        private void InitVariables()
            // Add local variables that are linked to corresponding variables on the physical RC8 controller
            // Add a variable linked to the robot connected to the RC8 controller
            Robot = RC8Controller.AddRobot("Arm");

            // Add robot variables
            RobotBusyStatus = Robot.AddVariable("@BUSY_STATUS");                                // Add a variable linked to the robot's busy status

            RobotState           = Robot.AddVariable("@State");                                 // Add a variable which contains the current state of the robot
            RobotExternalSpeed   = Robot.AddVariable("@Extspeed");                              // Add a variable linked to the external (teach pendant) speed
            RobotCurrentPosition = Robot.AddVariable("@CURRENT_POSITION");                      // Add a variable which contains the current robot position
            RobotCurrentAngle    = Robot.AddVariable("@CURRENT_ANGLE");                         // Add a variable which contains the current robot angle

            // Add variables that are linked to the current error code and description
            CurrentErrorCode        = RC8Controller.AddVariable("@ERROR_CODE");
            CurrentErrorDescription = RC8Controller.AddVariable("@ERROR_DESCRIPTION");

            // Register to handle new message events from the controller
            // Every time the controller has a new message, the ShowMessage function will be called
            RC8Controller.OnMessage += new _ICaoControllerEvents_OnMessageEventHandler(ShowMessage);

            // Add a variable linked to string variable S10
            RC8variable_S10 = RC8Controller.AddVariable("S10");

            timer_InterfaceUpdate.Start();              // Start the GUI timer
        public void Init()
            if (IsInitialized)


            // Create CaoEngine object
            caoEngine    = new CaoEngine();
            caoWorkspace = caoEngine.Workspaces.Item(0);
            //caoController = caoWorkspace.AddController("RC7", "CaoProv.DENSO.NetwoRC", "", "conn=eth:");
            caoController = caoWorkspace.AddController("RC8", "CaoProv.DENSO.RC8", null,
            caoRobot = caoController.AddRobot("Arm", "");

            Robot           = new DensoRobot(caoRobot);
            Robot.LogEvent += OnLogEvent;

            Controller           = new DensoController(caoController);
            Controller.LogEvent += OnLogEvent;
            if ((int)Controller.ControllerCaoVars["@MODE"].Value <= 2)
                MessageBox.Show("Controller not in Auto Mode! Retry!");
                IsInitialized = false;

            //RobslaveTask = new DensoTask(caoController.AddTask("robslave", null));
            //RobslaveTask.LogEvent += OnLogEvent;

            IsInitialized = true;