public JsonResponse<string> UploadImages(IFormFileCollection Files, int user_id, int candidate_id, Boolean isProfile)
            CandidateImageLogger candidateImageLogger = new CandidateImageLogger();
            JsonResponse<string> jsonResponse = new JsonResponse<string>();
            string folderName;
            DirectoryInfo di;
            List<string> image_names = new List<string>();


                using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(_ConnectionStringService.Value))

                    using (var transaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction())
                        if (Files.Count > 0)

                            if (isProfile == true)
                                 folderName = Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "User", user_id.ToString(), "Candidates", candidate_id.ToString(), "Profile Image");
                                 image_names = dbConnection.Query<string>("select image_name from  candidate_image_logger where user_id = @p0 and candidate_id = @p1 and is_approved = false  and is_profile_pic = true ", new { p0 = user_id, @p1 = candidate_id }).ToList();
                                 dbConnection.Query<CandidateImageLogger>("update candidate_image_logger set is_deleted = true where user_id = @p0 and candidate_id = @p1 and is_approved = false  and is_profile_pic = true ", new { p0 = user_id, @p1 = candidate_id });
                                 folderName = Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "User", user_id.ToString(), "Candidates", candidate_id.ToString(), "Other Images");
                            var pathToSave = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), folderName);

                            if (!Directory.Exists(pathToSave))
                                di = Directory.CreateDirectory(pathToSave);
                                di = new DirectoryInfo(pathToSave);
                                if (isProfile && image_names != null && image_names.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (string image_name in image_names)
                                        foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles())
                                            if (fi.Name == image_name)

                            for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count; i++)
                                var file = Files[i];
                                if (file.Length > 0)
                                    var fileName = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(file.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"');
                                    var fullPath = Path.Combine(pathToSave, fileName);
                                    var dbPath = Path.Combine(folderName, fileName);
                                    using (var stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create))

                                    candidateImageLogger.user_id = user_id;
                                    candidateImageLogger.candidate_id = candidate_id;

                                    candidateImageLogger.image_name = file.FileName;
                                    candidateImageLogger.image_path = dbPath;
                                    candidateImageLogger.content_type = file.ContentType;
                                    candidateImageLogger.image_upload_time = DateTime.Now;
                                    candidateImageLogger.is_approved = false;
                                    candidateImageLogger.is_deleted = false;
                                    if (isProfile)
                                        candidateImageLogger.is_profile_pic = true;
                                        candidateImageLogger.is_from_other_three_photos = false;                                        
                                    else {
                                        candidateImageLogger.is_from_other_three_photos = true;
                                        candidateImageLogger.is_profile_pic = false;

                                    dbConnection.Insert<CandidateImageLogger>(candidateImageLogger, transaction);



                        jsonResponse.Data = "Profile images uploaded successfully";
                        jsonResponse.IsSuccess = true;
                        jsonResponse.Message = "Success";


                return jsonResponse;
            catch (System.Exception ex)

                jsonResponse.Data = "Profile images upload fail";
                jsonResponse.IsSuccess = false;
                jsonResponse.Message = "fail";
                return jsonResponse;

        public JsonResponse<string> updateToApproveProfile(ApprovedImageModel approveModel)
            JsonResponse<string> jsonResponse = new JsonResponse<string>();
            string folderName;
            DirectoryInfo di;


                using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(_ConnectionStringService.Value))

                    using (var transaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction())
                        CandidateImageLogger imageDetails = dbConnection.Query<CandidateImageLogger>("select * from  candidate_image_logger where id = @p0", new { p0 = approveModel.imageLoggedId }).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (imageDetails.is_profile_pic == true)
                            folderName = Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "User", imageDetails.user_id.ToString(), "Candidates", imageDetails.candidate_id.ToString(), "Profile Image");

                            var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), folderName);

                            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                                di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

                                foreach (FileInfo fi in di.GetFiles())
                                    if (fi.Name != imageDetails.image_name)


                            dbConnection.Query<CandidateImageLogger>("update candidate_image_logger set is_deleted = true where user_id = @p0 and candidate_id = @p1 and is_approved = true and is_profile_pic = true and is_deleted = false and id != @p2", new { p0 = imageDetails.user_id, @p1 = imageDetails.candidate_id, @p2 = });

                            dbConnection.Query<CandidateImageLogger>("update candidate_image_logger set is_approved = true , is_profile_pic = true  where id = @p0", new { p0 = approveModel.imageLoggedId });

                        else if (imageDetails.is_from_other_three_photos == true)
                            dbConnection.Query<CandidateImageLogger>("update candidate_image_logger set is_approved = true where id = @p0", new { p0 = approveModel.imageLoggedId });



                jsonResponse.IsSuccess = true;
                jsonResponse.Message = "success";
                return jsonResponse;

            catch (Exception e)

                jsonResponse.IsSuccess = false;
                jsonResponse.Message = "fail";
                return jsonResponse;