/// <summary> /// 绑定车辆信息 /// </summary> private void GetCarInfo() { if (CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID == "") { MessageBox.Show("参数错误"); this.Close(); } else { string sql = "Select * from CarInfo where CarInfo_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID + ""; CarInfo carinfo = new CarInfo(); carinfo = CarInfoDAL.GetViewCarInfoName(sql).FirstOrDefault(); if (carinfo.CarInfo_ID > 0) { txtCarInfo_Carriage.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Carriage; txtCarInfo_Height.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Height; txtCarInfo_Type.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Type; txtCarInfo_Weight.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Weight; txtCarName.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Name; txtCustomerInfo_ADD.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_LevelWaste; txtRemark.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Remark; txtUserName.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Operate; txtState.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_State; string typeSql = "Select CarType_Name from CarType where CarType_ID=" + carinfo.CarInfo_CarType_ID + ""; object typeObj = null; typeObj = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(typeSql); if (typeObj != null) { txtCarType_Name.Text = typeObj.ToString(); } if (Convert.ToBoolean(carinfo.CarInfo_Bail)) { chkCarInfo_Bail.Checked = true; } else { chkCarInfo_Bail.Checked = false; } sql = "select StaffInfo_Name,StaffInfo_Identity,StaffInfo_Phone ,CarType_Name,CustomerInfo_Name from View_CarState where CarInfo_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID; DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtCur.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CustomerInfo_Name"].ToString(); txtCarType_Name.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CarType_Name"].ToString(); txtStaffName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_Name"].ToString(); txtStaInds.Text = dt.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_Identity"].ToString(); txtStaPhone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["StaffInfo_Phone"].ToString(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定车辆信息 /// </summary> private void GetCarInfo() { if (CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID == "") { MessageBox.Show("参数错误"); this.Close(); } else { string sql = "Select * from CarInfo where CarInfo_ID=" + CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID + ""; CarInfo carinfo = new CarInfo(); carinfo = CarInfoDAL.GetViewCarInfoName(sql).FirstOrDefault(); if (carinfo.CarInfo_ID > 0) { txtCarInfo_Carriage.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Carriage; txtCarInfo_Height.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Height; txtCarInfo_Type.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Type; txtCarInfo_Weight.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Weight; txtCarName.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Name; txtCustomerInfo_ADD.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_LevelWaste; txtRemark.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Remark; txtUserName.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_Operate; txtState.Text = carinfo.CarInfo_State; string typeSql = "Select CarType_Name from CarType where CarType_ID=" + carinfo.CarInfo_CarType_ID + ""; object typeObj = null; typeObj = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(typeSql); if (typeObj != null) { txtCarType_Name.Text = typeObj.ToString(); } if (carinfo.CarInfo_CustomerInfo_ID > 0 && carinfo.CarInfo_CustomerInfo_ID != null) { string cuSql = "Select CustomerInfo_Name from CustomerInfo where CustomerInfo_ID=" + carinfo.CarInfo_CustomerInfo_ID + ""; object cuObj = null; cuObj = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle(cuSql); if (cuObj != null) { txtCur.Text = cuObj.ToString(); } } if (carinfo.CarInfo_Bail == "true") { chkCarInfo_Bail.Checked = false; } else { chkCarInfo_Bail.Checked = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 保存,如果有同样车牌号的通行策略则把之前的状态注销 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IList <DrivewayStrategyRecord> iedsr = null; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_carState.Text)) { PublicClass.ShowToolTip(ToolTipIcon.Info, "提示", "请选择状态!", txt_carState, this); return; } string strsort = ""; if (SortYesOrNo) { strsort = "有序"; } else { strsort = "无序"; } if (SetSortList.Count != Driveway_IDList.Count) { SortYesOrNo = false; } else { SortYesOrNo = true; } //得到车辆对象 Expression <Func <CarInfo, bool> > fn = n => n.CarInfo_ID == Convert.ToInt32(CommonalityEntity.CarInfo_ID); CarInfo car = CarInfoDAL.Single(fn); LinQBaseDao.Query("delete ManagementStrategyRecord where ManagementStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID); LinQBaseDao.Query("delete DrivewayStrategyRecord where DrivewayStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID); //循环选择的通道 iedsr = new List <DrivewayStrategyRecord>(); if (SetSortList.Count == Driveway_IDList.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < SetSortList.Count; i++) { DataTable tablesDrisn = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Position_Name,Driveway_Name,Driveway_type from View_DrivewayPosition where driveway_warrantystate='正常' and driveway_state='启动' and Driveway_ID=" + SetSortList[i].id + " order by Position_Name asc, Driveway_Name asc").Tables[0]; DrivewayStrategyRecord Newdsr = new DrivewayStrategyRecord(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Name = txtDrivewayStrategy.Text.Trim(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Driveway_ID = SetSortList[i].id;//通道编号 Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_State = txt_carState.Text; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Remark = txt_DrivewayStrategyRecord_Remark.Text.Trim(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffReason = txt_DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffReason.Text.Trim(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffTime = CommonalityEntity.GetServersTime(); Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_OffName = HelpClass.common.USERNAME; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID = car.CarInfo_ID; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Sort = SortYesOrNo == true ? SetSortList[i].sort : 1; Newdsr.DrivewayStrategyRecord_Record = "【" + txt_carInfo_Name.Text.ToString().Trim() + "】 " + tablesDrisn.Rows[0]["Position_Name"] + tablesDrisn.Rows[0]["Driveway_Name"]; iedsr.Add(Newdsr); } try { dc.DrivewayStrategyRecord.InsertAllOnSubmit(iedsr); dc.SubmitChanges(); DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("操作已完成!请继续修改相应的管控策略否则修改无效", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { string sids = ""; DataTable dt = LinQBaseDao.Query("select DrivewayStrategyRecord_ID, DrivewayStrategyRecord_Driveway_ID from DrivewayStrategyRecord where DrivewayStrategyRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID + " and DrivewayStrategyRecord_State='启动' order by DrivewayStrategyRecord_Sort ").Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sids += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } int driid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][1].ToString()); sids = sids.TrimEnd(','); string SmallID = LinQBaseDao.GetSingle("select SmallTicket_ID from SmallTicket where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID).ToString(); DataTable dtpd = LinQBaseDao.Query("select Position_ID, Position_Value,Driveway_Value from View_FVN_Driveway_Position where Driveway_ID=" + driid).Tables[0]; if (dtpd.Rows.Count > 0) { string str = "update CarInOutRecord set CarInOutRecord_DrivewayStrategyS='" + sids + "',CarInOutRecord_Update=1,CarInOutRecord_Driveway_ID=" + driid + ",CarInOutRecord_Remark='" + txtDrivewayStrategy.Text.Trim() + "',CarInOutRecord_Sort='" + strsort + "' where CarInOutRecord_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID; str += " update SortNumberInfo set SortNumberInfo_PositionValue='" + dtpd.Rows[0][1].ToString() + "',SortNumberInfo_DrivewayValue='" + dtpd.Rows[0][2].ToString() + "' where SortNumberInfo_SmallTicket_ID in (select SmallTicket_ID from SmallTicket where SmallTicket_CarInfo_ID=" + car.CarInfo_ID + ")"; LinQBaseDao.Query(str); sids = ""; CommonalityEntity.boolCepyManagementStrategy = false; UpdateManagementStrategyForm up = new UpdateManagementStrategyForm(carname); up.Show(); } } BingMethod(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("操作失败!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } } catch { CommonalityEntity.WriteTextLog("DrivewayStrategyRecordForm.btnUpdate_Click()" + "".ToString()); } finally { SetSortList.Clear(); Driveway_IDList.Clear(); } }