public void RefreshCart() { string cartID = String.Empty; if (CartSession != null && CartSession.Count > 0) { cartID = CartSession.First().Id; } List <SHOPPING_CART> carts = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartItems(cartID); decimal total = 0; int i = 0; CartSession = new List <SessionCart>(); if (carts != null) { foreach (SHOPPING_CART cart in carts) { total += cart.Amount.Value; i += cart.Quantity; SessionCart sC = new SessionCart(cart); CartSession.Add(sC); } } TotalAmount = total; }
void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Stopping the one-click attack // force the session to exist, so the session id doesn't change with every request if (Session.IsNewSession) { Session["ForceSession"] = DateTime.Now; } // 'sign' the viewstate with the current session ViewStateUserKey = Session.SessionID; if (Page.EnableViewState) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["__VIEWSTATE"])) { throw new Exception("Viewstate on query string detected!"); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["__VIEWSTATE"]) && Page.IsPostBack) { throw new Exception("Viewstate did not exist on the form!"); } // session terminated, redirect to login try { if (CurrentCustomer == null) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); if (CartSession != null && CartSession.Count > 0) { ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.DeleteShoppingCart(CartSession.First().Id); } CartSession = null; Session.Abandon(); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, "BasePage.Pre_Init"); FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); Session.Abandon(); } }
protected void rptDetails_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandSource is LinkButton) { LinkButton lnk = e.CommandSource as LinkButton; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lnk.CommandArgument)) { int prodAttrID; if (Int32.TryParse(lnk.CommandArgument, out prodAttrID)) { if (lnk.ID == "lnkEdit") { RepeaterItem item = (RepeaterItem)lnk.NamingContainer; DropDownList ddlQty = (DropDownList)item.FindControl("ddlQty"); ddlQty.Visible = true; lnk.Visible = false; List <int> qtyList; PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE prodAttr = ApplicationContext.Current.Products.GetProductAvailability(prodAttrID, out qtyList, Int32.Parse(lnk.Text)); // updating version SessionCart cart = CartSession.Find(c => c.ProductAttributeId == prodAttrID); cart.ProductAttributeVersion = prodAttr.Version; ddlQty.DataSource = qtyList; ddlQty.DataBind(); ddlQty.SelectedValue = lnk.Text; } else if (lnk.ID == "lnkRemove") { ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.DeleteById(CartSession.First().Id, prodAttrID); DataBind(); } if (CartSession == null || CartSession.Count == 0) { lblMessage.Text = Resources.Lang.EmptyCartLabel; rptDetails.Visible = false; } else { lblMessage.Text = String.Empty; } } } } }
protected void lnkCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (CartSession != null && CartSession.Count > 0) { ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.DeleteShoppingCart(CartSession.First().Id); } CartSession = null; Response.Redirect("/home/"); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, "Checkout - Cancel"); } }
private void prepareEasyPayForm() { Session["AddrForEasyPay"] = address1.AddrID; Session["BonForEasyPay"] = BonusUsed; Session["BonIdForEasyPay"] = ddlBonus.SelectedValue; CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); NameValueCollection paypalCreator = new NameValueCollection(); paypalCreator.Add("Orderid", CartSession.First().Id); paypalCreator.Add("Mer_refno", Configuration.EasyPayMerchantRef); paypalCreator.Add("Mer_username", Configuration.EasyPayMerchantUser); decimal rate = ApplicationContext.Current.Payments.GetLastConversionRate().CurrencyRate + Configuration.CurrencyDelta; decimal amount = (decimal)rate * TotalOrder; paypalCreator.Add("Amount", amount.ToString("N2", culture)); RedirectAndPOST(this, paypalCreator, Configuration.EasyPayEnv); lblModalMessage.Text = Resources.Lang.PassingToEasypayLabel; btnModalOk.Visible = false; modalPopup.Show(); }
private void preparePayPalForm() { CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); NameValueCollection paypalCreator = new NameValueCollection(); paypalCreator.Add("cmd", "_cart"); paypalCreator.Add("upload", "1"); paypalCreator.Add("return", Configuration.PaypalReturnUrl); //paypalCreator.Add("notify_url", Configuration.PaypalNotifyUrl); paypalCreator.Add("cancel_return", Configuration.PaypalCancelUrl); paypalCreator.Add("business", Configuration.PaypalSellerEmail); paypalCreator.Add("currency_code", Configuration.PaypalCurrency); paypalCreator.Add("discount_amount_cart", BonusUsed.ToString("N2", culture)); paypalCreator.Add("invoice", CartSession.First().Id); if (BonusUsed > 0) { paypalCreator.Add("custom", address1.AddrID.ToString() + "-" + ddlBonus.SelectedValue + "-" + BonusUsed.ToString("N2", culture)); } else { paypalCreator.Add("custom", address1.AddrID.ToString()); } for (int i = 1; i <= CartSession.Count; i++) { paypalCreator.Add("item_number_" + i, CartSession.ElementAt(i - 1).ProductAttributeId.ToString()); paypalCreator.Add("item_name_" + i, CartSession.ElementAt(i - 1).FullName); paypalCreator.Add("amount_" + i, CartSession.ElementAt(i - 1).Price.ToString("N2", culture)); paypalCreator.Add("quantity_" + i, CartSession.ElementAt(i - 1).Quantity.ToString()); } RedirectAndPOST(this, paypalCreator, Configuration.PaypalEnv); lblModalMessage.Text = Resources.Lang.PassingToPaypalLabel; btnModalOk.Visible = false; modalPopup.Show(); }
protected void lnkAddToBasket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string CartID = String.Empty; Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); UniqueIdGenerator unique = UniqueIdGenerator.GetInstance(); string cartId = unique.GetBase32UniqueId(g.ToByteArray(), 20).ToLower(); if (CartSession == null || CartSession.Count == 0) { CartID = cartId; CartSession = new List <SessionCart>(); } else { List <SessionCart> cSession = CartSession.OrderByDescending(c => c.DateAdded).ToList(); SessionCart sessionCart = cSession.First(); if (sessionCart.DateAdded.AddMinutes(Configuration.CartExpirationValue) < DateTime.Now) { RefreshCart(); CartID = cartId; } else { CartID = CartSession.First().Id; } } SHOPPING_CART cart = new SHOPPING_CART(); cart.ID = CartID; cart.FrontEnd = true; cart.CampaignID = CampaignID; cart.CustomerID = CurrentCustomer.Id; cart.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; cart.ProductID = ProductID; int num = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(ddlSize.SelectedValue, out num)) { return; } cart.ProdAttrID = num; num = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue, out num) || num == 0) { return; } cart.Quantity = num; // the versions list of lists is created each time the product popup is shown, and destroyed each time it is closed if (Version != null) { cart.ProductAttributeVersion = Version; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Session is compromised! Cannot proceed."); } SessionCart sC; try { // already in the cart if (CartSession != null && CartSession.Count > 0 && (sC = CartSession.Find(c => c.ProductAttributeId == cart.ProdAttrID)) != null) { // sum with old quantity cart.Quantity += sC.Quantity; ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.Update(cart, sC.Quantity); // updating session with last quantity and last prod-attr version sC.Quantity = cart.Quantity; sC.ProductAttributeVersion = cart.ProductAttributeVersion; } else { ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.Insert(cart); sC = new SessionCart(cart); CartSession.Add(sC); } TotalAmount = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartTotalAmount(CartID); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO log error Log(ex, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, "Product.AddToCart"); List <int> qtyList; PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE prodAttr = ApplicationContext.Current.Products.GetProductAvailability(cart.ProdAttrID, out qtyList); Version = prodAttr.Version; ddlQuantity.DataSource = qtyList; ddlQuantity.DataBind(); if (!qtyList.Contains(cart.Quantity)) { lblMessage.Text = Resources.Lang.InsufficientAvailabilityMessage; } if (qtyList.Count == 0) { ddlQuantity.Enabled = false; lnkAddToBasket.Enabled = false; loadProductAttributes(); } //refreshing the size ddl loadProductAttributes(); updPanelDDL.Update(); return; } Version = null; Response.Redirect("/cart/mycart/"); }
public void DataBind() { List <SHOPPING_CART> carts = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartItems(CartSession.First().Id); decimal total = 0; int i = 0; CartSession = new List <SessionCart>(); if (carts != null) { foreach (SHOPPING_CART cart in carts) { total += cart.Amount.Value; i += cart.Quantity; SessionCart sC = new SessionCart(cart); CartSession.Add(sC); } } TotalAmount = total; rptDetails.DataSource = carts; rptDetails.DataBind(); ((Secure.cart.mycart)Page).RefreshCartNumber(); if (NeedRefresh != null) { NeedRefresh(null, null); } }
private void saveOrder() { ORDERS order = new ORDERS(); order.TotalAmount = TotalAmount.Value + ShipCost; order.BonusUsed = 0; order.AmountPaid = TotalOrder; order.Verified = false; order.Canceled = false; order.Completed = false; order.Status = 1; string paymentType = String.Empty; int i; try { order.CustomerID = CurrentCustomer.Id; if (Int32.TryParse(selectedPayment.Value, out i)) { if (i == 3 || i == 4) { order.PAYMENT = new PAYMENT() { Type = (int)PaymentType.CA }; order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT = new CASH_PAYMENT() { Amount = TotalOrder }; if (i == 3) { order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Comments = txtCashComments.Text; order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Receiver = "Korrier"; //TODO paid date order.ShippingID = 3; paymentType = "Korrier"; } else { order.PAYMENT.CASH_PAYMENT.Receiver = "Zyra"; order.ShippingID = 1; paymentType = "Zyra"; } } } if ((ddlShippingAddress.SelectedValue == "0" || ddlShippingAddress.Items.Count == 0) && i == 3) { writeResult(Resources.Lang.SpecifyShippingAddress); radioBtnCarrier.Checked = true; divConfirmLink.Visible = true; return; } // setting used bonuses in the order object setBonus(order); order.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; if (i == 3) { // addresses ADDRESSINFO shipping = new ADDRESSINFO(address1.GetAddress()); //ADDRESSINFO billing = new ADDRESSINFO(address2.GetAddress()); order.ADDRESSINFO = shipping; //order.ADDRESSINFO1 = billing; } //inserting and not saving if there are any details, as the saving will be done in the details insertion ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.Insert(order, true, false); // inserting the products of this order List <SHOPPING_CART> carts = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartItems(CartSession.First().Id); ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.InsertDetailsFromCart(order, carts, false); List <ORDER_DETAIL> details = ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.GetDetails(order.ID); Thread thread = new Thread(() => sendOrderMailToAdmins(details, paymentType, txtCashComments.Text, TotalOrder, CurrentCustomer.FullName)); thread.Start(); CUSTOMER customer = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetByEmail(User.Identity.Name); Thread thread2 = new Thread(() => sendOrderMailToCustomer(customer, details, "Porosia ne")); thread2.Start(); CartSession = null; Response.Redirect("/personal/orderDet/" + FashionZone.BL.Util.Encryption.Encrypt(order.ID.ToString())); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception e) { //TODO log exception Log(e, e.Message, e.StackTrace, "Checkout.Save"); writeResult(Resources.Lang.ErrorVerifiedLabel); } }
private void DataBind() { rptDetails.DataSource = ApplicationContext.Current.Carts.GetShoppingCartItems(CartSession.First().Id); rptDetails.DataBind(); loadCustomerBonus(); //List<SHIPPING> shippings = ApplicationContext.Current.Orders.GetShippings(); //ddlShipping.DataSource = shippings; //if (shippings != null && shippings.Count > 0) //{ // ShipCost = shippings.ElementAt(0).ShippingCost; //} //ddlShipping.DataBind(); }