        /// <summary>
        /// Searches through the <see cref="IScope.DeclaredVariables"/> to see if any of them
        /// <see cref="Matches(IVariableDeclaration)">matches</see>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An enumerable of matching variable declarations.</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <IVariableDeclaration> FindMatches()
            IEnumerable <IVariableDeclaration> matchingVariables = Enumerable.Empty <IVariableDeclaration>();

            if (CallingObject != null)
                matchingVariables = from matchingType in CallingObject.FindMatchingTypes()
                                    from typeDefinition in matchingType.GetParentTypesAndSelf()
                                    from variable in typeDefinition.DeclaredVariables
                                    where Matches(variable)
                                    select variable;
                var matches = from scope in ParentScopes
                              from variable in scope.DeclaredVariables
                              where Matches(variable)
                              select variable;

                var parameterMatches = from method in ParentScope.GetParentScopesAndSelf <IMethodDefinition>()
                                       from parameter in method.Parameters
                                       where Matches(parameter)
                                       select parameter;

                var matchingParentVariables = from containingType in ParentScope.GetParentScopesAndSelf <ITypeDefinition>()
                                              from typeDefinition in containingType.GetParentTypes()
                                              from variable in typeDefinition.DeclaredVariables
                                              where Matches(variable)
                                              select variable;
                matchingVariables = matches.Concat(matchingParentVariables).Concat(parameterMatches);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds matching <see cref="IMethodDefinition">method definitions</see> from the
        /// <see cref="IScope.GetParentScopes()"/> of this usage. Because method calls can also be
        /// to constructors and destructors, this will also search for matching types and then
        /// constructors within those types
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An enumerable of method definitions that match this method call</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <IMethodDefinition> FindMatches()
            IEnumerable <IMethodDefinition> matchingMethods = Enumerable.Empty <IMethodDefinition>();

            if (IsConstructor || IsDestructor)
                IEnumerable <ITypeDefinition> typeDefinitions;
                if (this.Name == "this" || (this.Name == "base" && this.ProgrammingLanguage == Language.CSharp))
                    typeDefinitions = TypeDefinition.GetTypeForKeyword(this);
                    ITypeUse tempTypeUse = new TypeUse()
                        Name        = this.Name,
                        ParentScope = this.ParentScope,
                    typeDefinitions = tempTypeUse.FindMatches();

                matchingMethods = from typeDefinition in typeDefinitions
                                  from method in typeDefinition.GetChildScopesWithId <IMethodDefinition>(typeDefinition.Name)
                                  where Matches(method)
                                  select method;
            else if (CallingObject != null)
                matchingMethods = from matchingType in CallingObject.FindMatchingTypes()
                                  from typeDefinition in matchingType.GetParentTypesAndSelf()
                                  from method in typeDefinition.GetChildScopesWithId <IMethodDefinition>(this.Name)
                                  where Matches(method)
                                  select method;
                var matches             = base.FindMatches();
                var matchingTypeMethods = from containingType in ParentScope.GetParentScopesAndSelf <ITypeDefinition>()
                                          from typeDefinition in containingType.GetParentTypes()
                                          from method in typeDefinition.GetChildScopesWithId <IMethodDefinition>(this.Name)
                                          where Matches(method)
                                          select method;
                matchingMethods = matches.Concat(matchingTypeMethods);
            foreach (var method in matchingMethods)
                yield return(method);