static void Main(string[] args) { Car1 myCar = new Car1("Auto", "Black", "high", 2019, 4, 80, Car1.Model.M3, Car.CarType.Sedan); myCar.Calculate(); WriteLine("The info about the vehicle:"); WriteLine($"1. Type: {myCar.Name}.\n2. Color: {myCar.Color}\n3. Year of production: {myCar.YearMade}"); WriteLine($"4. Model: {myCar.CurrentModel}\n5. Car Type: {myCar.CurrentType}\n6. Comfort level: {myCar.ComfortLevel}]n\n"); WriteLine($"The price is {myCar.Price}\n\n"); Car2 friendsCar = new Car2("Auto", "Silver", "medium", 2012, 4, 400, Car2.Model.W140, Car.CarType.Sedan); friendsCar.Calculate(); WriteLine("The info about your friend's vehicle:"); WriteLine($"1. Type: {friendsCar.Name}.\n2. Color: {friendsCar.Color}\n3. Year of production: {friendsCar.YearMade}"); WriteLine($"4. Model: {friendsCar.CurrentModel}\n5. Car Type: {friendsCar.CurrentType}\n6. Comfort level: {friendsCar.ComfortLevel}\n\n"); WriteLine($"The price is {friendsCar.Price}\n\n"); Car yourCar1 = new Car1("Auto", "Black", "high", 2019, 4, 80, Car1.Model.M3, Car.CarType.Sedan); yourCar1.TestDrive(); Car yourCar2 = new Car2("Auto", "Black", "high", 2019, 4, 80, Car1.Model.M3, Car.CarType.Sedan); yourCar2.TestDrive(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Car1 myCar = new Car1("Auto", "Blue", "high", 2019, 4, 80, Car1.Model.M3, Car.CarType.Sedan); myCar.Calculate(); WriteLine("The info about the vehicle:"); WriteLine($"1. Type: {myCar.Name}.\n2. Color: {myCar.Color}\n3. Year of production: {myCar.YearMade}"); WriteLine($"4. Model: {myCar.CurrentModel}\n5. Car Type: {myCar.CurrentType}\n6. Comfort level: {myCar.ComfortLevel}]n\n"); WriteLine($"The price is {myCar.Price}\n\n"); Car2 friendsCar = new Car2("Auto", "Silver", "medium", 2012, 4, 400, Car2.Model.W140, Car.CarType.Sedan); friendsCar.Calculate(); WriteLine("The info about your friend's vehicle:"); WriteLine($"1. Type: {friendsCar.Name}.\n2. Color: {friendsCar.Color}\n3. Year of production: {friendsCar.YearMade}"); WriteLine($"4. Model: {friendsCar.CurrentModel}\n5. Car Type: {friendsCar.CurrentType}\n6. Comfort level: {friendsCar.ComfortLevel}\n\n"); WriteLine("Additional functions\n\n"); WriteLine("The program will show all models available:"); myCar.ShowModels(); friendsCar.ShowModels(); IModels testCar = new Car1("Auto", "Green", "low", 2010, 4, 65, Car1.Model.X5, Car.CarType.SUV); testCar.Restore(testCar.Available); testCar.Buy(testCar.Available); WriteLine(testCar.Available); IMovable anotherCar = new Car2("Auto", "Silver", "medium", 2012, 4, 400, Car2.Model.W140, Car.CarType.Sedan); anotherCar.MaxSpeed = int.Parse(ReadLine()); WriteLine("The time it takes the vehicle to get to destination point is: {0}", anotherCar.GetTime(250, anotherCar.MaxSpeed)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Car1 myCar = new Car1("Auto", "Black", "high", 2019, 4, 80, Car1.Model.M3, Car.CarType.Sedan); myCar.Calculate(); Car2 friendsCar = new Car2("Auto", "Silver", "medium", 2012, 4, 400, Car2.Model.W140, Car.CarType.Sedan); friendsCar.Calculate(); Choose choice = WhoIsBetter; MessageHandler handler = delegate(string message) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", message); }; handler("Enter the sum you would like to add:"); int money; try { Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out money); if (money <= 0) { throw new Exception("You've entered invalid data!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } myCar.Purchase(money); friendsCar.Purchase(money); var result = choice(myCar, friendsCar); handler("Nice choice!"); }