TextAsset[] prefabText; //現在のモードの出現マップ // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { mapTask = GetComponent <MapTask>(); cameraTask = GetComponent <CameraTask>(); prefabText = Resources.LoadAll <TextAsset>(GetPath.MainStage); CreatePrefab(Vector2Int.zero, StartMapData()); CreateMap(RandomMapData()); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { skyJumpNum = 0; rBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); boxCol = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); buttonTask = Utility.GetButton(); cameraTask = Utility.GetCamera(); swordPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(GetPath.GamePrefab + "/Sword"); jumpEffect = Resources.Load <GameObject>(GetPath.GamePrefab + "/JumpEffect"); }
public virtual void Awake() { cameraTask = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraTask>(); }
static TaskParameter[] SetupTasks(string bootMsg) { Func<int, int> toMin = (sec) => sec * 60; Func<int, int> toHour = (sec) => sec * 60 * 60; var healthCheck = new HealthCheck(); var twitterCheck = new TwitterCheck(); var ddnsTask = new DdnsTask(); var cameraTask = new CameraTask(); var bootMsgTask = TaskParameter.OneShot("boot", 0, (taskServer, taskName) => { TwitterManager.Update(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", DateTime.Now, bootMsg)); }); var healthCheckTask = TaskParameter.Periodic("health", 5, toHour(6), healthCheck.Check); var twitterCheckTask = TaskParameter.Periodic("twitter", 10, toMin(10), twitterCheck.CheckTwitter); var updateDdnsTask = TaskParameter.Periodic("ddns", 20, toHour(1), ddnsTask.UpdateTask); var cameraShotTask = TaskParameter.Periodic("camera", /*30*/0, toHour(1), cameraTask.TakePictureTask); var uploadPictureTask = TaskParameter.Periodic("uploadpic", /*40*/0, toMin(10), cameraTask.UploadPictureTask); return new TaskParameter[] { bootMsgTask, healthCheckTask, twitterCheckTask, updateDdnsTask, cameraShotTask, uploadPictureTask, }; }
// Event handler called when the camera capture task is completed private void OnCameraTaskCompleted(object sender, PhotoResult e) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>(); bool status = false; string error = String.Empty; CameraTask cameraTask = sender as CameraTask; string callbackId = cameraTask.CallbackId; if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK) { if (e.Error == null) { CameraOptions options = cameraTask.Options; string filePath = (options.FilePath != null) ? FileManager.GetAbsolutePath(options.FilePath) : FileManager.GetAbsolutePath(new FilePath { Path = Path.GetFileName(e.OriginalFileName), Level = FileLevel.App, StorageType = StorageType.Cache }); result.Add(KEY_PATH, filePath); if (cameraTask.Type == CameraTaskType.PhotoChooser || options.ReadData) { // Load the image as bitmap to know dimensions BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.SetSource(e.ChosenPhoto); int imgWidth = bi.PixelWidth; int imgHeight = bi.PixelHeight; // Get the target dimensions with user requested width/height int width, height; if (options.Width == -1) { if (options.Height == -1) { // Auto width and height. Do nothing. height = imgHeight; width = imgWidth; } else { // Auto width, scale by height float scale = imgHeight / options.Height; width = (int)(imgWidth * scale); height = options.Height; } } else { if (options.Height == -1) { // Auto height, scale by width float scale = imgWidth / options.Width; height = (int)(imgHeight * scale); width = options.Width; } else { // User provided required dimensions. Scale to them. height = options.Height; width = options.Width; } } // Format the image as specified in options // Though width and height can be same as the captured image, // formatting is required as quality might be different try { e.ChosenPhoto.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] data = FormatImage(e.ChosenPhoto, width, height, options.Quality); if (data != null) { try { // Write to File FileManager.WriteDataToFile(filePath, data, false); // Set data in result if (options.ReadData) { result.Add(KEY_DATA, Convert.ToBase64String(data)); } status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error writing picture error = String.Concat(Mowbly.GetString(Constants.STRING_CAMERA_WRITE_PICTURE_ERROR), ex.Message); } } { // Error in formatting picture error = Mowbly.GetString(Constants.STRING_CAMERA_FORMAT_ERROR); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Error formatting picture error = String.Concat(Mowbly.GetString(Constants.STRING_CAMERA_PROCESS_PICTURE_ERROR), ex.Message); } } else { try { // Choose pic with no read FileManager.WriteDataToFile(filePath, e.ChosenPhoto, false); status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // Error writing picture error = String.Concat(Mowbly.GetString(Constants.STRING_CAMERA_WRITE_PICTURE_ERROR), ex.Message); } } } else { // Error in capturing picture error = String.Concat(Mowbly.GetString(Constants.STRING_CAMERA_CAPTURE_ERROR), e.Error.Message); } } else { // User cancelled the task error = Mowbly.GetString(Constants.STRING_ACTIVITY_CANCELLED); } if (status) { InvokeCallbackJavascript(callbackId, new MethodResult { Result = result }); } else { Logger.Error(error); InvokeCallbackJavascript(callbackId, new MethodResult { Code = MethodResult.FAILURE_CODE, Error = new MethodError { Message = error } }); } Logger.Debug(cameraTask.Name + " completed"); }