 public void CreateBestiary(Card_Campaign.LoadingPage loadpage)
     Bestiary = new MonsterLog(loadpage);
        public MonsterLog(Card_Campaign.LoadingPage lPage)
            string line;

            string path = @"Assets\Bestiary";

            //String[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures", "*.jpg");
            //String newDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Modified";

            //foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path))
            //string[] dirFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path);
            //Parallel.ForEach(dirFiles, fileName =>
            foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path))
                // Read the file and display it line by line.
                System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);

                MonsterInfo tempMonsterInfo  = new MonsterInfo();
                bool        sizealignSet     = false;
                bool        ACSet            = false;
                bool        HPSet            = false;
                bool        speedSet         = false;
                bool        statsSet         = false;
                bool        actionsAbilities = false;

                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line == "" || line == null)

                    string[] pieces = { "" };
                    //remove all the markdown indicators
                    if (line != null)
                        line = line.Replace("\"", "");
                        line = line.Replace("[", "");
                        line = line.Replace("]", "");

                        pieces = line.Split(':');

                        if (pieces[0] == "title")
                            tempMonsterInfo.name = pieces[1];
                            if (tempMonsterInfo.name == " Owl")
                                int i = 0;
                        if (pieces[0] == "tags")
                            pieces[1] = pieces[1].Replace(" ", "");
                            string[] tags = pieces[1].Split(",");

                            for (int i = 0; i < tags.Length; i++)

                        pieces = line.Split("**");

                        if (!sizealignSet && pieces[0] == "" && pieces.Length > 1)
                            pieces[1].Replace(" ", "");
                            string[] linePieces = pieces[1].Split(",");

                            sizealignSet = true;
                            tempMonsterInfo.sizeAndtype = linePieces[0];

                            tempMonsterInfo.alignment = GetAlignmentAbbreviation(linePieces[1]);

                            //Uncomment break to NOT add in stats, disc, etc.
                        else if (!ACSet && pieces[0] == "" && pieces.Length > 1)
                            ACSet = true;
                            char[] noBeginningSpace = pieces[2].ToCharArray();

                            for (int i = 1; i < noBeginningSpace.Length; i++)
                                tempMonsterInfo.AC += noBeginningSpace[i];
                        else if (!HPSet && pieces[0] == "" && pieces.Length > 1)
                            HPSet = true;
                            char[] noBeginningSpace = pieces[2].ToCharArray();

                            for (int i = 1; i < noBeginningSpace.Length; i++)
                                tempMonsterInfo.HP += noBeginningSpace[i];
                        else if (!speedSet && pieces[0] == "" && pieces.Length > 1)
                            speedSet = true;
                            char[] noBeginningSpace = pieces[2].ToCharArray();

                            for (int i = 1; i < noBeginningSpace.Length; i++)
                                tempMonsterInfo.speed += noBeginningSpace[i];
                        else if (!statsSet && line[0] == '|')
                            string   replaced   = line.Replace(" ", "");
                            string[] statPieces = replaced.Split("|");

                            foreach (string s in statPieces)
                                string stat = "";
                                foreach (char c in s)
                                    if (c != '(')
                                        stat += c;
                                if (tempMonsterInfo.STR == 0)
                                    Int32.TryParse(stat, out tempMonsterInfo.STR);
                                else if (tempMonsterInfo.DEX == 0)
                                    Int32.TryParse(stat, out tempMonsterInfo.DEX);
                                else if (tempMonsterInfo.CON == 0)
                                    Int32.TryParse(stat, out tempMonsterInfo.CON);
                                else if (tempMonsterInfo.INT == 0)
                                    Int32.TryParse(stat, out tempMonsterInfo.INT);
                                else if (tempMonsterInfo.WIS == 0)
                                    Int32.TryParse(stat, out tempMonsterInfo.WIS);
                                else if (tempMonsterInfo.CHA == 0)
                                    Int32.TryParse(stat, out tempMonsterInfo.CHA);
                                    statsSet = true;
                        else if (!actionsAbilities && sizealignSet && ACSet && HPSet && speedSet && statsSet)
                            if (pieces.Length > 1)
                                if (pieces[1][0] == '*')
                                    string subtitle = pieces[1].Replace("*", "");
                                    subtitle = subtitle.Replace(".", ":");

                                    string discription = pieces[2].Replace("*", "");
                                    tempMonsterInfo.abilitiesAndActions.Add(new MonsterInfo.AbilitiesAndActions("", subtitle, discription));
                                    tempMonsterInfo.abilitiesAndActions.Add(new MonsterInfo.AbilitiesAndActions(pieces[1], "", pieces[2]));
                            else if (pieces[0].Contains(":"))
                                string[] bulletPoints = pieces[0].Split(":");
                                string   discription  = bulletPoints[1].Replace("*", "");
                                string   subtitle     = bulletPoints[0].Replace("*", "");
                                tempMonsterInfo.abilitiesAndActions.Add(new MonsterInfo.AbilitiesAndActions("", subtitle + " -", discription));
                            else if (pieces[0].Length > 1 && pieces[0][0] != '|')
                                string discription = pieces[0].Replace("*", "");
                                tempMonsterInfo.abilitiesAndActions.Add(new MonsterInfo.AbilitiesAndActions("", "", discription));
                        //If anything failed to index correctly, just forget it and move on, it's probably just a space or blank file anywho
