        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: import intra/block stuff from EhTrace Agasm.cpp
        ///   * Then we can do local: blah stuff etc... maybe do a little graph mode with MSAGL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnDiss_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MemNavViewModel vm = DataContext as MemNavViewModel;

            if (vm != null && vm.SelectedProc != null)
                IHighlightingDefinition instructionSyntax = null;
                using (Stream s = typeof(MemNavWin).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("inVteroUI.InstructionSyntax.xshd"))
                    if (s != null)
                        using (XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(s))
                            instructionSyntax = ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Highlighting.Xshd.HighlightingLoader.Load(reader, HighlightingManager.Instance);
                avaEdit.SyntaxHighlighting = instructionSyntax;

                ulong DisAddr = 0;
                ulong.TryParse(tbAddress.Text, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out DisAddr);
                if (DisAddr != 0)
                    var asmBytes = vm.SelectedProc.GetVirtualByte((long)DisAddr);

                    var           asmCodes = Capstone.Dissassemble(asmBytes, asmBytes.Length, DisAddr, true);
                    StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var code in asmCodes)
                        sb.AppendLine($"0x{code.insn.address:X} \t {code.insn.mnemonic} \t {code.insn.operands}");

                    avaEdit.Text = sb.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Process specialized
        /// This is a cheat function to basically force deferred execution to occur.
        /// All of this sort of late bound meta-data from the system needs to be carefully written to not be too expensive.
        /// (e.g. use the .OffsetPos rather than too heavy on dynamic resolution)
        /// Ensure we have symbols & kernel meta data parsed into our type info
        /// Also We need vtero.WalkProcList to have been called which isolates vadroot
        /// </summary>
        public void MergeVAMetaData(bool DoStackCheck = false)
            // setup kernel in optimized scan
            // Load as much as possible from full user space scan for PE / load debug data
            ScanAndLoadModules("", false, false);

            var codeRanges = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, long>();

            /// All page table entries
            /// including kernel
            var execPages = PT.FillPageQueue(false, true);

            foreach (var pte in execPages)
                codeRanges.TryAdd(pte.VA.Address, pte.VA.Address + (pte.PTE.LargePage ? MagicNumbers.LARG_PAGE_SIZE : MagicNumbers.PAGE_SIZE));

            // Walk Vad and inject into 'sections'
            // scan VAD data to additionally bind

            // Dig all threads
            if (DoStackCheck)
                var checkPtrs = new ConcurrentBag <long>();

                // instead of using memsections we should use apge table info
                // then push in memsection after this round
                Parallel.Invoke(() =>
                    // each stack
                    foreach (var userRange in UserThreadStacks)
                        // every value
                        foreach (var pointer in userRange.Item2)
                            if (pointer > -4096 && pointer < 4096)

                            // see if in range of code
                            foreach (var codeRange in codeRanges)
                                // if so we need to double check that the code ptr is a good one
                                if (pointer >= codeRange.Key && pointer < codeRange.Value)
                }, () =>
                    // each stack
                    foreach (var kernelRange in ThreadStacks)
                        // every value
                        foreach (var pointer in kernelRange.Item2)
                            if (pointer > -4096 && pointer < 4096)

                            // see if in range of code
                            foreach (var codeRange in codeRanges)
                                // if so we need to double check that the code ptr is a good one
                                if (pointer >= codeRange.Key && pointer < codeRange.Value)

                // validate checkPtrs pointers here
                // TODO: group pointers so we can minimize page reads
                foreach (var ptr in checkPtrs)
                    var idx = ptr & 0xfff;
                    if (idx < 10)

                    // every pointer needs to be a function start
                    // or a properly call/ret pair
                    var ptrTo = VGetBlock(ptr);
                    //BYTE* bp = (BYTE*)RefFramePtr;

                    var IsCCBefore      = ptrTo[idx - 1];
                    var IsCallE8        = ptrTo[idx - 5];
                    var IsCallE8_second = ptrTo[idx - 3];
                    var IsCall9A        = ptrTo[idx - 5];
                    var IsCall9A_second = ptrTo[idx - 7];

                    bool FoundFFCode = false;
                    // scan from RoPCheck
                    for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
                        var a = ptrTo[idx - i];
                        var b = ptrTo[idx - i + 1];

                        if (i < 8)
                            if ((a == 0xff) && (b & 0x38) == 0x10)
                                FoundFFCode = true;
                        if ((a == 0xff) && (b & 0x38) == 0x18)
                            FoundFFCode = true;

                    if (!FoundFFCode && IsCCBefore != 0xcc && IsCallE8 != 0xe8 && IsCallE8_second != 0xe8 && IsCall9A != 0x9a && IsCall9A_second != 0x9a)
                        WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, $"Stack pointer is wild {ptr:x}");
                        var cs = Capstone.Dissassemble(ptrTo, ptrTo.Length, (ulong)(ptr & -4096));
                        for (int i = 0; i < cs.Length; i++)
                            if (cs[i].insn.address == (ulong)ptr)
                                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, $"{cs[i - 1].insn.address:x} {cs[i - 1].insn.bytes[0]:x} {cs[i - 1].insn.mnemonic} {cs[i - 1].insn.operands}");
                                WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, $"{cs[i].insn.address:x} {cs[i].insn.bytes[0]:x} {cs[i].insn.mnemonic} {cs[i].insn.operands}");

            // find section's with no "Module"
            foreach (var sec in Sections.Values)
                if (sec.Module == null)
                    var test = GetVirtualByte(sec.VadAddr);
                    var ext  = Extract.IsBlockaPE(test);
                    sec.Module = ext;