/// <summary> /// Transform compound assignments where the return value is not being used, /// or where there's an inlined assignment within the setter call. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Called by ExpressionTransforms. /// </remarks> internal static bool HandleCallCompoundAssign(CallInstruction setterCall, StatementTransformContext context) { // callvirt set_Property(ldloc S_1, binary.op(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1), value)) // ==> compound.op.new(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1), value) var setterValue = setterCall.Arguments.LastOrDefault(); var storeInSetter = setterValue as StLoc; if (storeInSetter != null) { // callvirt set_Property(ldloc S_1, stloc v(binary.op(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1), value))) // ==> stloc v(compound.op.new(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1), value)) setterValue = storeInSetter.Value; } setterValue = UnwrapSmallIntegerConv(setterValue, out var conv); if (!(setterValue is BinaryNumericInstruction binary)) { return(false); } var getterCall = binary.Left as CallInstruction; if (!MatchingGetterAndSetterCalls(getterCall, setterCall)) { return(false); } IType targetType = getterCall.Method.ReturnType; if (!ValidateCompoundAssign(binary, conv, targetType)) { return(false); } if (storeInSetter != null && storeInSetter.Variable.Type.IsSmallIntegerType()) { // 'stloc v' implicitly truncates. // Ensure that type of 'v' must match type of the property: if (storeInSetter.Variable.Type.GetSize() != targetType.GetSize()) { return(false); } if (storeInSetter.Variable.Type.GetSign() != targetType.GetSign()) { return(false); } } context.Step($"Compound assignment to '{getterCall.Method.AccessorOwner.Name}'", setterCall); ILInstruction newInst = new CompoundAssignmentInstruction( binary, getterCall, binary.Right, getterCall.Method.ReturnType, CompoundAssignmentType.EvaluatesToNewValue); if (storeInSetter != null) { storeInSetter.Value = newInst; newInst = storeInSetter; context.RequestRerun(); // moving stloc to top-level might trigger inlining } setterCall.ReplaceWith(newInst); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Transform compound assignments where the return value is not being used, /// or where there's an inlined assignment within the setter call. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Called by ExpressionTransforms. /// </remarks> internal static bool HandleCallCompoundAssign(CallInstruction setterCall, StatementTransformContext context) { // callvirt set_Property(ldloc S_1, binary.op(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1), value)) // ==> compound.op.new(callvirt(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1)), value) var setterValue = setterCall.Arguments.LastOrDefault(); var storeInSetter = setterValue as StLoc; if (storeInSetter != null) { // callvirt set_Property(ldloc S_1, stloc v(binary.op(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1), value))) // ==> stloc v(compound.op.new(callvirt(callvirt get_Property(ldloc S_1)), value)) setterValue = storeInSetter.Value; } if (!(setterValue is BinaryNumericInstruction binary)) { return(false); } var getterCall = binary.Left as CallInstruction; if (!MatchingGetterAndSetterCalls(getterCall, setterCall)) { return(false); } if (!CompoundAssignmentInstruction.IsBinaryCompatibleWithType(binary, getterCall.Method.ReturnType)) { return(false); } context.Step($"Compound assignment to '{getterCall.Method.AccessorOwner.Name}'", setterCall); ILInstruction newInst = new CompoundAssignmentInstruction( binary, getterCall, binary.Right, getterCall.Method.ReturnType, CompoundAssignmentType.EvaluatesToNewValue); if (storeInSetter != null) { storeInSetter.Value = newInst; newInst = storeInSetter; context.RequestRerun(); // moving stloc to top-level might trigger inlining } setterCall.ReplaceWith(newInst); return(true); }
void Run(CallInstruction inst, ILTransformContext context) { if (inst.Method.IsStatic) { return; } if (inst.Method.MetadataToken.IsNil || inst.Method.MetadataToken.Kind != HandleKind.MethodDefinition) { return; } var handle = (MethodDefinitionHandle)inst.Method.MetadataToken; if (!IsDefinedInCurrentOrOuterClass(inst.Method, context.Function.Method.DeclaringTypeDefinition)) { return; } if (!inst.Method.IsCompilerGeneratedOrIsInCompilerGeneratedClass()) { return; } var metadata = context.PEFile.Metadata; MethodDefinition methodDef = metadata.GetMethodDefinition((MethodDefinitionHandle)inst.Method.MetadataToken); if (!methodDef.HasBody()) { return; } var genericContext = DelegateConstruction.GenericContextFromTypeArguments(inst.Method.Substitution); if (genericContext == null) { return; } // partially copied from CSharpDecompiler var ilReader = context.CreateILReader(); var body = context.PEFile.Reader.GetMethodBody(methodDef.RelativeVirtualAddress); var proxyFunction = ilReader.ReadIL(handle, body, genericContext.Value, context.CancellationToken); var transformContext = new ILTransformContext(context, proxyFunction); proxyFunction.RunTransforms(CSharp.CSharpDecompiler.EarlyILTransforms(), transformContext); if (!(proxyFunction.Body is BlockContainer blockContainer)) { return; } if (blockContainer.Blocks.Count != 1) { return; } var block = blockContainer.Blocks[0]; Call call; ILInstruction returnValue; switch (block.Instructions.Count) { case 1: // leave IL_0000 (call Test(ldloc this, ldloc A_1)) if (!block.Instructions[0].MatchLeave(blockContainer, out returnValue)) { return; } call = returnValue as Call; break; case 2: // call Test(ldloc this, ldloc A_1) // leave IL_0000(nop) call = block.Instructions[0] as Call; if (!block.Instructions[1].MatchLeave(blockContainer, out returnValue)) { return; } if (!returnValue.MatchNop()) { return; } break; default: return; } if (call == null || call.Method.IsConstructor) { return; } if (call.Method.IsStatic || call.Method.Parameters.Count != inst.Method.Parameters.Count) { return; } // check if original arguments are only correct ldloc calls for (int i = 0; i < call.Arguments.Count; i++) { var originalArg = call.Arguments[i]; if (!originalArg.MatchLdLoc(out ILVariable var) || var.Kind != VariableKind.Parameter || var.Index != i - 1) { return; } } context.Step("Replace proxy: " + inst.Method.Name + " with " + call.Method.Name, inst); Call newInst = (Call)call.Clone(); newInst.Arguments.ReplaceList(inst.Arguments); inst.ReplaceWith(newInst); }