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Parse(ParseToken(resp, "TIMESTAMP"))); Session[reqKey] = req; return(new RedirectResult("/ExpressCheckout/DoExpressCheckoutPayment")); } else { TempData["Fail"] = failMessage; return(View("_ErrorDisplay")); } } catch (Exception) { TempData["Fail"] = failMessage; return(View("_ErrorDisplay")); } }
public void ProcessPaymentConfirmation(CartShipPayInfo csp) { }