/// <summary> /// Saves the campaign source reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <param name="campaignSrcRef">The campaign source reference.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SaveCampaignSourceRef(int userId, CampaignSourceRef campaignSrcRef) { if (campaignSrcRef == null) { return(false); } campaignSrcRef.RSource = campaignSrcRef.RSource ?? "Direct"; campaignSrcRef.RDate = campaignSrcRef.RDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow; using (var sqlConnection = GetOpenedSqlConnection2()) { using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SaveCampaignSourceRef", sqlConnection.SqlConnection())) { sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("CustomerID", userId); var dataTable = ConvertToDataTable(campaignSrcRef, new string[] { "Id", "CustomerId" }); SqlParameter tableValueParameter = sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Tbl", dataTable); tableValueParameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; return(ExecuteNonQueryAndLog(sqlCommand)); } } }
public void TestFullSignUp() { IContainer container = InitContainer(typeof(CustomerProcessor)); var customerSignUp = container.GetInstance <CustomerProcessor>(); string passwordString = GetRandomPassword(); string emailAddress = GetRandomEmailAddress(); var loginInfo = new LoginInfo() { Password = new Password(passwordString, passwordString), Email = emailAddress, PasswordAnswer = "bbbb", RemoteIp = "", PasswordQuestionId = 1 }; Customer customer = new Customer { Name = emailAddress, Id = GetRundomInteger(2000, int.MaxValue), Status = CustomerStatus.Registered.ToString(), RefNumber = GetRandomPassword(), WizardStep = (int)WizardStepType.SignUp, CollectionStatus = (int)CollectionStatusNames.Enabled, IsTest = true, IsOffline = null, PromoCode = "lalala", PersonalInfo = { MobilePhone = "123456789", MobilePhoneVerified = false, FirstName = GenerateName(), Surname = GenerateName(), MaritalStatus = EzBobModels.Enums.MaritalStatus.Married, Gender = Gender.M, DateOfBirth = DateTime.Today }, TrustPilotStatusID = (int)TrustPilotStauses.Neither, GreetingMailSentDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Vip = false, WhiteLabelId = null, BrokerID = null, GoogleCookie = "kind of google cookie", ReferenceSource = "lalalalala", AlibabaId = null, IsAlibaba = false, OriginID = 1 }; CampaignSourceRef campaignSourceRef = new CampaignSourceRef() { RSource = "Direct", RDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; decimal requestedLoan = 10000; //TODO: update test for customer address and customer phone (two last nulls) var infoAccumulator = customerSignUp.UpdateCustomer(customer, requestedLoan, customer.ReferenceSource, GenerateVisitTimesString(), campaignSourceRef, null, null); Assert.False(infoAccumulator.HasErrors, "expected no errors"); CustomerQueries realCustomerQueries = new CustomerQueries("Server=localhost;Database=ezbob;User Id=ezbobuser;Password=ezbobuser;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"); var customerQueriesMock = new Mock <ICustomerQueries>(); // customerQueriesMock.SetupAllProperties(); Func <string, string, int, string, string, SecurityUser> createUser = (s1, s2, i, s3, s4) => realCustomerQueries.CreateSecurityUser(s1, s2, i, s3, s4); customerQueriesMock.Setup(o => o.CreateSecurityUser(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(createUser); customerQueriesMock.Setup(o => o.UpsertCustomer(It.IsAny <Customer>())) .Returns(() => null); container.Configure(r => r.ForSingletonOf <ICustomerQueries>() .Use(() => customerQueriesMock.Object)); container.EjectAllInstancesOf <CustomerProcessor>(); customerSignUp = container.GetInstance <CustomerProcessor>(); //TODO: update test for customer address and customer phone (two last nulls) infoAccumulator = customerSignUp.UpdateCustomer(customer, requestedLoan, customer.ReferenceSource, GenerateVisitTimesString(), campaignSourceRef, null, null); Assert.True(infoAccumulator.HasErrors, "expected to have errors"); }
/// <summary> /// Updates customer. /// </summary> /// <param name="customer">The customer.</param> /// <param name="requestedAmount">The requested amount.</param> /// <param name="sourceRefList">The source reference list.</param> /// <param name="visitTimeList">The visit time list.</param> /// <param name="campaignSrcRef">The campaign source reference.</param> /// <param name="addresses">The addresses.</param> /// <param name="phoneNumbers">The phone numbers.</param> /// <returns></returns> public InfoAccumulator UpdateCustomer(Customer customer, decimal requestedAmount, string sourceRefList, string visitTimeList, CampaignSourceRef campaignSrcRef, IEnumerable <CustomerAddress> addresses, IEnumerable <CustomerPhone> phoneNumbers) { InfoAccumulator info = new InfoAccumulator(); using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork()) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; int customerId = (int)CustomerQueries.UpsertCustomer(customer); if (customerId < 1) { info.AddError("could not save customer"); return(info); } bool isSuccess = true; if (requestedAmount > 0) { CustomerRequestedLoan requestedLoan = new CustomerRequestedLoan { CustomerId = customerId, Amount = requestedAmount, Created = DateTime.UtcNow }; int id = (int)LoanQueries.UpsertCustomerRequestedLoan(requestedLoan); if (id < 1) { info.AddError("could not save requested loan"); return(info); } } // var session = new CustomerSession() { // CustomerId = customer.Id, // StartSession = now, // Ip = customer.LoginInfo != null ? customer.LoginInfo.RemoteIp ?? "unknown" : "unknown",//TODO: review // IsPasswdOk = true, // ErrorMessage = "Registration" //TODO: do something with this // }; // // isSuccess = CustomerQueries.SaveCustomerSession(session) ?? true; // if (!isSuccess) { // info.AddError("could not save customer session"); // return info; // } if (sourceRefList != null && visitTimeList != null) { isSuccess = CustomerQueries.SaveSourceRefHistory(customer.Id, sourceRefList, visitTimeList) ?? true; if (!isSuccess) { info.AddError("could not save customer ref history"); } } if (campaignSrcRef != null) { isSuccess = CustomerQueries.SaveCampaignSourceRef(customer.Id, campaignSrcRef); if (!isSuccess) { info.AddError("could not save campaign source ref for customer: " + customer.Id); return(info); } } if (customer.AlibabaId != null && customer.IsAlibaba) { AlibabaBuyer alibabaBuyer = new AlibabaBuyer { AliId = Convert.ToInt64(customer.AlibabaId), CustomerId = customer.Id }; isSuccess = AlibabaQueries.CreateAlibabaBuyer(alibabaBuyer) ?? true; if (!isSuccess) { info.AddError("could not create alibaba buyer"); } } if (customer.CustomerAddress != null) { customer.CustomerAddress.CustomerId = customer.Id; isSuccess = CustomerQueries.UpsertCustomerAddress(customer.CustomerAddress) ?? true; if (!isSuccess) { info.AddError("could not save customer address"); } } if (CollectionUtils.IsNotEmpty(addresses)) { foreach (CustomerAddress customerAddress in addresses) { bool?res = CustomerQueries.UpsertCustomerAddress(customerAddress); if (res == null || res.Value == false) { info.AddError("could not save customer address"); return(info); } } } if (CollectionUtils.IsNotEmpty(phoneNumbers)) { foreach (CustomerPhone phone in phoneNumbers) { bool saveCustomerPhone = CustomerQueries.SaveCustomerPhone(phone); if (!saveCustomerPhone) { info.AddError("could not save customer phone"); return(info); } } } unitOfWork.Commit(); return(info); } }
public JsonResult SignUp( User model, string FirstName, string Surname, string signupPass1, string signupPass2, string securityQuestion, string mobilePhone, string mobileCode, string isInCaptchaMode, int whiteLabelId ) { string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); const int idChunkSize = 4; string uniqueID = string.Join("-", Enumerable.Range(0, id.Length / idChunkSize).Select(i => id.Substring(i * idChunkSize, idChunkSize)) ); log.Debug("Sign up client attempt id: '{0}'...", uniqueID); this.cookiesToRemoveOnSignup.Clear(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(GetModelStateErrors(ModelState)); } if (model.SecurityAnswer.Length > 199) { throw new Exception(DbStrings.MaximumAnswerLengthExceeded); } CustomerOrigin uiOrigin = UiCustomerOrigin.Get(); string alibabaID = GetAndRemoveCookie("alibaba_id"); if (uiOrigin.IsAlibaba() && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alibabaID)) { return(Json(new { success = false, errorMessage = "No Alibaba customer id provided.", }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } // if var blm = new WizardBrokerLeadModel(Session); CampaignSourceRef campaignSourceRef = null; if (!blm.BrokerFillsForCustomer) { campaignSourceRef = new CampaignSourceRef { FContent = GetAndRemoveCookie("fcontent"), FMedium = GetAndRemoveCookie("fmedium"), FName = GetAndRemoveCookie("fname"), FSource = GetAndRemoveCookie("fsource"), FTerm = GetAndRemoveCookie("fterm"), FUrl = GetAndRemoveCookie("furl"), FDate = ToDate(GetAndRemoveCookie("fdate")), RContent = GetAndRemoveCookie("rcontent"), RMedium = GetAndRemoveCookie("rmedium"), RName = GetAndRemoveCookie("rname"), RSource = GetAndRemoveCookie("rsource"), RTerm = GetAndRemoveCookie("rterm"), RUrl = GetAndRemoveCookie("rurl"), RDate = ToDate(GetAndRemoveCookie("rdate")), }; } // if string visitTimes = GetAndRemoveCookie("sourceref_time"); var signupModel = new SignupCustomerMultiOriginModel { UserName = model.EMail, Origin = uiOrigin.GetOrigin(), RawPassword = new DasKennwort(signupPass1), RawPasswordAgain = new DasKennwort(signupPass2), PasswordQuestion = Convert.ToInt32(securityQuestion), PasswordAnswer = model.SecurityAnswer, RemoteIp = RemoteIp(), FirstName = FirstName, LastName = Surname, CaptchaMode = isInCaptchaMode == "True", MobilePhone = mobilePhone, MobileVerificationCode = mobileCode, BrokerFillsForCustomer = blm.BrokerFillsForCustomer, WhiteLabelID = whiteLabelId, IsTest = (Request.Cookies["istest"] != null) ? true : (bool?)null, CampaignSourceRef = campaignSourceRef, GoogleCookie = blm.BrokerFillsForCustomer ? string.Empty : GetAndRemoveCookie("__utmz"), ReferenceSource = blm.BrokerFillsForCustomer ? "Broker" : GetAndRemoveCookie("sourceref"), AlibabaID = blm.BrokerFillsForCustomer ? null : GetAndRemoveCookie("alibaba_id"), ABTesting = GetAndRemoveCookie("ezbobab"), VisitTimes = visitTimes, FirstVisitTime = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(visitTimes), RequestedLoanAmount = GetAndRemoveCookie("loan_amount"), RequestedLoanTerm = GetAndRemoveCookie("loan_period"), BrokerLeadID = blm.LeadID, BrokerLeadEmail = blm.LeadEmail, BrokerLeadFirstName = blm.FirstName, }; log.Debug( "Sign up client attempt id: '{0}', model is {1}.", uniqueID, signupModel.ToLogStr() ); try { log.Debug("Sign up client attempt id: '{0}', requesting backend sign up.", uniqueID); UserLoginActionResult signupResult = this.serviceClient.Instance.SignupCustomerMultiOrigin(signupModel); log.Debug("Sign up client attempt id: '{0}', backend sign up complete.", uniqueID); MembershipCreateStatus status = (MembershipCreateStatus)Enum.Parse( typeof(MembershipCreateStatus), signupResult.Status ); log.Debug("Sign up client attempt id: '{0}', status is {1}.", uniqueID, status); if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail) { return(Json( new { success = false, errorMessage = signupResult.ErrorMessage, }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet )); } // if if ((status != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signupResult.ErrorMessage)) { throw new Exception(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signupResult.ErrorMessage) ? string.Format("Failed to sign up (error code is '{0}').", uniqueID) : signupResult.ErrorMessage ); } // if ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IEzbobWorkplaceContext>().SessionId = signupResult.SessionID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Session["UserSessionId"] = signupResult.SessionID; this.context.SetSessionOrigin(uiOrigin.GetOrigin()); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.EMail, false); HttpContext.User = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(model.EMail), new[] { "Customer" }); RemoveCookiesOnSignup(); log.Debug("Sign up client attempt id: '{0}', sign up complete.", uniqueID); return(Json( new { success = true, antiforgery_token = AntiForgery.GetHtml().ToString(), refNumber = signupResult.RefNumber, }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet )); } catch (Exception e) { log.Alert(e, "Failed to sign up, client attempt id: {0}.", uniqueID); return(Json( new { success = false, errorMessage = string.Format( "Failed to sign up, please call support (error code is '{0}').", uniqueID ), }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet )); } // try } // SignUp