private void drawRobotWay(float x, float y)//draw robot way
            Pen      Line = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
            Graphics plot = CarPosition.CreateGraphics();

            float LenghX = ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 7) / 10;
            float LenghY = ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 7) / 10;

            plot.DrawLine(Line, previousX, previousY, (CarPosition.Width / 2 + (x / 10 * LenghX)), (CarPosition.Height / 2 - (y / 10 * LenghY)));

            previousX = (CarPosition.Width / 2 + (x / 10 * LenghX));
            previousY = (CarPosition.Height / 2 - (y / 10 * LenghY));
        private void DrawingLine(int _x, int _y) //drawing line betweem center and rectangle
            Pen      DrawLine = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 3);
            Graphics plot     = CarPosition.CreateGraphics();

            float LenghX = ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 7) / 10;
            float LenghY = ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 7) / 10;

            if (_x >= 0)
                plot.DrawLine(DrawLine, CarPosition.Width / 2, CarPosition.Height / 2, (CarPosition.Width / 2 + _x * (int)LenghX), (CarPosition.Height / 2 - _y * (int)LenghY));
                plot.DrawLine(DrawLine, CarPosition.Width / 2, CarPosition.Height / 2, (CarPosition.Width / 2 + _x * (int)LenghX) + (int)LenghX, (CarPosition.Height / 2 - _y * (int)LenghY));

        private void DrawingRectangle(int _x, int _y) //painting the rectangle acording to coordinats
            Pen        DrawRec = new Pen(Color.Green);
            SolidBrush FillRec = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
            Graphics   plot    = CarPosition.CreateGraphics();

            float LenghX = ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 7) / 10;
            float LenghY = ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 7) / 10;

            if (_y >= 0)
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((CarPosition.Width / 2 + _x * (int)LenghX), (CarPosition.Height / 2 - _y * (int)LenghY) - (int)LenghY, CarPosition.Width / 20 - 1, CarPosition.Height / 20 - 1);
                plot.DrawRectangle(DrawRec, rect);
                plot.FillRectangle(FillRec, rect);
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((CarPosition.Width / 2 + _x * (int)LenghX), (CarPosition.Height / 2 - _y * (int)LenghY), CarPosition.Width / 20 - 1, CarPosition.Height / 20 - 1);
                plot.DrawRectangle(DrawRec, rect);
                plot.FillRectangle(FillRec, rect);

        private void DrawingPlot()
            Pen PlotLine, ExtraPlotLine;

            PlotLine      = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
            ExtraPlotLine = new Pen(Color.Black);
            Graphics plot = CarPosition.CreateGraphics();

            //drawing plot axis
            plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, 0, CarPosition.Height / 2, CarPosition.Width, CarPosition.Height / 2);
            plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, CarPosition.Width / 2, 0, CarPosition.Width / 2, CarPosition.Height);
            //drawing Oy arrow
            plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 7), 10, (CarPosition.Width / 2), 0);
            plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, (CarPosition.Width / 2), 0, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + 7), 10);
            //drawimg OX arrow
            plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, (CarPosition.Width - 10), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 7), CarPosition.Width, (CarPosition.Height / 2));
            plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, CarPosition.Width, (CarPosition.Height / 2), (CarPosition.Width - 10), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + 7));

            float LenghX = ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 7) / 10;
            float LenghY = ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 7) / 10;

            Font       drawFont  = new Font("Arial", 9);
            SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);

            plot.DrawString("0", drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(((CarPosition.Width / 2) + 2), (CarPosition.Height / 2) + 2));

            plot.DrawString("Y", new Font("Arial", 11), drawBrush, new PointF(((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 22), 2));
            plot.DrawString("X", new Font("Arial", 11), drawBrush, new PointF(CarPosition.Width - 15, ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 22)));

            float sum = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                sum = sum + LenghX;
                //splitting Ox in 10 sections
                plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + sum), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + 5), ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + sum), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 5));
                plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - sum), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + 5), ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - sum), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - 5));
                //putting the section number
                plot.DrawString(Convert.ToString(i * 10), drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(((CarPosition.Width / 2) + sum - 5), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + 6)));
                plot.DrawString(Convert.ToString(i * -10), drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(((CarPosition.Width / 2) - sum - 7), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + 6)));
                //drawing extra lines Ox
                plot.DrawLine(ExtraPlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + sum), 0, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + sum), CarPosition.Height);
                plot.DrawLine(ExtraPlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - sum), 0, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - sum), CarPosition.Height);

            sum = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                sum = sum + LenghY;
                //splitting Oy in 10 sections
                plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 5), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + sum), ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + 5), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + sum));
                plot.DrawLine(PlotLine, ((CarPosition.Width / 2) - 5), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - sum), ((CarPosition.Width / 2) + 5), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - sum));
                //putting the section number
                plot.DrawString(Convert.ToString(i * 10), drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(((CarPosition.Width / 2) + 6), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - sum - 5)));
                plot.DrawString(Convert.ToString(i * -10), drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(((CarPosition.Width / 2) + 6), ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + sum - 7)));
                //drawing extra lines Oy
                plot.DrawLine(ExtraPlotLine, 0, ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + sum), CarPosition.Width, ((CarPosition.Height / 2) + sum));
                plot.DrawLine(ExtraPlotLine, 0, ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - sum), CarPosition.Width, ((CarPosition.Height / 2) - sum));
