    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the horizontal displacement of the user, in the x or z directoin
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fwdAccel">determines if the player is acceleratig fwds</param>
    /// <param name="backAccel">determines if the player is accelerating backwards</param>
    /// <param name="displacementCalculator">which displacement calculator is being used</param>
    private void HorizontalDisplacement(bool fwdAccel, bool backAccel, CalculateDisplacement displacementCalculator)
        //if the player is accelerating fwds and hasnt reached a max velocity of 2
        if (fwdAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() < MAX_SPEED)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user
        else if (!fwdAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() > NO_VALUE && !IsJumping)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user

        //if the player is acceleratting backwards and they are moving less than the max speed
        if (backAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() > -MAX_SPEED)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user
        //if the player is not accelerating backwards anfd they are still moving, they are deccelrating
        else if (!backAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() < NO_VALUE && !IsJumping)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user