        public ActionResult CallQueueSchedulingReportCompleted(string id, CallQueueSchedulingReportListModel model)
            if (id == null)
                return(Content("Model can't be null."));

            if (model == null || model.Collection == null || model.Collection.Count() < 1)
                return(Content("Model can't be null."));

            var exporter = ExportableDataGeneratorProcessManager <ViewModelBase, ModelFilterBase> .GetCsvExporter <CallQueueSchedulingReportModel>();

            var message = WriteCsv(string.Format("CallQueueCustomerReport_{0}.csv", id), exporter, model.Collection, RequestSubcriberChannelNames.CallQueueSchedulingReportQueue, RequestSubcriberChannelNames.CallQueueSchedulingReportChannel);

        public CallQueueSchedulingReportListModel Create(IEnumerable <CallQueueCustomerCallDetails> callQueueCustomerCallDetailsView, List <Customer> customers,
                                                         IEnumerable <Core.Sales.Domain.CorporateCustomerCustomTag> customerTags, IEnumerable <OrderedPair <long, string> > registeredbyAgentNameIdPair, IEnumerable <Event> events,
                                                         IEnumerable <Organization> organizations, IEnumerable <CallQueue> callQueues)
            var model      = new CallQueueSchedulingReportListModel();
            var collection = new List <CallQueueSchedulingReportModel>();

            callQueueCustomerCallDetailsView.ToList().ForEach(c =>
                var customer = (from cd in customers where cd.CustomerId == c.CalledCustomerId select cd).First();

                var eventDetail = events != null ? events.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == c.EventId) : null;

                var customerTag = "N/A";
                if (customerTags != null && customerTags.Any())
                    var customTag = (from ct in customerTags where ct.CustomerId == c.CalledCustomerId select ct.Tag).ToArray();

                    if (customTag != null && customTag.Any())
                        customerTag = string.Join(", ", customTag);

                var healthPlanName = "N/A";
                if (!organizations.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    healthPlanName = organizations.Single(x => x.Id == c.HealthPlanId).Name;

                var callqueueName = "N/A";

                if (!callQueues.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    callqueueName = callQueues.Single(x => x.Id == c.CallQueueId).Name;

                var agentName = "N/A";
                if (registeredbyAgentNameIdPair != null && registeredbyAgentNameIdPair.Any())
                    agentName = registeredbyAgentNameIdPair.Single(ap => ap.FirstValue == c.CreatedByOrgRoleUserId).SecondValue;

                var callOutreachTime       = String.Format("{0:hh:mm tt}", c.CallDateTime);
                var outreachcallQueueModel = new CallQueueSchedulingReportModel
                    CustomerId  = c.CalledCustomerId,
                    Name        = customer.Name,
                    MemberId    = customer.InsuranceId,
                    DateOfBirth = customer.DateOfBirth,
                    CallDate    = c.CallDateTime.Date,
                    CallTime    = callOutreachTime,
                    EventDate   = eventDetail != null ? eventDetail.EventDate : (DateTime?)null,
                    EventId     = eventDetail != null ? eventDetail.Id.ToString() : "N/A",
                    Agent       = agentName,
                    Tag         = customer.Tag,
                    CustomTags  = customerTag,
                    HealthPlan  = healthPlanName,
                    CallQueue   = callqueueName


            model.Collection = collection;
