public void DiscountFactorsTest()
            string matrixId = _id;

            string[]    expiry    = _expiry;
            string[]    volType   = _type;
            decimal[][] vols      = _vols;
            decimal[]   strikes   = _strike;
            DateTime    valueDate = _valdate;

            DateTime[] discountFactorDates = _factorDates;
            decimal[]  discountFactors     = _factors;

                CapFloorVolatilityMatrix target = new CapFloorVolatilityMatrix(matrixId, expiry, volType, vols, strikes, discountFactorDates, discountFactors);

                DateTime expectedDate = DateTime.Parse("30-Aug-17");
                decimal  expectedDF   = 0.520110M;
                SortedList <DateTime, decimal> actual = target.DiscountFactors();

                Assert.AreEqual(true, actual.ContainsValue(expectedDF));
                Assert.AreEqual(true, actual.ContainsKey(expectedDate));
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void StrikesTest()
            string matrixId = _id;

            string[]    expiry    = _expiry;
            string[]    volType   = _type;
            decimal[][] vols      = _vols;
            decimal[]   strikes   = _strike;
            DateTime    valueDate = _valdate;

            DateTime[] discountFactorDates = _factorDates;
            decimal[]  discountFactors     = _factors;

                CapFloorVolatilityMatrix target = new CapFloorVolatilityMatrix(matrixId, expiry, volType, vols, strikes, discountFactorDates, discountFactors);

                int i = 0;

                decimal[] actual = target.Strikes();

                foreach (decimal element in actual)
                    Assert.AreEqual(strikes[i++], element);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void CapFloorLoadTest()
            Assembly assembly    = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            string   expectedXml = ResourceHelper.GetResourceWithPartialName(assembly, _testFile);

            // Load as a full CapFloor Matrix
            CapFloorVolatilityMatrix cfMatrix = XmlSerializerHelper.DeserializeFromString <CapFloorVolatilityMatrix>(expectedXml);

        public void CapVolatilitiesTest1()
            CapFloorVolatilityMatrix target = new CapFloorVolatilityMatrix(_id, _expiry, _type, _ATMVols, null, _factorDates, _factors);


            decimal[] expectedVolatilities = new decimal[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18.16M, 17.94M, 17.62M, 17.09M, 15.77M, 14.21M };
            int[]     term = new int[] { 0, 8, 99, 190, 281, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 };

            int i = 0;

            List <CapVolatilityDataElement <int> > actual = target.CapVolatilities();

            foreach (CapVolatilityDataElement <int> element in actual)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedVolatilities[i], element.Volatility);
                Assert.AreEqual(term[i++], element.Expiry);
        public void CapVolatilitiesTest()
            string matrixId = _id;

            string[]    expiry    = _expiry;
            string[]    volType   = _type;
            decimal[][] vols      = _vols;
            decimal[]   strikes   = _strike;
            DateTime    valueDate = _valdate;

            DateTime[] discountFactorDates = _factorDates;
            decimal[]  discountFactors     = _factors;

                CapFloorVolatilityMatrix target = new CapFloorVolatilityMatrix(matrixId, expiry, volType, vols, strikes, discountFactorDates, discountFactors);

                decimal   strike = 7.5m;
                decimal[] expectedVolatilities = new decimal[] { 8.82m, 8.82m, 9.12m, 9.43m, 9.71m, 10.34m, 10.75m, 10.84m, 10.93m, 10.95m, 10.99m };
                int[]     term = new int[] { 0, 8, 99, 190, 281, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 };

                int i = 0;

                List <CapVolatilityDataElement <int> > actual = target.CapVolatilities(strike);

                foreach (CapVolatilityDataElement <int> element in actual)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedVolatilities[i], element.Volatility);
                    Assert.AreEqual(term[i++], element.Expiry);
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Sortedlist of bootstrap engines from the data matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger</param>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
        /// <param name="nameSpace"></param>
        /// <param name="engineHandle">The engine collection name</param>
        /// <param name="matrix">The internal data structure used in conversion</param>
        /// <param name="properties">The properties object to use</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static SortedList <decimal, CapVolatilityCurve> CreateEngines(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache,
                                                                              string nameSpace, string engineHandle, CapFloorVolatilityMatrix matrix, NamedValueSet properties)
            var engines = new SortedList <decimal, CapVolatilityCurve>();

            //  Check there is a valid settings object
            if (properties == null)
            var currency = properties.GetString("Currency", true);
            var baseDate = properties.GetValue("Calculation Date", DateTime.MinValue);

            properties.Set("EngineHandle", engineHandle);
            matrix.ValuationDate = baseDate;
            var valuationDate = properties.GetValue("ValuationDate", DateTime.MinValue);

            if (valuationDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                properties.Set("ValuationDate", baseDate);
            properties.Set("PricingStructureType", PricingStructureTypeEnum.CapVolatilityCurve.ToString());
            var strikeQuoteUnits = properties.GetString("StrikeQuoteUnits", null);

            if (strikeQuoteUnits == null)
                properties.Set("StrikeQuoteUnits", StrikeQuoteUnitsEnum.ATMFlatMoneyness.ToString());
            var measureType = properties.GetString("MeasureType", null);

            if (measureType == null)
                properties.Set("MeasureType", MeasureTypesEnum.Volatility.ToString());
            var quoteUnits = properties.GetString("QuoteUnits", null);

            if (quoteUnits == null)
                properties.Set("QuoteUnits", QuoteUnitsEnum.LogNormalVolatility.ToString());
            var algorithm = properties.GetString("Algorithm", null);

            if (algorithm == null)
                properties.Set("Algorithm", "Default");
            InterpolationMethod interp = InterpolationMethodHelper.Parse("LogLinearInterpolation");
            var dfs = matrix.DiscountFactorsAsDoubles();
            // Check there are valid strikes
            IRateCurve discountCurve =
                new SimpleDiscountFactorCurve(baseDate, interp, true, dfs);
            //The quoted asset set
            var volTypes    = matrix.CapVolatilities();
            var instruments = new List <string>();
            var volatilties = new List <decimal>();

            foreach (var volType in volTypes)
                string tempName;
                string tenor;
                var    type = volType.VolatilityType;
                if (type == VolatilityDataType.ETO)
                    tempName = currency + "-Caplet-";
                    tenor    = volType.Expiry + "D-90D";
                    tempName = currency + "-IRCap-";
                    tenor    = volType.Expiry + "Y";
                instruments.Add(tempName + tenor);
            var qas = AssetHelper.Parse(instruments.ToArray(), volatilties.ToArray());
            //The volatilities
            // Create a new ATM CapletBootstrap engine. The default decimal should be 0
            var engine = new CapVolatilityCurve(logger, cache, nameSpace, properties, qas, discountCurve, discountCurve,
                                                null, null);

            // Add engine
            engines.Add(0, engine);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a CapFloor ATM parvVols structure.
        /// The process Bootstraps the parVols using the supplied ratecurve
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger</param>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
        /// <param name="nameSpace"></param>
        /// <param name="rateCurve"></param>
        /// <param name="capFloor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Market ProcessCapFloorATM(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, string nameSpace, Market rateCurve, CapFloorATMMatrix capFloor)
            var id     =;
            var expiry = capFloor.GetExpiries();
            var vols   = capFloor.GetVolatilities();
            var mkt    = rateCurve;
            var curve  = new SimpleRateCurve(mkt);
            var discountFactorDates = curve.GetDiscountFactorDates();
            var discountFactors     = curve.GetDiscountFactors();
            var volType             = capFloor.GetVolatilityTypes();
            var atmVols             = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();
            var settings            = CreateCapFloorProperties(capFloor.GetVolatilitySettings());
            // Create an internal matrix object from the raw data
            var matrix = new CapFloorVolatilityMatrix(id, expiry, volType, vols, null,
                                                      discountFactorDates, ArrayUtilities.ArrayToDecimal(discountFactors));
            // Create an ATM engine from the matrix
            var engines = CreateEngines(logger, cache, nameSpace, id, matrix, settings);
            // Add the default interpolation to use
            const ExpiryInterpolationType volatilityInterpolation = ExpiryInterpolationType.Linear;

            if (engines != null)
                var vol = new CapletExpiryInterpolatedVolatility(engines[0], volatilityInterpolation);
                // List the values so we can build our ATM vols
                var keys = ExpiryKeys.Split(',');
                // Create a calendar to use to modify the date
                var businessCalendar = settings.GetValue("BusinessCalendar", "AUSY");
                var bc = BusinessCenterHelper.ToBusinessCalendar(cache, new[] { businessCalendar }, nameSpace);
                // Use some logic to get the spot date to use
                // LPM Spot lag is 2 days (modfollowing)
                var spotDate       = curve.GetSpotDate();
                var rollConvention = settings.GetValue("RollConvention", BusinessDayConventionEnum.FOLLOWING);
                spotDate = spotDate == curve.GetBaseDate() ? bc.Roll(spotDate.Add(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0)), rollConvention) : spotDate;
                //// Extract each surface and build an ATM engine therefrom
                //// Build a list of all possible engines
                foreach (var key in keys)
                    // Calculate the volatility for each target key
                    var tv     = PeriodHelper.Parse(key);
                    var target = tv.period == PeriodEnum.D ? bc.Roll(spotDate.AddDays(Convert.ToInt32(tv.periodMultiplier)), rollConvention) :
                                 bc.Roll(spotDate.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt32(tv.periodMultiplier)), rollConvention);
                    atmVols.Add(key, vol.ComputeCapletVolatility(target));
            var outputVols = new object[atmVols.Count + 1, 2];
            var i          = 1;

            //Expiry	0
            outputVols[0, 0] = "Expiry";
            outputVols[0, 1] = "0";
            foreach (var key in atmVols.Keys)
                outputVols[i, 0] = key;
                outputVols[i, 1] = atmVols[key];
            DateTime buildDateTime = rateCurve.Items1[0].buildDateTime;
            var      volSurface    = new VolatilitySurface(outputVols, new VolatilitySurfaceIdentifier(id), curve.BaseDate, buildDateTime);
