public void APileCanBePutUpsideDown() { var pile1 = CardsPack.GetNew32CardsPack(); var pile2 = CardsPack.GetNew32CardsPack(); pile2.PutUpsideDown(); Assert.AreEqual(32, pile2.CardsCount); for (int i = 1; i < 33; i++) { var c1 = pile1.ReadCard(i); var c2 = pile2.ReadCard(33 - i); Assert.AreEqual(c1.Value, c2.Value); Assert.AreEqual(c1.Color, c2.Color); Assert.AreNotEqual(c1.VisibleSide, c2.VisibleSide); } }
public void WhatIsA_32CardsDeck() { var pile = CardsPack.GetNew32CardsPack(); var aceOfSpades = pile.ReadCard(1); var tenOfDiamonds = pile.ReadCard(13); var queenOfHearts = pile.ReadCard(23); var kingOfClubs = pile.ReadCard(32); Assert.AreEqual(32, pile.CardsCount); Assert.AreEqual(eCardValue.Ace, aceOfSpades.Value, "The 1st card should be an Ace of Spades"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardColor.Spades, aceOfSpades.Color, "The 1st card should be an Ace of Spades"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardSide.Front, aceOfSpades.VisibleSide, "The 1st card should be an Ace of Spades"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardValue.Ten, tenOfDiamonds.Value, "The 20th card should be an Seven of Diamonds"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardColor.Diamonds, tenOfDiamonds.Color, "The 20th card should be an Seven of Diamonds"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardSide.Front, tenOfDiamonds.VisibleSide, "The 20th card should be an Seven of Diamonds"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardValue.Queen, queenOfHearts.Value, "The 38th card should be an Queen of Hearts"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardColor.Hearts, queenOfHearts.Color, "The 38th card should be an Queen of Hearts"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardSide.Front, queenOfHearts.VisibleSide, "The 38th card should be an Queen of Hearts"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardValue.King, kingOfClubs.Value, "The 52nd card should be an King of Clubs"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardColor.Clubs, kingOfClubs.Color, "The 52nd card should be an King of Clubs"); Assert.AreEqual(eCardSide.Front, kingOfClubs.VisibleSide, "The 52nd card should be an King of Clubs"); }