private void CheckForIncompleteSkiers() { CalcScoreSummary myCalcScoreSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); DataTable curDataTable = myCalcScoreSummary.getIncompleteSkiers(mySanctionNum); TourPackageButton.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { Application.DoEvents(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }); if (curDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder curMsg = new StringBuilder(""); curMsg.Append("There are " + curDataTable.Rows.Count + " skiers that have incomplete scores or are marked as not ready to ski" + "\nNote that skiers marked as not ready to ski will not be included in the scorebook or the skier performance file"); curMsg.Append("\n\nSkierName AgeGroup Event Round Status"); foreach (DataRow curRow in curDataTable.Rows) { curMsg.Append("\n" + curRow["SkierName"]); curMsg.Append(" " + curRow["AgeGroup"]); curMsg.Append(" " + curRow["Event"]); curMsg.Append(" " + curRow["Round"]); curMsg.Append(" " + curRow["Status"]); } MessageBox.Show(curMsg.ToString()); } }
public void navRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (mySanctionNum != null && myTourRow != null) { String curDataType = "best", curPlcmtMethod = "score", curPointsMethod = ""; String curPlcmtOrg = "", curPlcmtOverallOrg = ""; //String curPlcmtOrg = "div"; CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); // Retrieve data from database depending on selection criteria String curMsg = "Tournament scores retrieved "; if (bestScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "best"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- best scores "; } else if (totalScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "total"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- total scores"; } else if (finalScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "final"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- final scores"; } else if (firstScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "first"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- first scores"; } myTourProperties.TrickScorebookDataType = curDataType; if (nopsPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "nops"; } else if (plcmtPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "plcmt"; } else if (kBasePointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "kbase"; } else if (ratioPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "ratio"; } else { curPointsMethod = "nops"; } myTourProperties.TrickScorebookPointsMethod = curPointsMethod; if (plcmtDivButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "div"; curPlcmtOverallOrg = "agegroup"; EventGroup.Visible = false; } else if (plcmtDivGrpButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "divgr"; curPlcmtOverallOrg = "agegroupgroup"; EventGroup.Visible = true; } else { curPlcmtOrg = "div"; curPlcmtOverallOrg = "agegroup"; EventGroup.Visible = false; } myTourProperties.TrickScorebookPlcmtOrg = curPlcmtOrg; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; scoreSummaryDataGridView.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { Application.DoEvents(); winStatusMsg.Text = "Tournament entries retrieved"; }); String curGroupValue = ""; try { curGroupValue = EventGroupList.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (!(curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals("all"))) { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("ncwsa")) { if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("MEN A")) { curGroupValue = "CM"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN A")) { curGroupValue = "CW"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("MEN B")) { curGroupValue = "BM"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN B")) { curGroupValue = "BW"; } else { curGroupValue = "All"; } } } } catch { curGroupValue = "All"; } if (curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals("all")) { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("iwwf") && curPointsMethod.ToLower().Equals("kbase")) { mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts(myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Scorebook", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, null, null); } else { myTrickDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildOverallSummary(myTourRow, null, myTrickDataTable, null, curDataType, curPlcmtOverallOrg); myMemberData = curCalcSummary.getMemberData(mySanctionNum); myTrickDetail = curCalcSummary.getTrickScoreDetail(myTourRow, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, null, null); mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildTourScorebook(mySanctionNum, myTourRow, myMemberData, mySummaryDataTable, null, myTrickDetail, null); } } else { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("iwwf") && curPointsMethod.ToLower().Equals("kbase")) { mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts(myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Scorebook", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); } else { myTrickDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildOverallSummary(myTourRow, null, myTrickDataTable, null, curDataType, curPlcmtOverallOrg); myMemberData = curCalcSummary.getMemberData(mySanctionNum, curGroupValue); myTrickDetail = curCalcSummary.getTrickScoreDetail(myTourRow, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildTourScorebook(mySanctionNum, myTourRow, myMemberData, mySummaryDataTable, null, myTrickDetail, null); } } loadSummaryDataGrid(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }
public Boolean ExportScorebookPublishFmtData() { String curMethodName = "ExportScorebookPublishFmtData"; Boolean returnStatus = false; StringBuilder outLine = new StringBuilder(""); String curMsg = "", curMemberId = "", curAgeGroup = "", prevAgeGroup = ""; String curFileFilter = "TXT files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; Int16 curRound = 0, curOverallPlcmt = 0; DataRow prevRow = null; DataRow[] curScoreSlalomRows = null, curScoreTrickRows = null, curScoreJumpRows = null; try { curMsg = "Exporting Scorebook Publish Data"; Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":begin: " + curMsg); String curFilename = mySanctionNum.Trim() + "-publish.txt"; StreamWriter outBuffer = getExportFile(curFileFilter, curFilename); if (outBuffer == null) { curMsg = "Output file not available"; } else { String curPlcmtMethod = "score" , curPlcmtOverallOrg = "agegroup" , curDataType = "best" , curPointsMethod = "nops" , curPlcmtOrg = "div"; myProgressInfo = new ProgressWindow(); myProgressInfo.setProgessMsg("Processing Scorebook Publish Data"); myProgressInfo.Show(); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); myProgressInfo.setProgressMax(10); CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); DataTable mySlalomDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); myProgressInfo.setProgressValue(1); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); DataTable myTrickDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); myProgressInfo.setProgressValue(2); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); DataTable myJumpDataTable = curCalcSummary.getJumpSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); myProgressInfo.setProgressValue(3); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); DataTable mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildOverallSummary(myTourRow, mySlalomDataTable, myTrickDataTable, myJumpDataTable, curDataType, curPlcmtOverallOrg); foreach (DataRow curRow in mySummaryDataTable.Rows) { if (((String)curRow["QualifyOverall"]).ToUpper().Equals("YES")) { } else { curRow["ScoreOverall"] = 0; } } myProgressInfo.setProgressValue(4); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); mySummaryDataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "AgeGroup ASC, QualifyOverall Desc, ScoreOverall Desc, SkierName ASC"; DataTable curSummaryDataTable = mySummaryDataTable.DefaultView.ToTable(); myProgressInfo.setProgressMax(mySummaryDataTable.Rows.Count); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); //Build file header line and write to file writeHeader(outBuffer); int curRowCount = 0; foreach (DataRow curRow in curSummaryDataTable.Rows) { curRowCount++; myProgressInfo.setProgressValue(curRowCount); myProgressInfo.Refresh(); curMemberId = curRow["MemberId"].ToString(); curAgeGroup = curRow["AgeGroup"].ToString(); if (curAgeGroup != prevAgeGroup) { if (prevAgeGroup.Length > 0) { outBuffer.WriteLine(""); curOverallPlcmt = 0; } //Write skier identification information outLine = new StringBuilder(""); outLine.Append(writeDivisionHeader(outBuffer, curAgeGroup)); } curScoreSlalomRows = mySlalomDataTable.Select("MemberId = '" + curMemberId + "' AND AgeGroup = '" + curAgeGroup + "'"); curScoreTrickRows = myTrickDataTable.Select("MemberId = '" + curMemberId + "' AND AgeGroup = '" + curAgeGroup + "'"); curScoreJumpRows = myJumpDataTable.Select("MemberId = '" + curMemberId + "' AND AgeGroup = '" + curAgeGroup + "'"); //Initialize control fields prevAgeGroup = curAgeGroup; //Initialize output buffer outLine = new StringBuilder(""); //Write skier identification information outLine.Append(writeSkierInfo(curRow, curRound)); //Write skier performance summary information outLine.Append(writeSkierSlalomScore(curRow, curScoreSlalomRows)); outLine.Append(writeSkierTrickScore(curRow, curScoreTrickRows)); outLine.Append(writeSkierJumpScore(curRow, curScoreJumpRows)); curOverallPlcmt++; outLine.Append(writeSkierOverallScore(curRow, curOverallPlcmt)); //Write output line to file outBuffer.WriteLine(outLine.ToString()); } //Build file footer and write to file outLine = new StringBuilder(""); outBuffer.WriteLine(outLine.ToString()); returnStatus = true; outBuffer.Close(); myProgressInfo.Close(); if (mySummaryDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { curMsg = mySummaryDataTable.Rows.Count + " skiers found and written"; } else { curMsg = "No rows found"; } } MessageBox.Show(curMsg); Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":conplete: " + curMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error:" + curMethodName + " Could not write file from data input\n\nError: " + ex.Message); curMsg = curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message; Log.WriteFile(curMsg); returnStatus = false; } return(returnStatus); }
public ExportScorebookPublishFmt() { // Retrieve data from database mySanctionNum = Properties.Settings.Default.AppSanctionNum; if (mySanctionNum == null) { MessageBox.Show("An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option"); } else { if (mySanctionNum.Length < 6) { MessageBox.Show("An active tournament must be selected from the Administration menu Tournament List option"); } else { CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); DataTable curTourDataTable = getTourData(mySanctionNum); if (curTourDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { myTourRow = curTourDataTable.Rows[0]; myTourRules = (String)myTourRow["Rules"]; myTourClass = myTourRow["Class"].ToString().Trim(); int curSlalomRounds = 0, curTrickRounds = 0, curJumpRounds = 0; try { curSlalomRounds = Convert.ToInt16(myTourRow["SlalomRounds"].ToString()); } catch { curSlalomRounds = 0; } try { curTrickRounds = Convert.ToInt16(myTourRow["TrickRounds"].ToString()); } catch { curTrickRounds = 0; } try { curJumpRounds = Convert.ToInt16(myTourRow["JumpRounds"].ToString()); } catch { curJumpRounds = 0; } if (curSlalomRounds > myTourRounds) { myTourRounds = curSlalomRounds; } if (curTrickRounds > myTourRounds) { myTourRounds = curTrickRounds; } if (curJumpRounds > myTourRounds) { myTourRounds = curJumpRounds; } AgeGroupDropdownList curAgeGroupDropdownList = new AgeGroupDropdownList(myTourRow); myAgeDivDataTable = curAgeGroupDropdownList.AgeDivDataTable; } } } }
public void navRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Retrieve data from database if (mySanctionNum != null && myEvent != null) { String curDataType = "all", curPlcmtMethod = "score"; String curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod; CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); // Retrieve data from database depending on selection criteria String curMsg = "Tournament scores retrieved "; if (bestScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "best"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- best scores "; } else if (totalScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "total"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- total scores"; } else if (finalScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "final"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- final scores"; } myTourProperties.TrickTeamSummaryDataType = curDataType; if (rawScoreButton.Checked) { curPlcmtMethod = "score"; } else if (pointsScoreButton.Checked) { curPlcmtMethod = "points"; } else { curPlcmtMethod = "score"; } myTourProperties.TrickTeamSummaryPlcmtMethod = curPlcmtMethod; if (divPlcmtButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "div"; TeamDiv.Visible = true; } else if (groupPlcmtButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "group"; } else if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "tour"; TeamDiv.Visible = false; } else { curPlcmtOrg = "tour"; TeamDiv.Visible = false; } myTourProperties.TrickTeamSummaryPlcmtOrg = curPlcmtOrg; HCapBase.Visible = false; HCapScore.Visible = false; if (nopsPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "nops"; } else if (plcmtPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "plcmt"; curPlcmtMethod = "score"; } else if (kBasePointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "kbase"; } else if (handicapPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "hcap"; HCapBase.Visible = true; HCapScore.Visible = true; } else if (ratioPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "ratio"; HCapBase.Visible = true; HCapScore.Visible = true; } else { curPointsMethod = "nops"; } myTourProperties.TrickTeamSummaryPointsMethod = curPointsMethod; String curGroupValue = ""; try { curGroupValue = EventGroupList.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (!(curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals("all"))) { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("ncwsa")) { if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("MEN A")) { curGroupValue = "CM"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN A")) { curGroupValue = "CW"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("MEN B")) { curGroupValue = "BM"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN B")) { curGroupValue = "BW"; } else { curGroupValue = "All"; } } } } catch { curGroupValue = "All"; } if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("iwwf")) { curPointsMethod = "kbase"; myScoreDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts(myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Trick", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "Team", curGroupValue); loadScoreDataGrid(myScoreDataTable); myTeamDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummaryTeam(myTeamDataTable, myScoreDataTable, myTourRow, myNumPerTeam, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) { myTeamDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcTeamCombinedSummary(myTourRow, null, myScoreDataTable, null, myNumPerTeam); } } else if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("ncwsa")) { if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "div"; } myScoreDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "Team", curGroupValue); loadScoreDataGrid(myScoreDataTable); myTeamDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummaryTeam(myScoreDataTable, myTourRow, myNumPerTeam, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) { myTeamDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcTeamEventCombinedNcwsaSummary(myTeamDataTable, mySanctionNum); } } else { myScoreDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "Team", curGroupValue); loadScoreDataGrid(myScoreDataTable); myTeamDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummaryTeam(myScoreDataTable, myTourRow, myNumPerTeam, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) { myTeamDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcTeamCombinedSummary(myTourRow, null, myScoreDataTable, null, myNumPerTeam); } } String curSortCmd = ""; if (TeamDiv.Visible) { curSortCmd = "DivOrder ASC, Div ASC, TeamScoreTotal DESC"; } else { curSortCmd = "TeamScoreTotal DESC"; } myTeamDataTable.DefaultView.Sort = curSortCmd; myTeamDataTable = myTeamDataTable.DefaultView.ToTable(); loadTeamDataGrid(myTeamDataTable); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public void navRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // Retrieve data from database if (mySanctionNum != null && myTourRow != null) { String curDataType = "all", curPlcmtMethod = "score"; String curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod; CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary(); // Retrieve data from database depending on selection criteria String curMsg = "Tournament scores retrieved "; if (bestScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "best"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- best scores "; } else if (roundScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "round"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- total scores"; } else if (finalScoreButton.Checked) { curDataType = "final"; winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- final scores"; } myTourProperties.MasterSummaryOverallDataType = curDataType; if (pointsScoreButton.Checked) { curPlcmtMethod = "points"; } else if (handicapScoreButton.Checked) { curPlcmtMethod = "hcap"; } else if (ratioScoreButton.Checked) { curPlcmtMethod = "ratio"; } else { curPlcmtMethod = "points"; } myTourProperties.MasterSummaryOverallPlcmtMethod = curPlcmtMethod; EventGroup.Visible = false; if (groupPlcmtButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "group"; EventGroup.Visible = true; } else if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "tour"; } else if (plcmtDivButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "div"; } else if (plcmtDivGrpButton.Checked) { curPlcmtOrg = "divgr"; EventGroup.Visible = true; } else { curPlcmtOrg = "tour"; } myTourProperties.MasterSummaryOverallPlcmtOrg = curPlcmtOrg; if (nopsPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "nops"; } else if (plcmtPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "plcmt"; } else if (kBasePointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "kbase"; } else if (ratioPointsButton.Checked) { curPointsMethod = "ratio"; } else { curPointsMethod = "nops"; } myTourProperties.MasterSummaryOverallPointsMethod = curPointsMethod; String curFilterSetting = "All"; if (showAllButton.Checked) { curFilterSetting = "All"; } else if (showQlfyButton.Checked) { curFilterSetting = "Qualifed"; } else { curFilterSetting = "All"; } myTourProperties.MasterSummaryOverallFilter = curFilterSetting; /* * if ( EventGroup.Visible ) { * SlalomLabel.Location = new Point( 208, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * TrickLabel.Location = new Point( 573, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * JumpLabel.Location = new Point( 830, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * OverallLabel.Location = new Point( 1062, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * } else { * SlalomLabel.Location = new Point( 168, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * TrickLabel.Location = new Point( 533, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * JumpLabel.Location = new Point( 790, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * OverallLabel.Location = new Point( 1022, SlalomLabel.Location.Y ); * } */ String curGroupValue = ""; try { curGroupValue = EventGroupList.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (!(curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals("all"))) { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("ncwsa")) { if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("MEN A")) { curGroupValue = "CM"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN A")) { curGroupValue = "CW"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("MEN B")) { curGroupValue = "BM"; } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN B")) { curGroupValue = "BW"; } else { curGroupValue = "All"; } } } } catch { curGroupValue = "All"; } if (curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals("all")) { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("iwwf") && curPointsMethod.ToLower().Equals("kbase")) { mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts(myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Overall", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, null, null); } else { mySlalomDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); myTrickDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); myJumpDataTable = curCalcSummary.getJumpSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod); mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildOverallSummary(myTourRow, mySlalomDataTable, myTrickDataTable, myJumpDataTable, curDataType, curPlcmtOrg); } } else { if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals("iwwf") && curPointsMethod.ToLower().Equals("kbase")) { mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts(myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Overall", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); } else { mySlalomDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); myTrickDataTable = curCalcSummary.getTrickSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); myJumpDataTable = curCalcSummary.getJumpSummary(myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue); mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildOverallSummary(myTourRow, mySlalomDataTable, myTrickDataTable, myJumpDataTable, curDataType, curPlcmtOrg); } } loadSummaryDataGrid(); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }