public float GetExecutePercentage() { string executeName = CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Execute; if (executeName == null || executeName == "") { return(0f); } Spell execute = GetSpell(executeName); if (!execute.IsCastable()) { return(0f); } if (execute is SoulFire) { return(CalcOpts.ThirtyFive); } else { return(CalcOpts.TwentyFive); } }
private void SetupSpells(bool execute) { Priorities = new List <Spell>(); foreach (string spellName in CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().GetPrioritiesForCalcs(Talents, execute)) { Spell spell = GetSpell(spellName); if (spell.IsCastable() && (!execute || spell.IsCastDuringExecute())) { Priorities.Add(spell); if (!CastSpells.ContainsKey(spellName)) { CastSpells.Add(spellName, spell); } } } }
public void AddShadowModifiers(SpellModifiers modifiers) { modifiers.AddMultiplicativeMultiplier(Stats.BonusShadowDamageMultiplier); modifiers.AddMultiplicativeMultiplier(Affliction ? .3f : 0f); // Shadow Mastery modifiers.AddMultiplicativeMultiplier(Demonology ? .15f : 0f); if (Affliction) { modifiers.AddAdditiveTickMultiplier(.1304f + (CalcMastery() - 8f) * .0163f); } if (CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Contains("Shadow Bolt") || (CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Contains("Haunt") && Talents.Haunt > 0)) { // we assume a steady state of 3 stacks float[] talentEffects = { 0f, .03f, .04f, .05f }; modifiers.AddMultiplicativeTickMultiplier(talentEffects[Talents.ShadowEmbrace] * 3f); } if (CastSpells.ContainsKey("Haunt")) { modifiers.AddMultiplicativeTickMultiplier(((Haunt)CastSpells["Haunt"]).GetAvgTickBonus()); } }
private void CalcHasteAndManaProcs() { float nonProcHaste = StatUtils.CalcSpellHaste(PreProcStats, CalcOpts.PlayerLevel); if (CalcOpts.NoProcs) { WeightedStat staticHaste = new WeightedStat(); staticHaste.Chance = 1f; staticHaste.Value = nonProcHaste; Haste = new List <WeightedStat> { staticHaste }; AvgHaste = nonProcHaste; return; } // the trigger rates are all guestimates at this point, since the // real values depend on haste (which obviously has not been // finalized yet) Dictionary <int, float> periods = new Dictionary <int, float>(); Dictionary <int, float> chances = new Dictionary <int, float>(); float corruptionPeriod = 0f; if (CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Contains("Corruption")) { corruptionPeriod = 3.1f / nonProcHaste; } PopulateTriggers(periods, chances, CalculationsWarlock.AVG_UNHASTED_CAST_TIME / nonProcHaste + CalcOpts.Latency, 1 / 1.5f, corruptionPeriod, 1f); // calculate the haste procs Haste = new List <WeightedStat>(); WeightedStat[] percentages = GetUptimes(Stats, periods, chances, s => s.SpellHaste, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) => SpecialEffect.GetAverageCombinedUptimeCombinationsMultiplicative(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)); WeightedStat[] ratings = GetUptimes(Stats, periods, chances, s => s.HasteRating, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) => SpecialEffect.GetAverageCombinedUptimeCombinations(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)); for (int p = percentages.Length, f = 0; --p >= 0;) { if (percentages[p].Chance == 0) { continue; } for (int r = ratings.Length; --r >= 0; ++f) { if (ratings[r].Chance == 0) { continue; } WeightedStat s = new WeightedStat(); s.Chance = percentages[p].Chance * ratings[r].Chance; s.Value = (1 + percentages[p].Value) * (1 + StatUtils.GetSpellHasteFromRating(ratings[r].Value + Stats.HasteRating, CalcOpts.PlayerLevel)) * (1 + Stats.SpellHaste); Haste.Add(s); AvgHaste += s.Chance * s.Value; } } // calculate mana procs Stats procStats = new Stats(); foreach (SpecialEffect effect in Stats.SpecialEffects()) { if (!periods.ContainsKey((int)effect.Trigger)) { continue; } Stats proc = effect.GetAverageStats(periods[(int)effect.Trigger], chances[(int)effect.Trigger], CalculationsWarlock.AVG_UNHASTED_CAST_TIME, BossOpts.BerserkTimer); if (proc.ManaRestore > 0) { proc.ManaRestore *= BossOpts.BerserkTimer; } procStats.Accumulate(proc); } Stats.Mana += procStats.Mana; Stats.ManaRestore += procStats.ManaRestore; Stats.ManaRestoreFromMaxManaPerSecond += procStats.ManaRestoreFromMaxManaPerSecond; Stats.Mp5 += procStats.Mp5; }
private float CalcPersonalDps() { // SP & Crit: lock before pet (both affected by procs) // Procs after crit if (CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().GetError() != null) { return(0f); } CalcHasteAndManaProcs(); AvgTimeUsed = Spell.GetTimeUsed(CalculationsWarlock.AVG_UNHASTED_CAST_TIME, 0f, Haste, CalcOpts.Latency); float timeRemaining = BossOpts.BerserkTimer; float totalMana = CalcUsableMana(timeRemaining); float maxMana = StatUtils.CalcMana(PreProcStats, BaseIntellect, CalcOpts.PlayerLevel); float manaFromEffects = totalMana - maxMana; float manaUsed = 0f; // Calculate NumCasts for each spell // execute stage collision delays Spell execute = null; float executePercent = GetExecutePercentage(); string executeName = CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Execute; if (executePercent > 0) { execute = GetSpell(executeName); SetupSpells(true); RecordCollisionDelays(new CastingState(this, execute, executePercent)); } // normal collision delays Spell filler = GetSpell(CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Filler); SetupSpells(false); RecordCollisionDelays(new CastingState(this, filler, 1f - executePercent)); // calc numcasts foreach (Spell spell in Priorities) { float numCasts = spell.GetNumCasts(); timeRemaining -= numCasts * spell.GetAvgTimeUsed(); manaUsed += numCasts * spell.ManaCost; } LifeTap lifeTap = (LifeTap)GetSpell("Life Tap"); if (executePercent > 0) { float executeTime = executePercent * timeRemaining; float taps = lifeTap.AddCastsForRegen(timeRemaining * executePercent, maxMana + (manaFromEffects - manaUsed) * executePercent, execute); executeTime -= taps * lifeTap.GetAvgTimeUsed(); manaUsed += taps * lifeTap.ManaCost; execute.Spam(executeTime); timeRemaining -= executeTime; manaUsed += execute.ManaCost * execute.GetNumCasts(); CastSpells.Add(CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Execute, execute); } timeRemaining -= lifeTap.GetAvgTimeUsed() * lifeTap.AddCastsForRegen(timeRemaining, totalMana - manaUsed, filler); filler.Spam(timeRemaining); if (!CastSpells.ContainsKey(CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Filler)) { CastSpells.Add(CalcOpts.GetActiveRotation().Filler, filler); } foreach (Spell spell in CastSpells.Values) { spell.AdjustAfterCastingIsSet(); } // add procs to RawStats if (CastSpells.ContainsKey("Curse Of The Elements")) { // If the raid is already providing this debuff, the curse will // not actually end up casting, so this will not double-count // the debuff. Stats.BonusFireDamageMultiplier = Stats.BonusShadowDamageMultiplier = Stats.BonusHolyDamageMultiplier = Stats.BonusFrostDamageMultiplier = Stats.BonusNatureDamageMultiplier = PetBuffs.BonusFireDamageMultiplier = PetBuffs.BonusShadowDamageMultiplier = PetBuffs.BonusHolyDamageMultiplier = PetBuffs.BonusFrostDamageMultiplier = PetBuffs.BonusNatureDamageMultiplier = .08f; } float critBuff = CalcAddedCritBuff(); Stats.SpellCritOnTarget += critBuff; PetBuffs.SpellCritOnTarget += critBuff; // create the SpellModifiers object SpellModifiers = new SpellModifiers(); SpellModifiers.AddMultiplicativeMultiplier(Stats.BonusDamageMultiplier); SpellModifiers.AddMultiplicativeMultiplier(Talents.DemonicPact * .02f); SpellModifiers.AddCritOverallMultiplier(Stats.BonusCritDamageMultiplier); if (Talents.Metamorphosis > 0) { SpellModifiers.AddMultiplicativeMultiplier( GetMetamorphosisBonus()); } Stats critProcs = CalcCritProcs(); Stats.CritRating += critProcs.CritRating; Stats.SpellCrit += critProcs.SpellCrit; Stats.SpellCritOnTarget += critProcs.SpellCritOnTarget; SpellModifiers.AddCritChance(CalcSpellCrit()); if (Pet != null) { Pet.CalcStats1(); } float damageDone = CalcRemainingProcs(); if (Pet != null) { Pet.CalcStats2(); } // TODO: Mana Feed talent: You gain 4% total mana whenever your demon critically hits with its Basic Attack. // (PTR: 16% if your pet is a Felguard or Felhunter) // finilize each spell's modifiers. // Start with Conflagrate, since pyroclasm depends on its results. if (CastSpells.ContainsKey("Conflagrate")) { CastSpells["Conflagrate"].FinalizeSpellModifiers(); } foreach (Spell spell in CastSpells.Values) { if (!(spell is Conflagrate)) { spell.FinalizeSpellModifiers(); } } Spell conflagrate = null; float spellPower = CalcSpellPower(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Spell> pair in CastSpells) { Spell spell = pair.Value; if (pair.Key.Equals("Conflagrate")) { conflagrate = spell; continue; // save until we're sure immolate is done } spell.SetDamageStats(spellPower); damageDone += spell.GetNumCasts() * spell.AvgDamagePerCast; } if (conflagrate != null) { conflagrate.SetDamageStats(spellPower); damageDone += conflagrate.GetNumCasts() * conflagrate.AvgDamagePerCast; } return(damageDone / BossOpts.BerserkTimer); }