public bool InsertOrderData(CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder, string user_id) { try { CommanDB procConn = new CommanDB(); OracleParameter[] param = { new OracleParameter("@ac_order_identity", carInfoOrder.OrderIdentity), new OracleParameter("@ac_user_id", user_id), new OracleParameter("@ac_car_id", carInfoOrder.carId), new OracleParameter("@ac_city_id", carInfoOrder.cityId), new OracleParameter("@ac_orderType", carInfoOrder.orderType), new OracleParameter("@ac_locationX", carInfoOrder.locationX), new OracleParameter("@ac_locationY", carInfoOrder.locationY), new OracleParameter("@ac_note", carInfoOrder.note), }; procConn.RunProc("insertOrder_sp", param); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InsertException(language, ex.Message + " INSERT Order DATA"); } }
public bool UpdateAccidentData(CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder) { try { CommanDB procConn = new CommanDB(); OracleParameter[] param = { new OracleParameter("@c_accident_id", carInfoOrder.order_id), new OracleParameter("@ac_fixType", carInfoOrder.orderType), new OracleParameter("@ac_locationX", carInfoOrder.locationX), new OracleParameter("@ac_locationY", carInfoOrder.locationY), }; procConn.RunProc("updateInfoAndAccidentData_sp", param); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new UpdateException(language, ex.Message); } }
public Response StoreOrderData(CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder, string user_id) { try { // Insert Order Data To DB if (new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(language).InsertOrderData(carInfoOrder, user_id)) { int order_id = new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(language).GetOrderIdByUserId(Convert.ToInt32(user_id)); // Insert order_details_assigns foreach (int assign in carInfoOrder.orderDetailsIds) { new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(language).InsertOrderDetailAssign(order_id, assign); } //---------------------------- bool imageStatus = true; Exception imageException = new Exception(); // Store Images int i = 0; foreach (string image in carInfoOrder.images) { string url = ""; i++; string ImageName = "images/OrderImages/" + i + "_" + carInfoOrder.OrderIdentity + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".png"; url = new UploadRepository(language).StoreImage(image, ImageName); if (url != "") { try { new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(language).InsertOrderPictureUrl(ImageName, 1, order_id); } catch (InsertException ex) { imageStatus = false; imageException = ex; } } } //---------------- // check If Image Was Inserted And Response with This Data if (imageStatus) { return(new Response(imageStatus, Messages.GetMessage(language, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.IMAGE_Order_STORE), order_id)); } else { return(new Response(imageStatus, Messages.GetMessage(language, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.IMAGE_Order_ERROR), imageException, order_id)); } ///------------------------- } else { throw new InsertException(language); } } catch (EmptyViewException EmptyViewException) { return(new Response(false, EmptyViewException.RespMessage, EmptyViewException.ErrorMessage)); } catch (InsertException InsertException) { return(new Response(false, InsertException.RespMessage, InsertException.ErrorMessage)); } catch (UpdateException UpdateException) { return(new Response(false, UpdateException.RespMessage, UpdateException.ErrorMessage)); } catch (Exception ex) { var st = new StackTrace(ex, true); // Get the top stack frame var frame = st.GetFrame(0); // Get the line number from the stack frame var line = frame.GetFileLineNumber(); return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(language, TypeM.DEFAULT, defaultM.UNEXPERROR) + ex.Message.ToString(), ex.Message.ToString() + "::: line NO:: " + line)); } }
public Response UpdateAccidentData(CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder) { try { //Prepare date if (new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(language).UpdateAccidentData(carInfoOrder)) { int accidentId = carInfoOrder.order_id; bool imageStatus = true; try { RequestCriteria requestCriteria = new RequestCriteria(); requestCriteria.accident_id = accidentId; requestCriteria.city_id = (int)carInfoOrder.cityId; new OfferService.OfferService(language).insertOrUpdatePermission(requestCriteria); } catch (UpdateException) { throw new UpdateException(language); } // Store Images int i = 0; foreach (string image in carInfoOrder.images) { string url = ""; i++; string ImageName = "images/OrderImages/" + i + "_" + accidentId + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".png"; url = new UploadRepository(language).StoreImage(image, ImageName); } if (imageStatus) { return(new Response(imageStatus, Messages.GetMessage(language, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.IMAGE_Order_ERROR))); } else { return(new Response(imageStatus, Messages.GetMessage(language, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.IMAGE_Order_ERROR))); } } else { throw new InsertException(language); } } catch (EmptyViewException EmptyViewException) { return(new Response(false, EmptyViewException.RespMessage, EmptyViewException.ErrorMessage)); } catch (InsertException InsertException) { return(new Response(false, InsertException.RespMessage, InsertException.ErrorMessage)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(language, TypeM.DEFAULT, defaultM.UNEXPERROR), ex.Message.ToString())); } }
public ActionResult <Response> StoreOrderDataAsync([FromQuery(Name = "lang")] string lang, [FromForm] string accessToken, [FromForm] string carId, [FromForm] string orderType, [FromForm] string cityId, [FromForm] string locationX, [FromForm] string locationY, [FromForm] string orderDetailsIds, [FromForm] string note, [FromForm] string images) { List <string> imgs = new List <string>(); List <int> orderassignIds = new List <int>(); // Check If List Is NULL if (images != null) { imgs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(images); } ////NO car Service //if (carId == null) // carId = "-1"; // Check If List Is NULL if (orderDetailsIds != null) { orderassignIds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <int> >(orderDetailsIds); } // MAPPING DATA CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder = new CarInfoOrder(); carInfoOrder.accessToken = accessToken; if (carId != null && carId != "" && carId != "0") { carInfoOrder.carId = Convert.ToInt32(carId); } else { carInfoOrder.carId = null; } if (cityId != null && cityId != "" && cityId != "0" && cityId != "-1") { carInfoOrder.cityId = Convert.ToInt32(cityId); } else { carInfoOrder.cityId = 1; } if (orderType != null) { carInfoOrder.orderType = Convert.ToInt32(orderType); } else { carInfoOrder.orderType = 1; } carInfoOrder.locationX = Convert.ToDouble(locationX); carInfoOrder.locationY = Convert.ToDouble(locationY); if (orderassignIds == null) { carInfoOrder.orderDetailsIds = new List <int>(); } else { carInfoOrder.orderDetailsIds = orderassignIds; } carInfoOrder.note = note; if (imgs == null) { carInfoOrder.images = new List <string>(); } else { carInfoOrder.images = imgs; } //check AccessToken string user_id = new UserService(lang).CheckAccessTokenUser(carInfoOrder.accessToken); carInfoOrder.OrderIdentity = new HelperRepository().generateIds((int)Enums.CreationNumberCode.order, DateTime.Now); if (user_id != null) { // STORE ACCIDENT DATA Response res = new OrderService(lang).StoreOrderData(carInfoOrder, user_id); var order_id = res.innerData; res.innerData = new object(); //Send Notification To ALL Admin When New Request Created if (res.status) { try { //Get All Suppliers Ids List <int> users = new UserRepository.UserRepository(lang).GetAllAdminIds(); foreach (int user in users) { try { new ServicesRepository(lang).SendNotiAllDevices(user, Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.notifyM, notifyM.NOTI_TITLE), Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.notifyM, notifyM.NOTI_NEW_ORDER), 1); } catch { ; } } } catch (Exception ex) { new Response(false, ex.Message, ex.Message); } } // GET ACCIDENT ID //int order_id = new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(lang).GetOrderIdByUserId(carInfoOrder.carId); if (res.status) { // Store Video Accident try { var file = Request.Form.Files["video"]; // Check if Null So , Do not Store Video if (file == null) { return(res); } var folderName = Path.Combine("Resources", "Images"); var pathToSave = @"../dealxImages\videos\orders";//Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), folderName); if (file.Length > 0) { var fileName = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(file.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"') + ".mp4"; var fullPath = Path.Combine(pathToSave, fileName); var dbPath = Path.Combine(folderName, fileName); bool UrlVideoStatus = false; using (var stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create)) { file.CopyTo(stream); UrlVideoStatus = new OrderRepository.OrderRepository(lang).InsertOrderPictureUrl("videos/orders/" + fileName, 2, Convert.ToInt32(order_id)); } if (UrlVideoStatus) { return(res); } else { return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.VIDEO_Order_ERROR))); } } else { return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.VIDEO_Order_ERROR))); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.ACCIDENT, orderM.VIDEO_Order_ERROR), ex.Message)); } } else { return(res); } } else { return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.DEFAULT, defaultM.WRONG_ACCESS_TOKEN))); } }
public ActionResult <Response> UpdateAccidentData([FromQuery(Name = "lang")] string lang, [FromBody] CarInfoOrder carInfoAccident) { //check AccessToken if (new UserService(lang).CheckAccessToken(carInfoAccident.accessToken)) { return(new OrderService(lang).UpdateAccidentData(carInfoAccident)); } else { return(new Response(false, Messages.GetMessage(lang, TypeM.DEFAULT, defaultM.WRONG_ACCESS_TOKEN))); } }
public bool UpdateAccidentData(CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder) { return(new OrderQuery(language).UpdateAccidentData(carInfoOrder)); }
public bool InsertOrderData(CarInfoOrder carInfoOrder, string user_id) { return(new OrderQuery(language).InsertOrderData(carInfoOrder, user_id)); }