public VisualSpanner( ScreenContent ScreenContent, ContinuedContentField ContContentField, CanvasDefn CanvasDefn) : base(ContContentField.RowCol) { this.SegmentList = new List <VisualTextBlockSegment>(); var fieldNum = ContContentField.FieldNum; // create VisualTextBloc item for each segment of the continued field. int segBx = 0; foreach (var contField in ScreenContent.ContinuedFieldSegments(fieldNum)) { var segNum = contField.FieldKey.SegNum; bool attrByteOccupySpace = true; var vtb = new VisualTextBlockSegment( this, segNum, segBx, contField.GetShowText(ScreenContent), contField.RowCol as ZeroRowCol, contField.GetAttrByte(ScreenContent), CanvasDefn, attrByteOccupySpace); vtb.SetupUnderline(); this.SegmentList.Add(vtb); vtb.ContinuedFieldSegmentCode = contField.ContinuedFieldSegmentCode; segBx += contField.GetShowText(ScreenContent).Length; } this.AttrByte = ContContentField.GetAttrByte(ScreenContent); }
public VisualSpanner(string Text, ZeroRowCol ItemRowCol, byte?AttrByte, CanvasDefn CanvasDefn) : base(ItemRowCol) { // create VisualTextBlock items for each segment that fits on the row. this.SegmentList = new List <VisualTextBlockSegment>(); CreateTextBlockSegments(this, Text, ItemRowCol, AttrByte, CanvasDefn); this.AttrByte = AttrByte; }
public VisualTextBlockSegment( VisualSpanner Parent, int SegNum, int SegBx, string Text, ZeroRowCol RowCol, byte?AttrByte, CanvasDefn CanvasDefn, bool AttrByteOccupySpace) : base(Text, RowCol, AttrByte, CanvasDefn.CharBoxDim, CanvasDefn.KernDim, CanvasDefn.FontDefn) { this.Parent = Parent; this.SegNum = SegNum; this.SegBx = SegBx; this.AttrByteOccupySpace = AttrByteOccupySpace; }
private static void CreateTextBlockSegments( VisualSpanner Parent, string Text, IRowCol StartRowCol, byte?AttrByte, CanvasDefn CanvasDefn) { IRowCol rowCol = StartRowCol; string text = Text; int segNum = 0; int segBx = 0; // advance past attrByte. #if skip if (AttrByte != null) { rowCol = rowCol.Advance(1); } #endif bool attrByteOccupySpace = true; // loop create textblock segments until no more text. while (text.Length > 0) { // space on this row. var remLx = rowCol.GetRowRemaining(); if (attrByteOccupySpace == true) { remLx -= 1; } // text to place on current row. int usedLx = 0; if (remLx > text.Length) { usedLx = text.Length; } else { usedLx = remLx; } // create the textblock segment. if (usedLx > 0) { segNum += 1; var vtb = new VisualTextBlockSegment( Parent, segNum, segBx, Text.Substring(segBx, usedLx), rowCol as ZeroRowCol, AttrByte, CanvasDefn, attrByteOccupySpace); vtb.SetupUnderline(); Parent.SegmentList.Add(vtb); // advance to next segment in show text. segBx += usedLx; if (text.Length > usedLx) { text = text.Substring(usedLx); } else { text = ""; } } // advance rowCol if (attrByteOccupySpace == true) { usedLx += 1; } rowCol = rowCol.Advance(usedLx); attrByteOccupySpace = false; } }