文件: frmModel.cs 项目: wrbrooks/VB3
        /// <summary>
        /// generate roc plot data for all models in the best-fit models list and makes the plots.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void tabControl2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 3) //do nothing if not roc curves tab selected
                if (listBox1.Items.Count < 1) return;

                if (_list.Count > 0) //if we have models, make plots
                    double lowerbound = 0.0d;
                    double upperbound = 1.0d;
                    GraphPane pane = zgcROC.GraphPane;
                    if (pane.CurveList.Count > 0) pane.CurveList.Clear();
                    pane.Title.Text = "Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves \n for Best-Fit Models";
                    pane.XAxis.Title.Text = "1 - Specificity";
                    pane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Sensitivity";

                    object[] colors = new object[] {Color.DarkSeaGreen, Color.Green, Color.Indigo,
                        Color.ForestGreen, Color.CadetBlue,
                        Color.DarkBlue, Color.DarkViolet, Color.DarkCyan,
                        Color.Blue, Color.DarkGray};

                    object[] symbols = new object[] {SymbolType.Circle, SymbolType.Diamond, SymbolType.Plus,
                        SymbolType.Square, SymbolType.Star, SymbolType.Triangle,
                        SymbolType.TriangleDown, SymbolType.XCross, SymbolType.VDash, SymbolType.HDash};

                    string[] item = new string[2];

                    PointPairList ppl = new PointPairList();

                    //generate the data, make the plots, and fill the listbox with model/areaundercurve info
                    int maxmodelptr = -1;
                    double maxmodelauc = 0;

                    //if there are more models in list than showing... use 10 or use the number in the list
                    int maxNmodels = _list.Count <= 10 ? _list.Count : 10;

                    //initialize a structure for storing roc curve information for all curves...
                    _tableVals = new Dictionary<string,List<object>>();
                    //...and one for individual model
                    List<object> modelRocVals = null;

                    //for (int li = 0; li < list.Count; li++)
                    for (int li = 0; li < maxNmodels; li++)
                        //PointPairList ppl = ROCpoints( (MLRIndividual)list[li]);
                        ppl = ROCpoints((MLRIndividual)_list[li], out modelRocVals);
                        string key = _list[li].Fitness.ToString("##.####");
                        if (!_tableVals.ContainsKey(key))
                            _tableVals.Add(key, modelRocVals);
                        if (ppl != null && ppl.Count > 0)
                            //BasicArrayPointList ppl = ROCpoints((MLRIndividual)list[li]);
                            LineItem curve = pane.AddCurve(_list[li].Fitness.ToString("##.####"), ppl,
                                (Color)colors[li], (SymbolType)symbols[li]);

                            double[] X = new double[ppl.Count];
                            double[] Y = new double[ppl.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < ppl.Count; i++) //there must be a smarter way to do this
                                X[i] = ppl[i].X;
                                Y[i] = ppl[i].Y;

                            //performing integral evaluation with EM Piecewise constant curve instance
                            //(another possibility is the Piecewise linear curve class... splines and
                            //other curve definitions seem like overkill and delegate realfunctions seem
                            //like the wrong approach entirely - requires curve fitting/definition and all
                            //we have are data points for VERY similar curves)
                            Calculus calc = new Calculus(X, Y, lowerbound, upperbound);
                            double auc = calc.PieceWiseConstantCurveIntegrate();

                            //maybe piecewise linear curve is better?
                            calc = new Calculus(X, Y, lowerbound, upperbound);
                            double auc2 = calc.PieceWiseLinearCurveIntegrate();
                            double idiff = auc - auc2;

                            //comment next line to use piecewiseconstant integral calc
                            auc = auc2;

                            item[0] = _list[li].Fitness.ToString("##.####");
                            //item[1] = string.Format("{0:f6}", auc.ToString());
                            item[1] = auc.ToString("#.######");
                            ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(item);

                            if (auc > maxmodelauc)
                                maxmodelauc = auc;
                                maxmodelptr = li;

                    //add the no information trace
                    PointPair orig = new PointPair(0, 0);
                    PointPair extent = new PointPair(1, 1);
                    PointPairList ppl2 = new PointPairList();
                    LineItem curve2 = pane.AddCurve("", ppl2, Color.Black);
                    //curve2.Tag = "NoInfo";
                    curve2.IsVisible = true;

                    pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 1.0;
                    pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1.0;

                    if (pane.CurveList.Count > 1)
                        //highlight the max auc trace
                        LineItem bestcurve = (LineItem)pane.CurveList[maxmodelptr];
                        //bestcurve.Symbol.Size = 12.0f;
                        bestcurve.Line.Width = 3.0f;
                        bestcurve.Line.Color = Color.Red;

                        //highlight the model with the max auc in the listbox
                        //listView3.Items[maxmodelptr].BackColor = Color.Pink;
                        listView3.Items[maxmodelptr].ForeColor = Color.Red;

                        //dump the roc parameters to the table (list)
                        string temp = listView3.Items[maxmodelptr].Text;
                        List<object> vals = _tableVals[temp];

                        MessageBox.Show("The current values for the decision criterion and regulatory standard do not permit ROC curves to be calculated.",
                            "No Appropriate Plot Data", MessageBoxButtons.OK);