public void ActiveAnimation() { StartAnimation = true; AnimationTimer = 0; Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; Item item = new Item(); // 命名空间的第一个字符串即为Mod内部名(当然乱命名也没法了) Mod currentCardMod = ModLoader.GetMod(fightNPC.currentCard.GetType().FullName.Split('.')[0]); // 通过类名寻找相应物品 item.SetDefaults(currentCardMod.GetItem(fightNPC.currentCard.GetType().Name).item.type); inventoryItem = item; //foreach (var card in Entrogic.ModItems) //{ // // 通过命名空间寻找相应卡牌 // if (card.GetType().FullName == fightNPC.currentCard.GetType().FullName) // { // Item item = new Item(); // item.SetDefaults(card.item.type); // inventoryItem = item; // } //} }
public void StartGame() { Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth = clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerMaxHealth; clientModPlayer.CardGameActive = true; clientModPlayer.CardGaming = true; fightNPC.CardGameHealth = fightNPC.CardGameHealthMax; fightNPC.CardGaming = true; Main.npcChatText = ""; PlayerTurnOver = false; clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerTurn = true; IsUseBiggerTexture = true; clientModPlayer._bullets.Clear(); clientModPlayer._particles.Clear(); clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard = 1; //List<int> buffer = new List<int>(); //foreach (int card in clientModPlayer.CardType) // buffer.Add(card); //for (int i = 0; i < clientModPlayer.CardGameType.Length; i++) //{ // int chosed = Main.rand.Next(0, buffer.Count); // clientModPlayer.CardGameType[i] = buffer[chosed]; // buffer.RemoveAt(chosed); //} Main.PlaySound(Entrogic.Instance.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/CGChangeTurn")); TimerCountdown = 0; AnimationTimer = 0; TurnText = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.Common.PlayerTurn"); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, Player attackPlayer, NPC attackNPC) { Velocity *= 1.1f; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ArcaneMissleParticle particle = new ArcaneMissleParticle() { Position = CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position), Velocity = Vector2.Zero, UIPosition = UIPosition, IsPanelParticle = true }; particle.Setup(Size, 1f, attackPlayer); attackPlayer.GetModPlayer <EntrogicPlayer>()._particles.Add(particle); } if (Vector2.Distance(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position), TargetPosition) < 36f) { IsRemoved = true; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)attackNPC.modNPC; fightNPC.CardGameHealth -= 120 / 6; // 总伤害120,,因为一射6个 } base.Update(gameTime, attackPlayer, attackNPC); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); bool Animationing = StartAnimation && AnimationTimer >= 1 ? true : false; uiWidth = 38; uiHeight = 50; NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; if (Animationing) { Texture2D t = Main.itemTexture[inventoryItem.type]; var frame = Main.itemAnimations[inventoryItem.type] != null ? Main.itemAnimations[inventoryItem.type].GetFrame(Main.itemTexture[inventoryItem.type]) : Main.itemTexture[inventoryItem.type].Frame(1, 1, 0, 0); Main.spriteBatch.SafeEnd(); Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.UIScaleMatrix); // Retrieve reference to shader var whiteBlur = GameShaders.Misc["Entrogic:WhiteBlur"]; // Reset back to default value. whiteBlur.UseOpacity(0f); if (AnimationTimer > 15f) { whiteBlur.UseOpacity(MathHelper.Min((AnimationTimer - 15f) / 14f, 1f)); } whiteBlur.Apply(null); spriteBatch.Draw(t, AnimationPosition + fatherPosition, (Rectangle?)frame, Color.White); // As mentioned above, be sure not to forget this step. Main.spriteBatch.SafeEnd(); Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, Main.DefaultSamplerState, null, null, null, Main.UIScaleMatrix); } }
public override void ClickEvent() { if (Main.dedServ || StartAnimation) { return; } Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex == -1) { return; } NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; if (!PlayerTurn || clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard <= 0) { return; } clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard--; //Clicked = true; StartAnimation = true; AnimationTimer = 0; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, Player attackPlayer, NPC attackNPC) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { FireParticle particle = new FireParticle() { Position = CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position) + new Vector2(0f, -10f), Velocity = Vector2.Zero, UIPosition = UIPosition, Alpha = 100, IsPanelParticle = true }; particle.Setup(Size, 1f, attackPlayer); particle.Velocity *= 0.85f; attackPlayer.GetModPlayer <EntrogicPlayer>()._particles.Add(particle); } Velocity.Y -= 0.1f; if (Vector2.Distance(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position + Size / 2f), TargetPosition + new Vector2(0, 12f)) < 10f) { IsRemoved = true; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)attackNPC.modNPC; fightNPC.CardGameHealth -= 46; } base.Update(gameTime, attackPlayer, attackNPC); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, Player attackPlayer, NPC attackNPC) { //if (LifeSpan > 4.96 && LifeSpan <= 5.1f) // Velocity += -ModHelper.GetFromToVector(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Center), TargetPosition) * 0.4f; //else if (LifeSpan <= 5.1f) Velocity += ModHelper.GetFromToVector(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Center), TargetPosition) * 0.9f; _rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(45f) + ModHelper.GetFromToRadians(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Center), TargetPosition); if (Vector2.Distance(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Center), TargetPosition) < 20f) { IsRemoved = true; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)attackNPC.modNPC; fightNPC.CardGameHealth -= 120 / 5; // 总伤害120,,因为一射5个 } base.Update(gameTime, attackPlayer, attackNPC); }
public void Update() { if (Main.dedServ) { return; } Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex == -1) { return; } NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; if (StartAnimation) { Vector2 TargetPosition = new Vector2(274f, 252f); AnimationTimer++; if (AnimationTimer <= 15f) { AnimationPosition = (TargetPosition - uiPosition) / 15f * AnimationTimer + uiPosition; } else if (AnimationTimer >= 25f) { // 出击 if (inventoryItem.modItem is ModCard) { ModCard card = (ModCard)inventoryItem.modItem; Vector2 drawPosition = new Vector2(274f, 314f) + new Vector2(17f, 28f); // 元件在UI中的位置 drawPosition = CardGameUI.ToPlaygroundPos(drawPosition); card.CardGameAttack(clientPlayer, npc, drawPosition, new Vector2(292f, 64f), PanelPos); clientModPlayer.CardGameType[Index] = 0; } StartAnimation = false; } } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, Player attackPlayer, NPC attackNPC) { InvisibleSpan -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (InvisibleSpan > 0f) { return; } for (int extraUpdates = 0; extraUpdates < 2; extraUpdates++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ArcaneMissleParticle particle = new ArcaneMissleParticle() { Position = CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position), Velocity = Vector2.Zero, UIPosition = UIPosition, IsPanelParticle = true }; particle.Setup(Size, 2f, attackPlayer); attackPlayer.GetModPlayer <EntrogicPlayer>()._particles.Add(particle); } // 计算朝向目标的向量 Vector2 targetVec = TargetPosition - CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position + Size / 2f); targetVec.Normalize(); // 目标向量是朝向目标的大小为15的向量 targetVec *= 8f; // 朝向npc的单位向量*15 + 一些(?)偏移量 Velocity = (Velocity * 8f + targetVec) / 9f; if (Vector2.Distance(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position), TargetPosition) < 10f) { IsRemoved = true; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)attackNPC.modNPC; fightNPC.CardGameHealth -= 46; } base.Update(gameTime, attackPlayer, attackNPC); } }
private void QuitGame() { if (Main.dedServ) { return; } Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex == -1) { goto IL_BackToDefault; } NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; if (npc.type != NPCID.None && npc.modNPC is CardFightableNPC) // 表示此ModNPC属于CardFightableNPC { CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; fightNPC.CardGaming = false; } IL_BackToDefault: // 一切都要回到初始状态 clientModPlayer.CardGaming = false; clientModPlayer.CardGameActive = false; clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex = -1; clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerTurn = true; Array.Clear(clientModPlayer.CardGameType, 0, clientModPlayer.CardGameType.Length); AnimationTimer = 0; TimerCountdown = 60; TurnTextColor = Color.White; TurnText = " "; Deathing = 0; DeathTimer = 0; IsUseBiggerTexture = false; }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); GamePanel.Left.Pixels = PanelPos.X; GamePanel.Top.Pixels = PanelPos.Y; // 原版很香 base.Draw(spriteBatch); if (!IsUseBiggerTexture) { DrawBulletsParticles(spriteBatch); } // 再Draw一个透明板子 switch (IsUseBiggerTexture) { case false: spriteBatch.Draw(GetTexture("Entrogic/UI/CardGame/CardGamePanel_Front"), PanelPos, Color.White); break; } // Draw确认按钮 ConfirmButton.fatherPosition = PanelPos; ConfirmButton.Start(); // 对局魔力值显示 if (clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard >= 1) { spriteBatch.Draw(GetTexture("Entrogic/UI/CardGame/ManaCrystal"), PanelPos + new Vector2(424, 342), Color.White); } if (clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard >= 2) { spriteBatch.Draw(GetTexture("Entrogic/UI/CardGame/ManaCrystal"), PanelPos + new Vector2(456, 342), Color.White); } if (clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard >= 3) { spriteBatch.Draw(GetTexture("Entrogic/UI/CardGame/ManaCrystal"), PanelPos + new Vector2(488, 342), Color.White); } if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex == -1) { goto IL_DRAWBIGTEXTUREPARTICLES; } NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; string ImgPath = "Entrogic/Images/CardFightPlayer"; Vector2 ImgPosition = new Vector2(274f, 12f); fightNPC.SetupContents(ref ImgPath, ref ImgPosition); // Deathing: 0.没失败者, 1.玩家失败, 2.NPC失败 if (Deathing == 0) { // Draw玩家&NPC血条 // 构成:第一层:FightPanel // 第二层:原贴图 // 第三层:Surface // 第四层:Bar // 玩家: Texture2D FightPanel_Player = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer_FightPanel"]; Texture2D Surface_Player = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer_Surface"]; Texture2D Bar_Player = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer_Bar"]; Texture2D Player = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer"]; Vector2 drawPosition = new Vector2(274f, 314f); spriteBatch.Draw(FightPanel_Player, PanelPos + drawPosition, Color.White * (1f - clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha)); // 只有在血量变动的时候显示血量 spriteBatch.Draw(Player, PanelPos + drawPosition, Color.White * clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha); // 计算出1所占的像素 int maxhealth = Math.Max(1000, clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerMaxHealth); // 防止除以0 float tpercentone = (float)(Surface_Player.Height - 4) / (float)maxhealth; // -4去掉上下的光边面积 // 这个值跑满了是(Surface_Player.Height - 4) int varhealth = LastRecordHealthPlayer - clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth; DelayHealthPercentPlayer = Math.Min(DelayHealthPercentPlayer + 0.05f, 1f); int tdrawHeight = (int)(tpercentone * (LastRecordHealthPlayer - (varhealth * DelayHealthPercentPlayer))); // 所以这里-2,X值纠正到跑满了是2,刚好是丢掉光边的顶端X值。Height+1把光边补上来,1px玩家不会在意的 Rectangle tPerRectangle = new Rectangle(0, Surface_Player.Height - 2 - tdrawHeight, Surface_Player.Width, tdrawHeight + 1); Vector2 drawPos = PanelPos + drawPosition; drawPos.Y += Surface_Player.Height - 2 - tdrawHeight; spriteBatch.Draw(Surface_Player, drawPos.NoShake(), (Rectangle?)tPerRectangle, Color.White * (1f - clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha)); // 水面比水下多出2像素,所以水下的要-2 tPerRectangle.Y += 2; tPerRectangle.Height -= 2; drawPos.Y += 2f; spriteBatch.Draw(Bar_Player, drawPos.NoShake(), (Rectangle?)tPerRectangle, Color.White * (1f - clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha)); // 玩家鼠标移上去显示血量 if (ModHelper.MouseInRectangle(new Rectangle((int)(PanelPos + drawPosition).X, (int)(PanelPos + drawPosition).Y, Player.Width, Player.Height))) { Main.hoverItemName = $"{Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.Common.You")}: {clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth} / {clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerMaxHealth}"; } // NPC: Texture2D FightPanel_NPC = GetTexture($"{ImgPath}_FightPanel"); Texture2D Surface_NPC = GetTexture($"{ImgPath}_Surface"); Texture2D Bar_NPC = GetTexture($"{ImgPath}_Bar"); Texture2D NPC = GetTexture($"{ImgPath}_Fight"); //Texture2D FightPanel_NPC = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer_FightPanel"]; //Texture2D Surface_NPC = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer_Surface"]; //Texture2D Bar_NPC = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer_Bar"]; //Texture2D NPC = Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer"]; spriteBatch.Draw(FightPanel_NPC, PanelPos + ImgPosition, Color.White * (1f - clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha)); // 只有在血量变动的时候显示血量 spriteBatch.Draw(NPC, PanelPos + ImgPosition, Color.White * clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha); // 计算出1所占的像素 maxhealth = Math.Max(1000, clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCMaxHealth); // 防止除以0 tpercentone = (float)(Surface_NPC.Height - 4) / (float)maxhealth; // -4去掉上下的光边面积 // 这个值跑满了是(Surface_NPC.Height - 4) varhealth = LastRecordHealthNPC - clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth; DelayHealthPercentNPC = Math.Min(DelayHealthPercentNPC + 0.05f, 1f); tdrawHeight = (int)(tpercentone * (LastRecordHealthNPC - (varhealth * DelayHealthPercentNPC))); // 所以这里-2,X值纠正到跑满了是2,刚好是丢掉光边的顶端X值。Height+1把光边补上来,1px玩家不会在意的 tPerRectangle = new Rectangle(0, Surface_NPC.Height - 2 - tdrawHeight, Surface_NPC.Width, tdrawHeight + 1); drawPos = PanelPos + ImgPosition; drawPos.Y += Surface_NPC.Height - 2 - tdrawHeight; spriteBatch.Draw(Surface_NPC, drawPos.NoShake(), (Rectangle?)tPerRectangle, Color.White * (1f - clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha)); // 水面比水下多出2像素,所以水下的要-2 tPerRectangle.Y += 2; tPerRectangle.Height -= 2; drawPos.Y += 2f; spriteBatch.Draw(Bar_NPC, drawPos.NoShake(), (Rectangle?)tPerRectangle, Color.White * (1f - clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha)); // 玩家鼠标移上去显示血量 if (ModHelper.MouseInRectangle(new Rectangle((int)(PanelPos + ImgPosition).X, (int)(PanelPos + ImgPosition).Y, Player.Width, Player.Height))) { Main.hoverItemName = $"{npc.GivenName}: {clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth} / {clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCMaxHealth}"; } //Main.hoverItemName = $"{Language.GetTextValue($"Mods.{fightNPC.mod.ToString().Split('.')[0]}.NPCName.{fightNPC.Name}")}: {clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth} / {clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCMaxHealth}"; } else { DeathTimer++; Texture2D Tex = Deathing == 1 ? Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer"] : GetTexture($"{ImgPath}_Fight"); Vector2 drawPosition = new Vector2(274f, 314f); if (DeathTimer <= 120f + 20f) { Main.spriteBatch.SafeEnd(); Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Main.UIScaleMatrix); // Retrieve reference to shader var deathShader = GameShaders.Misc["ExampleMod:DeathAnimation"]; // Reset back to default value. deathShader.UseOpacity(1f); // We use AnimationTimer as a counter since the real death. if (DeathTimer > 20f) { // Our shader uses the Opacity register to drive the effect. See ExampleEffectDeath.fx to see how the Opacity parameter factors into the shader math. deathShader.UseOpacity(1f - (DeathTimer - 20f) / 120f); if (DeathTimer % 60f == 21f) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.NPCDeath22, npc.Center); // every second while dying, play a sound } } // Call Apply to apply the shader to the SpriteBatch. Only 1 shader can be active at a time. deathShader.Apply(null); spriteBatch.Draw(Tex, PanelPos + (Deathing == 1 ? drawPosition : ImgPosition), Color.White); // As mentioned above, be sure not to forget this step. Main.spriteBatch.SafeEnd(); Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, Main.DefaultSamplerState, null, null, null, Main.UIScaleMatrix); } Tex = Deathing == 2 ? Entrogic.ModTexturesTable["CardFightPlayer"] : GetTexture($"{ImgPath}_Fight"); spriteBatch.Draw(Tex, PanelPos + (Deathing == 2 ? drawPosition : ImgPosition), Color.White); if (DeathTimer >= 150f + 20f) { QuitGame(); } } IL_DRAWBIGTEXTUREPARTICLES: // Draw槽 NPCCardSlot.fatherPosition = PanelPos; NPCCardSlot.Start(); foreach (var slot in HandCardSlots) { slot.fatherPosition = PanelPos; slot.Start(); } if (IsUseBiggerTexture) { DrawBulletsParticles(spriteBatch, true); } IL_DRAWTIP: Texture2D TipTexture = GetTexture("Entrogic/UI/CardGame/CardGameTurnTip"); int max = 15; if (TimerCountdown < 60) { AnimationTimer = Math.Min(AnimationTimer + 1, max); if (AnimationTimer >= max) { TimerCountdown++; } } else { AnimationTimer--; } if (AnimationTimer <= 0) { return; } // 计算出1所占的像素 float percentone = (float)TipTexture.Height / (float)max; int drawHeight = (int)(percentone * AnimationTimer); Rectangle PerRectangle = new Rectangle(0, TipTexture.Height - drawHeight, TipTexture.Width, drawHeight); Vector2 AniPos = new Vector2(PanelCenter.X - TipTexture.Width / 2f, PanelPos.Y); // Panel左边多出10px spriteBatch.Draw(TipTexture, AniPos.NoShake(), (Rectangle?)PerRectangle, Color.White); // 提示信息 if (AnimationTimer != max) { goto IL_DRAWTOPBAR; } float hsize = Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(TurnText).X / 2f; Vector2 textPos = PanelCenter; textPos.X -= hsize; textPos.Y = PanelPos.Y + 12f; ChatManager.DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(spriteBatch, Main.fontMouseText, TurnText, textPos, TurnTextColor, 0f, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One); // 再Draw顶端,看起来好看一点 IL_DRAWTOPBAR: spriteBatch.Draw(GetTexture("Entrogic/UI/CardGame/CardGameTop"), PanelPos, Color.White); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (Main.dedServ) { return; } Player clientPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; EntrogicPlayer clientModPlayer = EntrogicPlayer.ModPlayer(clientPlayer); for (int i = 0; i < HandCardSlots.Count; i++) { Item slotitem = new Item(); slotitem.SetDefaults(clientModPlayer.CardGameType[i]); HandCardSlots[i].inventoryItem = slotitem; HandCardSlots[i].Update(); } NPCCardSlot.Update(); bool pause = (!Main.hasFocus || Main.gamePaused) && Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer; if (pause) { return; } if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex == -1) { return; } //clientModPlayer._bullets = new List<CardFightBullet>() // 意思意思 //{ // new MushroomBullet() // { // Position = new Vector2(100f, 100f) // } //}; NPC npc = Main.npc[clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex]; if (npc.type != NPCID.None && npc.modNPC is CardFightableNPC) // 表示此ModNPC属于CardFightableNPC { CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)npc.modNPC; fightNPC.PanelPosition = PanelPos; if (clientModPlayer.CardGaming != fightNPC.CardGaming) { QuitGame(); // 必须要同为一个状态的 } if (fightNPC.CardGaming && clientModPlayer.CardGaming) { if (! || clientPlayer.dead || ! { QuitGame(); return; } clientPlayer.stoned = true; clientPlayer.noKnockback = true; npc.dontTakeDamageFromHostiles = true; npc.dontTakeDamage = true; #region NPC Stand if ([0] != 0f) { npc.netUpdate = true; }[0] = 0f;[1] = 300f; npc.localAI[3] = 100f; if (Main.LocalPlayer.Center.X < npc.Center.X) { npc.direction = -1; } else { npc.direction = 1; } npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction; #endregion clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth = fightNPC.CardGameHealth; clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCMaxHealth = fightNPC.CardGameHealthMax; if (Deathing != 0) { return; } if (clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerTurn) // 玩家局 { foreach (HandCardSlot slot in HandCardSlots) { slot.PlayerTurn = true; } if (PlayerTurnOver) // 转NPC局 { IsUseBiggerTexture = false; clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerTurn = false; fightNPC.PreStartRound(false); Main.PlaySound(Entrogic.Instance.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/CGChangeTurn")); TimerCountdown = 0; AnimationTimer = 0; TurnText = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.Common.NPCTurn"); CardGamePlayer player = new CardGamePlayer() { Center = PlaygroundSize / 2f, UIPosition = PanelPos }; clientModPlayer._bullets.Add(player); for (int i = 0; i < HandCardSlots.Count; i++) { clientModPlayer.CardGameType[i] = ItemID.None; } NPCCardSlot.ActiveAnimation(); } } if (!clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerTurn) // NPC局 { foreach (HandCardSlot slot in HandCardSlots) { slot.PlayerTurn = false; slot.Clicked = false; } fightNPC.GameAI(); fightNPC.RoundDuration -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (fightNPC.RoundDuration <= 0) // 转玩家局 { PlayerTurnOver = false; clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerTurn = true; fightNPC.PreStartRound(true); IsUseBiggerTexture = true; Main.PlaySound(Entrogic.Instance.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/CGChangeTurn")); for (int i = 0; i < clientModPlayer._bullets.Count; i++) { if (clientModPlayer._bullets[i].IsFriendly == false) { clientModPlayer._bullets[i].Kill(clientPlayer); clientModPlayer._bullets.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } clientModPlayer.CardGameLeftCard = 1; // 设置出牌机会 //List<int> buffer = new List<int>(); //foreach (int card in clientModPlayer.CardType) // buffer.Add(card); //for (int i = 0; i < clientModPlayer.CardGameType.Length; i++) //{ // int chosed = Main.rand.Next(0, buffer.Count); // clientModPlayer.CardGameType[i] = buffer[chosed]; // buffer.RemoveAt(chosed); //} TimerCountdown = 0; AnimationTimer = 0; TurnText = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.Common.PlayerTurn"); } } foreach (var bullet in clientModPlayer._bullets.ToArray()) { bullet.Update(gameTime, clientPlayer, npc); } for (int i = 0; i < clientModPlayer._bullets.Count; i++) { if (clientModPlayer._bullets[i].IsRemoved) { clientModPlayer._bullets[i].Kill(clientPlayer); clientModPlayer._bullets.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } foreach (var particle in clientModPlayer._particles.ToArray()) { particle.Update(gameTime); } for (int i = 0; i < clientModPlayer._particles.Count; i++) { if (clientModPlayer._particles[i].IsRemoved) { clientModPlayer._particles.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth = Math.Min(clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth, clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerMaxHealth); clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha = Math.Min(clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha + 0.02f, 1f); clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha = Math.Min(clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha + 0.02f, 1f); if (clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerLastHealth != clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth) { clientModPlayer.CardGameHealthAlpha = -2; // 这样就不用再搞Delay变量了 DelayHealthPercentPlayer = 0f; LastRecordHealthPlayer = clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerLastHealth; } if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCLastHealth != clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth) { clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealthAlpha = -2; // 这样就不用再搞Delay变量了 DelayHealthPercentNPC = 0f; LastRecordHealthNPC = clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCLastHealth; } clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerLastHealth = clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth; clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCLastHealth = clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth; // NPC没血,NPC输玩家赢 if (clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCHealth <= 0) { fightNPC.CardGameLost(); PlayerWin(); clientModPlayer._bullets.Clear(); Deathing = 2; // NPC死 TimerCountdown = 0; AnimationTimer = 0; TurnTextColor = new Color(228, 196, 74); TurnText = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.Common.YouWin"); } // 玩家没血,NPC赢玩家输 if (clientModPlayer.CardGamePlayerHealth <= 0) { fightNPC.CardGameWin(); PlayerLost(); clientModPlayer._bullets.Clear(); Deathing = 1; // 玩家死 TimerCountdown = 0; AnimationTimer = 0; TurnTextColor = new Color(242, 12, 12); TurnText = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.Common.YouLost"); } } } else { clientModPlayer.CardGameNPCIndex = -1; } base.Update(gameTime); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, Player attackPlayer, NPC attackNPC) { for (int extraUpdates = 0; extraUpdates < 2; extraUpdates++) { if (!State2) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { FireParticle particle = new FireParticle() { Position = CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position) + new Vector2(0f, -10f), Velocity = Vector2.Zero, UIPosition = UIPosition, Alpha = 100, IsPanelParticle = true }; particle.Setup(Size, 1.2f, attackPlayer); particle.Velocity *= 0.5f * 1.1f; attackPlayer.GetModPlayer <EntrogicPlayer>()._particles.Add(particle); } Velocity += new Vector2(0f, -0.8f); } else { if (localAI == 0f) { Vector2 screenCenter = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth, Main.screenHeight) / 2f + Main.screenPosition; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item74, (int)screenCenter.X, (int)screenCenter.Y + -30); localAI += 1f; } ai += 1f; ai += 3f; float num466 = 25f; if (ai > 180f) { num466 -= (ai - 180f) / 2f; } num466 *= 0.7f; int num467 = 0; while ((float)num467 < num466) { float num468 = (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); float num469 = (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); float num470 = (float)Main.rand.Next(3, 9); float num471 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num468 * num468 + num469 * num469)); num471 = num470 / num471; num468 *= num471; num469 *= num471; FireParticle particle = new FireParticle() { Position = CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position) + new Vector2(0f, -10f), Velocity = Vector2.Zero, UIPosition = UIPosition, Alpha = 100, IsPanelParticle = true }; particle.Setup(Size, 1.5f, attackPlayer); particle.Position = CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position) + Size / 2f; particle.Position += new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(-10, 11), Main.rand.Next(-10, 11)); particle.Velocity = new Vector2(num468, num469) * 0.75f; attackPlayer.GetModPlayer <EntrogicPlayer>()._particles.Add(particle); int num3 = num467; num467 = num3 + 1; } Velocity = Vector2.Zero; } base.Update(gameTime, attackPlayer, attackNPC); if (!State2 && Vector2.Distance(CardGameUI.ToUIPos(Position + Size / 2f), TargetPosition + new Vector2(0, 12f)) < 10f) { State2 = true; CardFightableNPC fightNPC = (CardFightableNPC)attackNPC.modNPC; fightNPC.CardGameHealth -= GetDamage(Damage); } } }