 public static void Process(CalledAllele allele,
                            float minFrequency, int?lowDepthFilter, int?filterVariantQscore, bool filterSingleStrandVariants, float?variantFreqFilter, float?lowGqFilter, int?indelRepeatFilter,
                            RMxNFilterSettings rMxNFilterSettings, float?noCallFilter, float?ampliconBiasFilter, ChrReference chrReference, bool isStitchedSource = false)
     ApplyFilters(allele, lowDepthFilter, filterVariantQscore, filterSingleStrandVariants, variantFreqFilter, lowGqFilter, indelRepeatFilter, rMxNFilterSettings, noCallFilter, ampliconBiasFilter, isStitchedSource, chrReference);
        /// <summary>
        /// Warning. This algorithm has an inherent assumption:
        /// the VS must be in order of their true position (first base of difference).
        /// Thats not always how they appeared in the vcf.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allele"></param>
        /// <param name="clusterVariantSites"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceSequence"></param>
        /// <param name="neighborhoodDepthAtSites"></param>
        /// <param name="clusterCountsAtSites"></param>
        /// <param name="chromosome"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static CalledAllele Create(string chromosome, int alleleCoordinate, string alleleReference,
                                          string alleleAlternate, int varCount, int noCallCount, int totalCoverage, int refSpt, AlleleCategory category, int qNoiselevel, int maxQscore)
            if (totalCoverage < varCount)  //sometimes the orignal vcf and the bam dont agree...
                totalCoverage = varCount;

            // Nima: Commented this line for pics-1017
            //refSpt = totalCoverage - varCount;

            if (category == AlleleCategory.Reference)
                refSpt = varCount;

            var allele = new CalledAllele(category)
                Chromosome        = chromosome,
                ReferencePosition = alleleCoordinate,
                ReferenceAllele   = alleleReference,
                AlternateAllele   = alleleAlternate,
                TotalCoverage     = totalCoverage,
                Type              = category,
                AlleleSupport     = varCount,
                ReferenceSupport  = refSpt,
                NumNoCalls        = noCallCount,
                VariantQscore     = VariantQualityCalculator.AssignPoissonQScore(varCount, totalCoverage, qNoiselevel, maxQscore),
                NoiseLevelApplied = qNoiselevel
